
EPC Solar Project Manager

Date de publication : 15/07/2024

Requisition ID : 30485

EPC Solar Project Manager

Bienvenue chez ENGIE Belgium ! Chaque jour, nous construisons des solutions énergétiques efficaces qui nous emmènent vers un monde neutre en carbone !


Pour la Global Business Unit Energy Solutions Benelux et son équipe Sun4Business qui développe, finance et construit des installation photovoltaïques pour les entreprises belges, nous recherchons un EPC Solar Project Manager (Engineering, Procurement & Construction) – H/F/X.


NOUS VOUS OFFRONS comme EPC Solar Project Manager (H/F/X)


  • Une contribution active au sein d’ une équipe entreprenante dans un environnement en pleine croissance et évolution, qui a déjà développé, financé et construit 201 installations photovoltaïques en Belgique pour une capacité totale de 100 MWp et avec pour objectif d’atteindre plus de 300MWp opérationnels d’ici 2030.
  • De nombreuses possibilités de développement grâce aux formations théoriques et/ou sur le terrain (Leadership, Project management, Health & Safety, etc.).
  • Une ambiance de travail agréable dans une équipe de 8 personnes où la collaboration, l’expertise et la sécurité sont primordiales.
  • Un package salarial compétitif, avec de nombreux avantages extra-légaux :
    • Un plan de bonus fiscalement optimisé
    • Une assurance hospitalisation et frais médicaux
    • Un plan de retraite attractif
    • Une voiture de société ou une alternative verte via notre plan de mobilité
    • Un abonnement aux transports en commun ; nos bureaux sont à moins de 10 min de la gare Bruxelles Nord
  • Un bon équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie privée avec 34 jours de vacances et possibilité de télétravail jusqu'à 2 jours par semaine
  • Un accueil dans une organisation dynamique et bienveillante engagée dans le bien-être, l'inclusion et la diversité. Nous disposons d'une salle de sport sur place et proposons une variété d'activités dans le cadre du programme ENGIE Body-Mind-Social qui vise à améliorer le bien-être de nos collaborateurs.


VOTRE DÉFI comme EPC Solar Project Manager (H/F/X)


Vous coordonnez tous les aspects des projets photovoltaïques chez nos clients industriels (de taille > 1 MW), en veillant à une livraison en temps voulu, en toute sécurité, et conforme au budget :

  • Vous surveillez et coordonnez le travail des différents fournisseurs et partenaires externes sélectionnés pour chaque aspect du projet.
  • Vous vérifiez la cohérence des solutions techniques du projet et suggérez des améliorations en vue de leur mise en œuvre.
  • Vous gérez simultanément plusieurs projets et fournissez des rapports d'avancement réguliers.
  • Vous négociez, rédigez et gérez les contrats avec les fournisseurs et sous-traitants.
  • Vous gérez les formalités administratives spécifiques à l'EPC, y compris la documentation, les assurances, la coordination de la sécurité et la communication avec les parties prenantes.

Vous collaborez, lors de la phase commerciale, avec l'équipe de développeurs de projets, en aidant à la préparation et à la présentation de documents techniques pour le client.

Vous rapportez directement au EPC manager.



VOTRE PROFIL comme EPC Solar Project Manager (H/F/X)


  • Vous êtes ingénieur industriel, civil ou commercial avec quelques années d’expériences dans la gestion de projets industriels (développement et/ou réalisation).
  • Vous gérez la coordination de vos projets en toute autonomie, de la planification au suivi en passant par la gestion du budget, des contrats, des achats…
  • Vous communiquez aisément tant en néerlandais qu’en français et appréciez collaborer avec différents interlocuteurs (partenaires, collègues, fournisseurs, clients ..)
  • Vous avez une forte affinité et un intérêt pour divers domaines techniques, notamment la construction et l'électricité.
  • Vous aimez voyager vers les sites qui sont répartis sur toute la Belgique






Boulevard Simon Bolivar 36, 1000 Bruxelles






Pour devenir leader de la transition neutre en carbone en Belgique, ENGIE maitrise l’ensemble des métiers de l’énergie : de la production d’énergie à l’optimisation de la consommation, de la recherche et de l’innovation à la maintenance des installations les plus complexes, de l’engineering à la construction et la réalisation de votre projet. Nos 7.000 collaborateurs en Belgique construisent un avenir meilleur pour notre planète.
Un avenir meilleur pour nous tous !

