SAP SuccessFactors id


Posting date : 16/10/2024

Requisition ID : 36305


Junior Engineer Waterbouw



Klaar om je positieve impact vorm te geven? Sluit je dan aan bij Tractebel, onderdeel van de ENGIE Groep, en onze 5600 gepassioneerde experts wereldwijd die zich iedere dag inzetten om te bouwen aan een duurzamere wereld. Dit is jouw kans om mee te stappen in het avontuur van de eeuw: het versnellen van de energietransitie en de levens van mensen verbeteren met zinvolle projecten. Draag bij aan koolstofneutraliteit in verschillende sectoren, zoals kernenergie, hernieuwbare energie, gas en elektriciteit, elektriciteitsnetten, waterkrachtcentrales en stuwdammen, waterbeheer en -voorziening, ontzilting, complexe en hoogtechnologische gebouwen, transportinfrastructuren en havens en waterwegen. 


Klaar om het verschil te maken? Dan kijken we ernaar uit je te ontmoeten!  


Wat wij bieden  

Tractebel is meer dan een werkplek. Dit is jouw kans om te groeien aan de zijde van topexperts in impactvolle projecten wereldwijd. Deze omgeving is gebouwd op teamgeest waarin je je hoogste potentieel kunt bereiken. Het management steunt actief de ontwikkeling van zijn mensen en er zijn talloze mogelijkheden tot groei binnen de ENGIE Groep.  

Wij bieden een competitief salarispakket, inclusief representatievergoedingen, dubbel betaalde vakantiedagen, maaltijdcheques, ecocheques, bonussen, ziekteverzekering, pc-privéplan, ENGIE-aandelenopties en meer.  

Onze mobiliteitsplannen kunnen aangepast worden aan jouw behoeften: een bedrijfswagen, treinabonnement, leasefiets of combinaties hiervan ... Je kan je bedrijfswagen ook inruilen voor het flexibele en fiscaal gunstige Belgische mobiliteitsbudget!**  

Flexibele hybride regelingen maken telewerken (2-3 dagen per week), werken op locatie of onderweg mogelijk. Via voordelige aankoopprogramma's en genereuze bijdragen aan je mobiele en internetabonnementen deelt Tractebel in de kosten van je thuiskantoor.  

Vakantie: 20 wettelijke dagen + 12 compensatieverlofdagen (voor een voltijds werkschema). Je kunt ook 5 extra dagen kopen voor extra ontspanning.  

Om onze successen te vieren en plezier te maken komen we samen voor teamsporten, afterworks, teambuildingactiviteiten, ons jaarlijkse feest en veel meer. 


Jouw missie   

Als Junior Ingenieur in onze afdeling, Ports and Waterways, draag je elke dag bij aan onze missie door een cruciale rol te spelen in het ontwerpen en uitwerken van onze projecten, zowel door je samenwerking met onze Designers en je seniors, alsook door je contact met onze trouwe klanten.   


Je belangrijkste verantwoordelijkheden 

  • Je neemt de design lead in een deel van een groot marine infrastructure project
  • Je bent klantgericht en communiceert op een constructieve manier met de klant en externe partners over het technisch ontwerp (zoals onze partner in de joint venture, andere ontwerp- en engineeringbureaus, onderaannemers, aannemers tijdens de constructiefase, enz.
  • Voorbereiden van ontwerpen (voorontwerp, basis, aanbesteding, gedetailleerd) voor mariene structuren zoals haven- en waterwegontwikkelingsstudies: Haven Masterplanning, Sluizen, Kademuren, Steigers, Brugfunderingen, Overstromingsgebieden, Dijken, Golfbrekers en analyses uitvoeren om de optimale installatiemethode van deze structuren te vinden; altijd met een open geest voor innovatieve en alternatieve oplossingen. 
  • Je volgt het tekenwerk op en controleert het samen met de CAD-ontwerpers.
  • Je ontwikkelt je technische vaardigheden (SCIA Engineer, DSheet Piling, Ansys, Plaxis, ...).
  • Je speelt een rol bij de uitvoering van onze maritieme infrastructuurprojecten