Les GBU Energy Solutions, ce sont 45 000 femmes et hommes engagés dans une mission commune : aider nos clients (villes, collectivités, industriels et grands groupes) à réussir leur transition énergétique par le développement d'infrastructures décentralisées bas carbone et la fourniture d'énergies associées. prestations de service.

Energy Solutions Benelux a contractualisé plus de 100MW de panneaux solaires (plus de 200 sites / 250 000 panneaux solaires) sous la marque ENGIE Sun4Business et installé plus de 1 200 bornes de recharge publiques ENGIE Vianeo.  Ce réseau bénéficie déjà de 18 000 clients uniques.  L’objectif pour le solaire est de développer 200 MW additionnels pour atteindre 320 MW en 2030, soit 25 % du marché cible (asset based), en capitalisant sur la règlementation favorable, l'innovation et l’adaptation aux évolutions du marché.  L’objectif pour la mobilité électrique est de déployer 7 000 bornes publiques (14 000 points de charge, dont 1 700 rapides) à horizon 2030.  Energy Solutions Benelux contribue aux priorités stratégiques définies par ENGIE en Belgique : le renouvelable, la flexibilité (batteries, gestion de la recharge,..) et le client (Energy Transition Maker).  



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SAP Consultant PM

Date de publication : 18/07/2024

Requisition ID : 29708

SAP Consultant PM

Welcome to ENGIE Belgium! Every day, we work together to develop efficient energy solutions to build a carbon neutral future!


Are you looking forward to be part of our Maintenance internal team and propel our Global Enterprise Transformation program? Then we have an interesting opportunity for you  As a SAP Consultant Plant Maintenance (F/M/X), based in our offices in Brussels.


WE OFFER YOU as SAP Consultant Plant Maintenance 


  • A fast growing environment which will allow you to develop yourself
  • Multiple opportunities to work continuously on your technical skills and your soft skills
  • A competitive salary package, with numerous fringe benefits:
    • a fiscally optimized annual bonus plan
    • hospitalization & medical cost insurance for you and your family members
    • attractive pension plan
    • a company car or a green alternative via our Mobility Plan
    • a monthly net allowance & eco-vouchers
  • A good work-life balance with 34 holidays and hybrid working (up to 3 days working from home) and working on a 4/5th regime is also possible
  • A welcome in a dynamic and caring organization which is committed to well-being, ensuring employees can be themselves and EDGE Certified. EDGE Certified organizations have demonstrated their commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, and have been assessed against the highest Global Standards.


YOUR ROLE as SAP Consultant Plant Maintenance 


  • Project Leadership: Lead and manage SAP PM projects and major change requests, ensuring timely and successful delivery.
  • Business Requirements Translation: Work closely with business stakeholders from our Nuclear entity to understand their requirements and translate them into robust SAP PM solutions.
  • System Enhancement: Utilize your expertise in SAP WCM and DMS to optimize and enhance the capabilities of our SAP systems.
  • Configuration and Setup: Configure and review the setup of SAP PM to support maintenance processes, including work clearance management and document management systems.
  • Integration Oversight: Ensure seamless integration of SAP PM with SAP S/4 HANA and FICO-MM modules.
  • Quality Assurance: Oversee the quality of deliverables from IT integrators, ensuring they align with the core model and program guidelines.
  • Solution Validation: Review integrator proposals, challenge their solutions, and ensure they meet our business needs.
  • Design Authority: Secure approvals for design changes and solutions from the design authority, ensuring alignment with overall strategy.
  • Testing Management: Supervise testing phases, ensuring thorough and high-quality testing by IT integrators to validate system performance and reliability.


YOUR PROFILE as SAP Consultant Plant Maintenance 


  • Bachelor degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, or related field.
  • Fluent in Dutch and in English (oral and written)
  • Experience as an SAP Consultant focusing on the PM module or MM module.
  • You know how to prioritize when leading SAP implementation projects.
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to work with people from various cultural and global backgrounds.




Valerie Theys -


We believe any recruitment decision should be a sustainable one , taken by both parties and in full transparency. Don’t hesitate to reach out in case you have specific questions you want to get answered before applying.



Engie Towers Brussels - Boulevard  Simon Bolivar 36 - 1000 Brussles




To become a leader of the carbon-neutral transition in Belgium, ENGIE masters all professions related to the energy sector: from energy production to consumption optimisation, from research and innovation to the maintenance of the most complex installations, from engineering to the construction and implementation of projects. Our 7,000 employees in Belgium are building a better future for our planet.
A better future for all of us!





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Rail Engineer

Date de publication : 12/04/2024

Requisition ID : 24614

Rail Engineer

Tractebel est une société internationale d'ingénierie et de conseil qui propose des solutions intégrées pour des projets d'énergie et d'infrastructures durables. Notre expertise est reconnue dans le monde entier dans de nombreux secteurs tels que le nucléaire, les énergies renouvelables, l'électricité et le gaz, les réseaux électriques, l'hydroélectricité et les barrages, les ressources et l'approvisionnement en eau, le dessalement, les bâtiments complexes et de haute technologie, les infrastructures de transport, les ports et les voies navigables.

En associant la stratégie, la conception, l'ingénierie, les études sociales et environnementales, la gestion de projet et le développement interne d’outils numériques innovants, nous faisons équipe avec les entreprises et les autorités publiques pour créer un impact positif sur les populations et la planète.
Fort de plus de 150 ans d'expérience, Tractebel est aujourd'hui une communauté de plus de 5 500 experts passionnés à travers le monde, qui s'engagent en faveur d'une ingénierie éthique et de la lutte contre le changement climatique. Tractebel fait partie du groupe ENGIE, une référence mondiale en matière d'énergie et de services à faible émission de carbone.


Environnement de travail

Tu travailleras en tant qu'ingénieur en transport, avec un accent sur l'infrastructure ferroviaire ("Light Rail", c'est-à-dire les liaisons de tramway et de métro), depuis notre bureau de Gand de Bruxelles (Gare du Nord) , au sein de notre département Infrastructure des transports, le département de Tractebel qui conçoit/étudie principalement des projets liés aux routes, aux liaisons de tramway, aux aéroports, aux tunnels et aux ponts.

Outre la conception de routes, la conception de systèmes d'égouttage constitue une deuxième partie importante, compte tenu du changement climatique et de l'utilisation durable de l'eau (de pluie).



- Tu participes à des projets d'infrastructure concernant la conception géométrique des voies de tramway et de métro (light rail)

- Tu participes à la conception et aux calculs des installations électriques des stations de traction, des lignes aériennes et à la conception de la signalisation,....

- Tu es responsable de la rédaction des documents d'appels d'offres

- Tu apportes un soutien technique aux chefs de projet

- Tu recherches de manière autonome des solutions techniques

- Tu suis les nouveaux développements dans le domaine



Tu es titulaire d'un master en électromécanique, en sciences industrielles ou en ingénierie (ingénieur industriel ou civil) avec un intérêt marqué pour l'électricité/génie électrique/électronique

Tu es passionné.e par l'électricité et suis de près les développements dans le domaine ferroviaire

Tu as une première expérience professionnelle (idéalement de 3 à 5 ans)

Le travail en équipe est pour toi une évidence et une source de motivation.