We horen graag van mensen met   

  • Ervaring met het toepassen van de relevante ontwerpcodes en richtlijnen voor het constructief ontwerp en de interactie tussen grond en constructie van maritieme infrastructuur zoals haveninfrastructuur, kademuren, damwanden, ankers, combiwanden of grote civiele infrastructuurwerken.
  • Ervaring met het ontwerpen van betonwapening in complexe 3D-constructies.
  • Een uitgebreide kennis van de huidige Belgische en Europese ontwerpnormen, wetgeving, praktijkcodes (ISO, EC, NEN, EAU, SB250, SB260...) 
  • Expertise in modelleren met SCIA Engineer, Plaxis en/of GeoStudio of Dsheet is een belangrijke troef.
  • Master of Science in Structural Engineering met een major in 'Dredging and Off-Shore Engineering' of 'Construction Design' of 'Marine Engineering'.
  • Een zeer goede kennis van het Nederlands.


Wie je bent    

  • Een goede kennis van contractbeheer voor publieke klanten.
  • Uitstekende communicatieve vaardigheden. 
  • Kwaliteitsgedreven en werkt klantgericht.



Wie we zijn   

Mensen, ethiek, veiligheid en duurzaamheid zijn onze topprioriteiten. Met Tractebel verkeer je in een unieke positie om een positieve impact te maken op de wereldwijde net zero-doelstellingen. Als drijvende kracht achter deze doelstellingen zien we jou als onze grootste troef. Onze mensen komen op de eerste plaats en diversiteit is onze kracht. Diversiteit biedt immers nieuwe perspectieven die de drijvende kracht zijn achter prestaties en innovatie. Daarom verwelkomen we alle sollicitanten en blijven we ons inzetten voor een inclusieve werkplek. 

Ontdek hier meer over Tractebel, onze activiteiten en waarom je je bij ons zou moeten aansluiten. 

Als een van de 96.000 medewerkers tellende ENGIE Groep kun je een carrière uitbouwen in de baanbrekende ontwikkeling van koolstofarme oplossingen wereldwijd. Elke dag krijg je de kans om een duurzamere wereld vorm te geven.    

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CAD designer - water infrastructure

Posting date : 16/10/2024

Requisition ID : 36304

CAD designer - water infrastructure

CAD Designer - Water Infrastructure



Ready to engineer your positive impact? Then join Tractebel, part of the ENGIE Group, and our 5,600 passionate experts around the globe, driven by shaping a more sustainable world every day. It’s your chance to be a part of the adventure of the century: accelerating the energy transition – while enhancing people’s lives through meaningful projects. Make your contribution to carbon neutrality in markets like nuclear, renewables, power & gas, electrical grids, hydropower & dams, water resources & supply, desalination, complex & high-tech buildings, transport infrastructures, and ports & waterways.  


Are you ready to make a difference? Then we look forward to meeting you!  


What we offer  

Tractebel is more than a place to work. It’s your chance to evolve alongside top experts on impactful projects around the world. It’s an environment built on team spirit, where you can reach your highest potential. Management actively supports the development of its people, and the opportunities for growth within the ENGIE Group are wide open.  

We offer a competitive salary package including representation allowances, double paid holidays, meal vouchers, eco cheques, bonuses, health insurance, PC purchase plan, ENGIE stock options, and more.  

Our mobility plans are customizable to your needs, including a company car, train pass, bike lease, or combinations thereof. You can also swap your company car for the flexible and tax-friendly Belgian Mobility Budget! **  

Flexible, hybrid arrangements enable working from home (2-3 days per week), on-site or on the go. Tractebel participates in your home office expenses, through advantageous purchase programs and generous contributions to your internet and mobile plans.  

Holidays: 20 legal days + 12 compensatory leave days (for a full-time work schedule). You can also buy 5 extra days for even more relaxation.  

To celebrate our successes, and just have fun, we get together for team sports, afterworks, team -building activities, our annual party, and more. 


Your mission   

As a CAD Designer in our Ports and Waterways department you will contribute to our mission everyday by playing a crucial role in the day to day designing of our projects and cooperating with our engineers in order to bring our designs up to the Tractebel standard our clients are used to! 



Your key responsibilities     

  • You are responsible for the execution of Revit/BIM modelling for our marine infrastructure projects 
  • You are responsible for reinforcement modelling in marine and infrastructure projects
  • You assist the project engineer in dimensioning marine infrastructure projects following current Belgian and European standards, legislation, codes of practice and internal guidelines.
  • Prepare designs (preliminary, basis, tender, detailed) for marine structures such as Port & waterways development studies: Port Master planning, locks, Quay walls, Jetties, Bridge foundations, Flooding areas, dikes, Breakwaters and perform analyses to find the optimum installation method of these structures; always with an open mind for innovative and alternative solutions. 
  • You are reporting to the project leader and your team manager
  • You develop your technical skills (BIM, Revit, Autocad…) 
  • You carry out design throughout the execution of our marine infrastructure projects


We would love to hear from people with   

  • A specific interest in applying the relevant design codes and guidelines for the structural design and soil-structure interaction of offshore substructures or other marine infrastructure
  • Experience of designing and drafting marine infrastructure works in 3D drafting software (Revit)
  • Experience in designing concrete reinforcement in complex 3D structures.
  • Knowledge of Design Standards (ISO, EC, NEN, EAU, …)
  • Knowledge of standards for Building Consent (omgevingsvergunning) in Flanders (Belgium) is an asset 
  • Expertise of BIM/ CAD software (3D)  (Revit, Autocad,…)
  • Experience in the following software is a plus Civil 3D, BIM360
  • Knowledge of standard computer programs including spreadsheets and word processing.
  • A Bachelor in Civil Engineering or bachelor in engineering technologies or have 3 years relevant experience
  • A decent knowledge of Dutch


Who we are   

Our top priorities are people, ethics, safety, and sustainability. With Tractebel, you are uniquely positioned to make a positive impact on global net-zero targets. The driving force behind reaching these goals is our greatest asset: you. Our people come first, and our strength is in our diversity. Because diversity leads to fresh perspectives that drive performance and innovation! Therefore, we welcome all applicants and remain committed to an inclusive workplace.


Find out more about Tractebel, our activities and why you should join us here!  

As part of the 96,000-strong ENGIE Group, your career path in pioneering low-carbon solutions around the world knows no limits. Every day is your opportunity to shape a more sustainable world.    

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Senior Energy Engineer

Posting date : 15/10/2024

Requisition ID : 36143

Senior Energy Engineer

Responsible for technical engineering support to the operations teams and to manage team to deal the commercial and industrial clients effectively. Acting as the technical expert in support of Energy Efficiency program delivery for multiple clients. Able to manage client relationships from start to finish - from need assessment, proposal and delivery of the project requirements. Able to work independently and think both tactically and strategically, manage subcontractors and deal with suppliers during their site visits for providing technical support. As an senior energy efficiency engineer you need to have technical and practical knowledge on instruments used for energy audits, energy management and relevant international energy efficiency standards.

Staff Management
- Ensure support and collaboration with operations teams.
- Monitoring and follow-up of functional report (Engineers & technicians )
Customer relationship
- Work in partnership with the client to provide support and response to his requests
- Respond to Client requests, maintain Client relationship.
Energy Audit
- Visit clients, collect initial data, and perform walk through, detailed energy audits and studies
- Analyze data and define building/installation/industrial facility energy profile
- Perform on-site energy audits, develop energy analyses including recommendations for operational efficiencies and identifying Energy Conservations Measures.
- Ensure readings collections and establish energy adjustments formula
- Establishing the benchmarking with peers/similar companies
- Provide support in both pre- and post-sales by attending presentations and managing installations / implementations.
- Support in establishing contracts for energy services (scope, model, savings calculation, M&V,..)
- Manage tenders and subcontractors related to the energy efficiency program of commercial & industries
- Monitor energy consumption and perform measurement and verification
- Create and provide frequent energy performance dashboard/reports
- Collection of Best practices across various sectors and brining the awareness among the team members about the new technologies