Tu es orienté.e client, flexible et tu as de bonnes compétences en matière de communication

Tu as une bonne connaissance pratique de MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) et de MS Project

Tu maîtrises parfaitement le français (obligatoire). Une très bonne connaissance de l'anglais (et du néerlandais) est un plus.

Tu es flexible et ouvert à des missions (ad hoc/très courtes) à l'étranger (Nord de la France/Grand-Duché du Luxembourg)

Tu es en possession d'un permis de conduire B



ID de l'offre d'emploi
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Job Posting Date

Geotechnical Lead Engineer Infrastructure

Date de publication : 28/03/2024

Requisition ID : 12716

Geotechnical Lead Engineer Infrastructure

Geotechnical Lead Engineer Infrastructures


Tractebel is a global community of 5000 imaginative experts engineering a carbon-neutral future. Through our game-changing solutions for complex energy, urban, nuclear and water projects, we help our clients create a positive impact towards a sustainable world, where people, planet and profit collectively thrive. 


Work environment 

The Geo Engineering team, part of the INFRASTRUCTURES Business Area of Tractebel ENGIE, is looking for a passionate and driven Geotechnical Lead Engineer to work on Infrastructure projects. The Geo Engineering team is involved in a wide range of projects in collaboration with other Tractebel and ENGIE Group entities, both in Belgium and internationally.

The Geo Engineering team consists of about 40 engineers (geotechnics, geology, hydrogeology) working on projects in Brussels, Ghent, Antwerp, Hasselt and Namur.



In the team that carries out project studies and monitors project implementation, you are responsible for the following tasks : 

  • You coach, motivate, work with a (small) project team of monodisciplinary engineers (geotechnics, civil engineering, ...) for your projects;
  • You determine the needs and the choice of procedures with regard to
  1. Soil research (geotechnical/geophysical/hydrogeological/geological);
  2. Foundation techniques (pile foundations, soil improvements, foundations on steel);
  3. Stability issues: retaining walls, slope stability, etc. and drawing up the technical specifications for them.
  • You execute calculations;
  • You draw up the technical specifications for the above;
  • You interpret the results of soil research;
  • You are responsible for the classic and special calculations, the modelling of terrains and the interaction between soil and structures;
  • You are responsible for ensuring that the budget, the agreed scope, the timing and the quality of the engineering works are carried out as required. You ensure that the projects assigned to you are carried out in accordance with our quality system and our H&S rules;
  • You support (young) engineers by actively participating in their training program



  • You are a civil or industrial engineer (civil engineering, mining/geotechnical, bioengineering)
  • You have at least 10 years of experience in the field of calculations and are specialised/interested in geotechnical engineering;
  • You have knowledge of the classic geotechnical software packages (Plaxis, Flac, D-Sheet, Foxta...) or are willing to learn to use them;
  • You are fluent in Dutch and have a good knowledge of English. Knowledge of French is a plus.
  • You have good communication skills and are a team player;
  • You are dynamic, flexible, can work autonomously, like to take initiatives, are quick to take decisions, have a listening ear and offer the customer tailor-made solutions;
  • You are stress-resistant and know how to keep your focus under pressure with a healthy dose of assertiveness and diplomacy;
  • You are looking for a mix of field work and office work. 


Our offer

  • An attractive compensation package with fringe benefits such as a company car with fuel card, meal vouchers, hospitalization insurance, annual bonus, internet reimbursement and much more.
  • An interesting and varied job in an international environment with a good work/life balance.
  • A stable work environment where professional growth and development are stimulated (via the Tractebel School and the ENGIE University).
  • A permanent contract to ensure the roles offered are in accordance with your skills, interests, career goals and lifestyle.



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Battery Energy Storage Technical Expert

Date de publication : 06/11/2023

Requisition ID : 16412

Battery Energy Storage Technical Expert

Unlock Your Potential as a Battery Energy Storage Technical Expert with ENGIE!

Are you a professional with a solid experience in industry and minimum 3 years of experience in battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)? Ready to take your career to the next level and make a lasting impact on the future of energy?