• Strong organizational skills & technical expertise in HVAC, major Industrial thermal and electrical equipments
• Leadership skills to manage engineers and technicians
• Problem solver
• Excellent verbal and written communication in English essential
• Strong Presentation & communication skills
• Interpersonal and relationship-building skills.
• Being able to work in stress full situations
• Very good level on Microsoft Office, Excel in particular
• Flexibility and the ability to work on more than one task at a time.
• Planning and distributing the man power for various projects


• Energy / Electrical / Mechanical /HVAC Engineering Degree ideally
• Other technical qualifications are acceptable subject to review.
• CEM/A (Certified Energy Manager/Auditor), CMVP (measurement and verification), LEED O+M certification
• 7+ Years of experience in Energy Management activities


• Experience in energy audit and/or management
• Knowledge about ASHRAE Level-I,II & III audits, IPMVP and ISO50001
• Experience in dealing with direct workforce.
• Project management

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Duty Manager (Cebu)

Posting date : 15/10/2024

Requisition ID : 34553

Duty Manager (Cebu)

Role Summary


The Duty Manager will oversee all building and grounds maintenance. He will be responsible for ensuring the facilities equipment are fully operational. The duty manager will also be responsible for managing contractors, training new employees, and working with third party vendors and coordinating with client. The Duty Manager will directly report to the Facilities Manager.


Key Responsibilities

  • Ensuring all utility systems are inspected & in accordance with regulations
  • Reviewing bids & contracts for third party workers.
  • Coordinating building operations & maintenance services
  • Coordinating all maintenance issues and schedules
  • Directs, through the Building Manager / Property Management Office, the regular operations of the buildings.
  • Ensures that operating rules maximize safety considerations, & that proper and adequate
  • Supervises, through subordinates, the maintenance, technical, & professional staff in carrying out their prescribed functions.
  • Prepares budget, & monitors expenditures to ensure proper and efficient management of funds.
  • Inspects and reviews inspection reports of building facilities to determine long[1]term development needs in order to meet projected increases occupancy and enhance efficiency of equipment.
  • Leads the team in preparing Energy Audit and facilitates its implementation. Help the company in its goal to reduce carbon emissions.
  • Create and Implement 52 Week Preventive Maintenance Plan of Equipment and ensure annual equipment forward registry.
  • Assist the Facilities Manager on Budget Preparation and track profit and loss of his site.



  • Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineer or Electrical Engineer, Facilities, Management, Business Management or related field preferred.
  • Minimum 3-5 years of work experience in facilities management
  • MEPF maintenance
  • Property management
  • Experienced in budget preparation & P&L management
  • Has experienced supervising 15 personnel or more
  • Certification in facilities management is a plus


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Job Posting Date

Business Development Manager - EEPC

Posting date : 15/10/2024

Requisition ID : 33923

Business Development Manager - EEPC




  • Develop and maintain a robust pipeline of business opportunities, directly with internal business teams and through external partners
  • Pre-quality leads and produce indicative offers within tight timelines
  • Constantly adjusting priorities of opportunities and managing client expectations to ensure efficient use of internal resources and maximize the chance of securing contracts
  • Manage tenders and/or firm proposal submissions with internal resources and stakeholders to produce high quality business plans and proposals, meeting challenging client deadlines
  • Manage internal approval processes for project investments
  • Lead contract negotiations with partners and customers with support from technical, legal and financial teams.




  • Graduate of any business of engineering course
  • At least 5 years’ experience in a similar function
  • Basic understanding of financial and accounting concepts
  • Proactive and independent
  • Organized, rigorous, and analytical with strong synthesis skills
  • Communicative, active personality with a strong team spirit
  • Excellent professional writing and presentation skills
  • Ability to show initiative and drive continuous improvements
  • Ability to interact professionally with all organizational levels while maintaining strong ethics and professionalism
  • Excellent problem-solving, organizational, analytical, and critical thinking skills
  • Excellent leadership skills with the ability to drive and influence change management
  • Goal-oriented, driven, and committed, with strong planning and execution capabilities



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Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Posting date : 15/10/2024

Requisition ID : 33683

Environment, Health and Safety Manager


Key Responsibilities

  • Manage & Support all aspects of Health, Safety, Security and Environmental (HSSE) management in the Business Unit through the life of projects from initiation, business development, construction and operation & maintenance (O&M).
  • Manage, organize and supervise all HSSE matters before and during the construction of various small to large projects and O&M at ESP level:
    • Develop and establish a proactive safety culture by implementing the EOSC program and working with the leaders of the ESP organisation and the Regional key stakeholders.
    • Develop, implement and maintain the HSSE policies, management systems & procedures, guidelines, practices, objectives, and tools to reflect these requirements and ensure they are implemented;
    • Establish HSSE plan specific to each project taking into account ENGIE, local regulation, Customer and Contractors plans;
    • Hand over HSSE plan to Operations upon Testing & Commissioning
  • Organize, interface with entities HSSE professionals & provide support and improve HSSE performance, including providing on-ground support to entities as required and ensure strong sharing of best practices and lessons learnt.
  • Build an incident reporting and a learning culture within the ESP organisation.
  • Be a leader who inspires and motivates direct reporting team to perform and excel.
  • With all HSE personnel directly reporting to the ESM HSSE manager, to manage and develop the ESM HSE team and department.
  • Plan, manage & conduct ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 internal audits, external audits.
  • Plan and organize HSE related activities or events to promote and educate staff on good safety culture and good work practices.
  • Review and identify HSE related training requirements for various category of staff to meet the mandatory requirement and also to meet the job requirement.
  • Develop & execute in house training material/video, organize and conduct in house training and maintain training record.
  • Prepare or review publication materials to educate the workforce.
  • Conduct HSE inspection and Incident investigation when necessary.
  • Review legal requirements on HSE aspect & ensure compliance by working with all the relevant peers and stakeholders with ESP and at regional level.
  • Be a supporting focal point to the Head of HSSEQ SEA for security matters
  • Any other matters that relate to HSE directed by direct/functional report.



  • Minimum Degree or Diploma in Engineering, Occupational Safety, Occupational Health, Occupational Hygiene, Ergonomics, Psychology, Physics, Chemistry, Biochemistry or other topics relevant to Occupational Safety and Health;
  • Possess at least 10 years of practical work experience preferably in the chemical industry.
  • Must posses qualification and competency for Safety Officer as pers the DOLE requirements.
  • Possess ISO 14001 & ISO 45001 Internal auditor certification is an advantage


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Job City
Job Posting Date

Energy Engineer

Posting date : 15/10/2024

Requisition ID : 33599

Energy Engineer

Responsible for technical engineering support to the operations teams. Acting as the technical expert in support of program delivery for multiple clients. Able to manage client relationships from start to finish - from need assessment, proposal and delivery. Able to work independently and think both tactically and strategically, manage subcontractors.

Staff Management
- Ensure support and collaboration with operations teams.
- Monitoring and follow-up of functional report (technicians)
Customer relationship
- Work in partnership with the client to provide support and response to his requests
- Respond to Client requests, maintain Client relationship.
Energy Audit
- Visit clients, collect initial data, and perform walk through audits
- Analyze data and define building/installation energy profile
- Perform on-site energy audits, develop energy analyses including recommendations for operational efficiencies and identifying Energy Conservations Measures.
- Ensure readings collections and establish energy adjustments formula
- Provide support in both pre- and post-sales by attending presentations and managing installations / implementations.
- Support in establishing contracts for energy services (scope, model, savings calculation, M&V,..)
- Manage tenders and subcontractors related to the energy efficiency program
- Monitor energy consumption and perform measurement and verification
- Create and provide frequent energy performance dashboard/reports

• Strong organizational skills
• Problem solver
• Excellent verbal and written communication in English essential
• Interpersonal and relationship-building skills.
• Being able to work in stress full situations
• Very good level on Microsoft Office, Excel in particular
• Flexibility and the ability to work on more than one task at a time.