Look no further than ENGIE! At ENGIE, we are committed to be Net Zero Carbon by 2045 and accelerate the transition to a carbon-neutral world. We believe in a balanced and diversified energy mix to accelerate the development of low-carbon, affordable and resilient energy systems. Also, we consider, that flexible assets, and in particular battery storage, play a crucial role in ensuring the security of supply and the integration of renewable energies in the grid.

As a global leader in sustainable energy, ENGIE has the ambition to deploy 10 GW of BESS worldwide by 2030. To reach this ambition, the ENGIE Global BESS Business Team, overlooking the development of battery storage in the Group, is looking for talented Battery Energy Storage technical experts like you.


Here's why you should choose us:

Meaningful Work: At ENGIE, your work directly contributes to a cleaner, more sustainable future. As a Battery Energy Storage Technical Expert, you'll play a pivotal role in developing cutting-edge energy storage solutions that reduce carbon emissions and enhance energy efficiency.

Innovation: We're at the forefront of energy innovation. ENGIE is constantly exploring new technologies and approaches to energy storage, which means you'll have the opportunity to work on groundbreaking projects and shape the industry's future.

Growth and Development: Your professional growth matters to us. ENGIE offers comprehensive training and development programs to ensure you're always learning and advancing in your career. We believe in nurturing your talents and helping you achieve your full potential.

Global Reach: ENGIE gives you the chance to work on international projects and collaborate with a diverse group of professionals. Your expertise will have a global impact.

Sustainability at the Core: We're committed to sustainability, and it's not just a buzzword for us. It's at the core of our values and operations. Joining ENGIE means joining a company dedicated to creating a greener, more sustainable world.

If you're a professional with a solid experience in industry and a passion for energy storage and sustainability, ENGIE is the place for you. Join us in building a cleaner, greener future, and be a part of a team that's making a real difference in the world. Apply now to embark on an exciting journey as a Battery Energy Storage Technical Expert with ENGIE! Your skills and innovation will help us shape the energy landscape of tomorrow.


Description of the Role:

The Battery Energy Storage Technical Expert will serve as the referent within the company on all technical aspects related to battery energy storage systems (BESS). The technical expert will support project teams in technology selection, design, engineering, execution, and optimization of BESS projects in various geographies, ensuring successful BESS industrialization and standardization at ENGIE.

Key Responsibilities:

Technical Expertise and Support:

Provide deep technical knowledge on BESS design, engineering, execution, operations & maintenance.

Support project teams with battery technology selection, sizing, and system integration.

Recommend improvements to enhance availability, performance, reliability, and lifespan of storage solutions.

Process Development & Standardization:

Ensure compliance with all applicable ENGIE policies, procedures, standards, and guidelines for BESS.

Establish processes, protocols, and guidelines for BESS projects to ensure consistency and high-quality execution.

Continuously improve and refine processes based on lessons learned from past projects.

Industrialization & Scale:

Lead efforts to industrialize BESS solutions, driving scalability, cost-efficiency, and standardization.

Collaborate with suppliers, manufacturers, and other industry stakeholders to leverage technical best practices and innovations, together with ENGIE’s teams (BESS Procurement & Digital, Laborelec Storage Lab).

Peer Reviews & Due Diligence:

Conduct and oversee technical peer reviews to validate project viability and ensure best practices are adhered to.

Lead technical due diligence efforts on new technologies, partnerships, or acquisitions in the BESS domain.

Training & Knowledge Transfer:

Mentor and train project teams on BESS-related technical topics, ensuring the consistent upskilling of company personnel.

Facilitate the exchange of technical knowledge and best practices across global teams.

Key Skills and Competences:

Technical Proficiency: Deep understanding of battery technologies, power electronics, grid integration, and energy storage system design.

Project Management: Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously and guide teams to successful completion.

Process Development: Skill in designing and optimizing workflows and procedures to improve efficiency and quality.

Analytical Capabilities: Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to analyze complex technical challenges and propose solutions.