• Energy / Electrical / Mechanical /HVAC Engineering Degree ideally
• Other technical qualifications are acceptable subject to review.
• CEM/A (Certified Energy Manager/Auditor), CMVP (measurement and verification)

• Experience in energy audit and/or management
• Knowledge about ASHRAE, ISO50001
• Experience in dealing with direct workforce.
• Project management

Job Requisition ID on SAP SF
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Job Posting Date

Duty Manager (Cebu)

Posting date : 15/10/2024

Requisition ID : 32101

Duty Manager (Cebu)

Role Summary

The Duty Manager plan, direct and coordinate the operations of an organization. The Duty Manager is responsible for ensuring and improving the performance, productivity, efficiency and profitability of the site and the organizational operations through the provision of effective methods and strategies. He will oversee the whole Terminal 1 & Terminal 2 operations ensuring employee productivity and efficiency in processes. This role will be permanently located in Cebu.

Key Responsibilities


  • Manage hard services (MEPF) encompassing all technical trades (HVAC, Mechl , Elctl., Plumbing, Civil) both for Terminal 1 & 2 area of responsibilities.
  • Focused on equipment maintenance/ availability and submit reports for improvements.
  • Achieve minimum 97% of contractual obligations, meets KPI on Leadership & Management, P&L Management, Support on Management Initiatives, Compliance in EHS & Engie Ethics, Management of stakeholders and statutory compliances.
  • Ensure CMMS work orders are closed on time and with quality.
  • Perform any special projects and other responsibilities as may be determined.
  • Prepares all necessary reports and business reviews for Top Management and Board of Directors.
  • Understand the Terminal operations (passenger flow, peak hours, accessibility to areas, assets) , activities properly coordinated and minimal impact on operations.
  • Manage everything Engie's activities in the terminal, including but not limited to maintenance, breakdowns, fix -it, tenants concerns"
  • Focused on client and passengers seamless experience.



  • Manage a Team of Technical People to achieve a common goal and KPI targets. Ensures proper skills set of the personnel and recommend trainings to ensure there are right people and right skills.
  • Manages personnel shift schedule ensuring they are productive.
  • Conduct daily briefings and turnover with the team, update client as well on daily operations.



  • Prepares budget (OPEX and CAPEX) and manage P&L to ensure proper and efficient management of funds.
  • Ensures reports needed for the billing are submitted on time.
  • Manage the collection of payment.



  • Accident prevention and safety at workplace compliance.
  • Ensures that personnel are complying with the safety KPI protocols and standards.
  • Ensures that personnel are complying on the company’s ethics policy.



  • Manage client expectations and deliverables.
  • Ensures all Vendors are compliant to required service level, standards, KPI and Timeline. This includes the compliances to EHS programs and ETHICS standard of ENGIE.



  • Prepare agreements and ensure tenants comply with good practice, their demise is safe and equipment properly maintained.
  • To manage and oversee all additional works. Do an estimate and submit proposals.



  • Responsible for collating all data and presenting meaningful consumption reports along with analysis.
  • Being able to explore any cost saving initiatives and process improvements.
  • Review utilities consumption (electricity & water) and strive to minimize costs.


  • Point of contact for Airside operations and maintenance which includes Passenger Boarding Bridges (PBB) and Baggage Handling System (BHS).


  • Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering.
  • PRC Licensed


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Job Posting Date

Manager, Business Development (Solar C&I)

Posting date : 15/10/2024

Requisition ID : 24293

Manager, Business Development (Solar C&I)

Key Responsibilities

  • Develop and maintain a robust pipeline of Solar and C&I business opportunities, directly with internal business teams and through external partners
  • Pre-qualify leads and produce indicative offers within tight timelines
  • Constantly adjusting priorities of opportunities and managing client expectations to ensure efficient use of internal resources and maximize the chance of securing contracts
  • Manage tender and/or firm proposal submissions with internal resources and stakeholders to produce high quality business plans and proposals, meeting challenging client deadlines • Manage internal approval processes for project investments
  • Lead contract negotiation with supply chain partners and customers with support from technical, legal, and financial teams



  • Degree in Business/Engineering or equivalent 
  • At least 8 years relevant working experience
  • Strong business acumen and instincts 
  • Goal getting, driven, committed, with strong planning and execution capabilities
  • Ability to interact professionally with all organizational levels while maintaining string ethics and professionalism.



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Job Posting Date

Assistant Project Manager

Posting date : 14/10/2024

Requisition ID : 33493

Assistant Project Manager

Position Overview – Purpose of the Role

The Assistant Project Manager will be responsible for supervising all on-site activities, ensuring smooth execution of both mechanical and non-mechanical works. While the primary focus will be on mechanical systems, the role also involves overseeing overall site operations to ensure that all tasks align with the project’s objectives, timeline, and quality standards. Reporting directly to the Project Manager, this position requires coordination with various stakeholders, including clients, authorities, and internal departments, to successfully deliver energy retrofit projects while maintaining high safety standards and promoting project efficiency.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Oversee daily site activities, with a primary focus on mechanical works, while ensuring the quality and compliance of all on-site activities with project specifications.
  • Review technical drawings and perform calculations for mechanical systems, including chilled water systems, ducting, and pressure drops. Ensure installations meet design specifications and engineering standards.
  • Liaise with stakeholders, including clients, authorities, and internal teams (BMS, electrical, mechanical, safety), to ensure smooth communication and project alignment.
  • Coordinate procurement, selection, and delivery of materials and equipment according to project specifications.
  • Record site progress, ensuring alignment with the project timeline. Validate service providers' payment requests based on completed work and document all activities for internal and client reporting.
  • Prepare and present weekly progress reports to the client, detailing site activities, challenges, and upcoming work.
  • Prepare, review, and ensure approval of engineering submittals such as Material Submittals, Shop Drawings, and Method Statements.
  • Ensure proper implementation and integration of Building Management Systems (BMS) related to HVAC, coordinating with the relevant teams for seamless operations.
  • Enforce on-site health and safety procedures, ensuring compliance with HSE policies and maintaining a zero-incident environment, Perform site safety walks, promoting and enforcing safe work practices.
  • Supervise the testing and commissioning of mechanical systems, ensuring all performance and functional tests are documented.
  • Monitor subcontractor performance, ensuring timely delivery of services and materials. Lead the site team, promoting productivity and adherence to quality standards and project timelines.
  • Address and resolve technical and operational field issues, providing guidance to the team and subcontractors as necessary.
  • Assist in energy retrofit activities, collaborating with audit teams to improve system efficiency.
  • Ensure a smooth handover to the client, providing necessary training and handover documentation to their operations and maintenance team.



  • 3-4 years of experience as a Mechanical Engineer in an engineering, contracting, or similar industry within the GCC.
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering.
  • Familiarity with international codes and standards, such as ASHRAE, CIBSE, and BSRIA, as well as knowledge of KSA building codes.
  • Knowledge of Building Management Systems (BMS) and control of mechanical systems is mandatory, including the ability to establish the sequence of operation for various systems (e.g., FAHUs, AHUs, fans, pumps).
  • Certified Energy Manager (CEM) certification is a plus.
  • Basic knowledge of electrical systems is advantageous.
  • Hands-on experience with MS Office, particularly MS Excel, and AutoCAD.
  • Proven leadership and team management skills, with a focus on safety and compliance with HSE standards.
  • Experience in coordinating with local suppliers and service providers is a plus.
  • Strong IT skills, including proficiency in MS Office and AutoCAD.
  • Project management and scheduling software is Plus.


  • Successful delivery of scope within project timelines and budget.
  • Timely preparation and approval of all mechanical system documentation, including submittals, O&M manuals, and commissioning reports.
  • Zero incidents or breaches of HSE policies on-site.
  • Positive client feedback on project execution and handover.
  • Implementation of new technologies and energy-saving measures within retrofit projects.
  • Compliance with HSE policy
  • No HSE incidents
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