Collaboration & Communication: Excellent interpersonal skills with the ability to communicate complex technical information to a variety of stakeholders.


Additional Requirements:

Education: Master's degree in Electrical Engineering, Energy Systems, or related fields.

Experience: Solid experience in industry, with a minimum of 3 years of experience in BESS design and deployment focused on Li-Ion technology. Experience in BESS safety, and project deployment (contracting, construction, commissioning) is a plus. Experience in Long Duration Energy Storage (LDES) design is a plus.


Travel: Willingness to travel globally as needed (~20%) to support project teams and engage with stakeholders.


Language: English is a must, French, Dutch, or Spanish would be a plus.

ID de l'offre d'emploi
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Mechanical Engineer LNG

Date de publication : 18/07/2023

Requisition ID : 10887

Mechanical Engineer LNG

What we offer

  • Tractebel is more than a place to work. It’s your chance to evolve alongside top experts on impactful projects around the world. It’s an environment built on team spirit, where you can reach your highest potential. Management actively supports the development of its people, and the opportunities for growth within the ENGIE Group are wide open. 
  • We offer a competitive salary package  including representation allowances, double paid holidays, meal vouchers, eco cheques, bonuses, health insurance, PC purchase plan, ENGIE stock options, and more. 
  • Our mobility plans are customizable to your needs, including a company car, train pass, bike lease, or combinations thereof. You can also swap your company car for the flexible and tax-friendly Belgian Mobility Budget! ** 
  • Flexible, hybrid arrangements enable working from home (2-3 days per week), on-site or on the go. Tractebel participates in your home office expenses, through advantageous purchase programs and generous contributions to your internet and mobile plans. 
  • Holidays: 20 legal days + 12 compensatory leave days (for a full-time work schedule). You can also buy 5 extra days for even more relaxation. 
  • To celebrate our successes, and just have fun, we get together for team sports, afterworks, team -building activities, our annual party, and more. 


Your mission

As Mechanical Engineer LNG in our "GAS to X" department you will contribute to our mission everyday by playing a crucial role in the mechanical engineering studies necessary to design, build or transform LNG terminals with related alternatives such as FSRU, FSU;  gas pipelines; gas compression stations and all what is related to the handling of gas in an industrial environment. The concerned installations cover all natural gas or other special gases (such as H2, CO2,…) transport, including cryogenic lines, and interconnection lines for or from LNG terminals, gas treatment and compression stations.

Your key responsibilities 


  • Integration of the project constraints in the design.
  • Act as Technical Integrator of complex projects consolidating engineering studies from various disciplines (process, electrical, civil, I&C, HSE, etc.)
  • Deliver mechanical engineering services that meet Tractebel’s, its customers' and applicable statutory and regulatory specifications, on time and within budget.
  • Perform technical-economic studies including cost estimates
  • Validation of design and sizing
  • Follow up of the contracting process for these services (bid comparison, technical and economic negotiations, contracting)
  • Evaluate and comment the technical documents issued by contractors and manufacturers
  • Workshop inspections and quality follow-up of equipment prefabrication.
  • On-site follow up of the mechanical erection
  • Will respond to the project engineer / manager
  • Performing of consultancy, (pre)-feasibility, Basic Design, FEED assignments
  • Communicate effectively with the project team and project stakeholders, including the customer.
  • Having a knowledge of piping design


We would love to hear from people with  


  • Civil or industrial engineer background with sound practical knowledge of design and construction follow-up of equipment in gas and industrial installations
  • Extended experience in material knowledge
  • Proficiency in English with good professional knowledge of French or Dutch 

Who you are 


  • You are interested in the gas and energy sector within a multidisciplinary environment
  • You are interested to develop your high level expertise
  • You are an effective communicator who listens and understands client needs
  • You are skilled in providing advice and guidance to the client and transmit your knowledge to other team members
  • You are open to short- and long-term assignments to support construction and client activities
  • The function is open in Brussels but you have interest for international experience and short and mid-term missions abroad
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