SAP SuccessFactors id

Quality Engineer - Nuclear

Posting date : 02/09/2024

Requisition ID : 23669

Quality Engineer - Nuclear

Functie: Kwaliteitsingenieur

Plaats van tewerkstelling: BRUSSEL, BE

Tractebel is een wereldwijde gemeenschap van 5000 vindingrijke experts die een koolstofneutrale toekomst ontwerpen. Via onze baanbrekende oplossingen voor complexe energie-, stedelijke, nucleaire en waterprojecten helpen wij onze klanten een positieve impact te hebben op een duurzame wereld, waar mensen, planeet en winst samen gedijen. In zee gaan met Tractebel Nucleair betekent kiezen voor een ingenieursbureau met internationaal erkende spitstechnologische knowhow, voornamelijk om 2 redenen:

  • Hooggespecialiseerde multi-disciplinaire expertise, dankzij de belangrijke rol die Tractebel Nucleair de voorbije 60 jaar speelde in de ondersteuning van de uitbater van de Belgische kerncentrales.
  • Expertise in burgerlijke bouwkunde, afkomstig van de historische activiteit van Coyne & Bélier in Frankrijk.

Toetreden tot Tractebel Nucleair betekent toetreden tot een entiteit die werkt aan alle grote nucleaire projecten in België en Frankrijk, evenals aan een groot aantal internationale projecten (Verenigd Koninkrijk, Zuid-Afrika, Brazilië, Canada, enz.).

Tractebel vervoegen betekent ook werken voor een innoverende leider die betrokken is bij ambitieuze projecten die beantwoorden aan nieuwe vereisten: een koolstofarme energiemix, veerkracht en duurzaamheid (hernieuwbare energie, groene waterstof, ontzilting, enz.).



Je rapporteert aan de afdeling Operational Performance van Tractebel Nucleair en bent verantwoordelijk voor het ondersteunen van haar verschillende departementen Projecten en Métiers met de volgende taken:

  • Dagelijks beheer van het geïntegreerd management systeem IMS (kwaliteit, nucleaire veiligheid);
  • Sensibilisatie van de IMS processen  bij de teams (implementatie + training + monitoring + voortdurende ondersteuning);
  • Ondersteunen van de uitrol van processen in projecten en in de activiteiten van de verschillende Métiers;
  • Beheer van non-conformiteiten, klachten en klanttevredenheid;
  • Ondersteuning van het proces van continue verbetering;
  • Ondersteunen en uitvoeren van interne en externe audits (certificering, klant, leverancier, enz.)
  • De toepassing van processen bewaken (interne controles organiseren, indicatoren opstellen en bewaken, afwijkingen identificeren, actieplannen en verbeteracties beheren, enz.)
  • Ondersteuning voor ISO 19443, 45001, 14001 certificering, enz.



Basisopleiding: Met een ingenieursdiploma of gelijkwaardig, beschikt u over een aanzienlijke initiële ervaring m.b.t. kwaliteitsborging als onderdeel van uw opleiding of een andere cursus, idealiter in de nucleaire industrie en in een studiebureau.


Minimaal aantal jaren ervaring: 2 tot 5 jaar


Belangrijkste vaardigheden :

  • kennis van normen (ISO 19443, ISO9001, IAEA GSR Part 2, 10CFR50 App.B, ASME-NQA1, ISO 14001, ISO 45001).
  • rigoureus
  • georganiseerd,
  • autonoom
  • klantgericht
  • teamspeler
  • vlotte redactie van procedures

Software-vaardigheden: office tools

Sectorervaring: Nucleair, idealiter

Taal: Engels/Frans of Engels/Nederlands - Professioneel niveau (lezen, schrijven, spreken)


Dankzij uw inzet en uw succes krijgt u ontwikkelingskansen, met name binnen de groep ENGIE.


Tractebel est une communauté mondiale de 5000 experts imaginatifs qui conçoivent un avenir neutre en carbone. Grâce à nos solutions révolutionnaires pour des projets énergétiques, urbains, nucléaires et hydrauliques complexes, nous aidons nos clients à créer un impact positif vers un monde durable, où les personnes, la planète et le profit prospèrent collectivement.

Rejoindre Tractebel Nucléaire, c’est choisir une ingénierie au savoir-faire de pointe internationalement reconnue, essentiellement pour 2 raisons :

  • Une expertise multi-métier très pointue, du fait de son rôle majeur depuis 60 ans aux côtés de l’exploitant du parc nucléaire en Belgique
  • Une expertise dans le Génie Civil, provenant de l’activité historique Coyne & Bélier en France.

Rejoindre Tractebel Nucléaire, c’est donc avoir l’assurance d’intégrer une entité oeuvrant sur tous les plus grands projets du nucléaire en Belgique, en France et sur un grand nombre à l’international (UK, Afrique du Sud, Brésil, Canada, etc).

Rejoindre Tractebel, c’est aussi travailler pour un leader innovant impliqué sur des projets ambitieux répondant à de nouvelles exigences : mix énergétique décarboné, résilience et durabilité (énergies renouvelables, hydrogène vert, désalinisation, etc).



Rattaché(e) au département Operational Performance de l’entité Tractebel Nucléaire, vous serez en charge principalement d’accompagner les différents départements Projets et Métiers dans les missions suivantes :

  • Gestion journalière du Système de Management Intégré (qualité, sûreté nucléaire)
  • Sensibilisation (mise en place + formation + suivi + animation continue) des équipes aux processus du Système de Management Intégré
  • Accompagnement du déploiement des processus sur les projets et les activités des différents métiers
  • Gestion des non-conformités, réclamations & satisfaction client
  • Animation de l’amélioration continue
  • Accompagnement et exécution des audits internes et externes (certification, clients, fournisseur,…)
  • Surveillance de l’application des processus (organisation de contrôles internes, mise en place et suivi d’indicateurs, identification des écarts, gestion des plans d’actions et des actions d’amélioration...)
  • Support aux certification type ISO 19443, 45001, 14001 …




Formation de base : De formation ingénieur ou équivalent, vous justifiez de 1ères expériences significatives dans le cadre de votre parcours de formation ou autre, idéalement dans le milieu du nucléaire et en bureau d’études pour des activités d’Assurance Qualité.

Nombre d’années d’expérience minimum : 2 à 5 ans

Compétences principales :

  • Connaissance des références normatives (ISO 19443, ISO9001, IAEA GSR Part 2, 10CFR50 App.B, ASME-NQA1, ISO 14001, ISO 45001)
  • Rigoureux
  • Organisé,
  • Autonome,
  • Orientation client
  • Esprit d’équipe
  • Facilité rédactionnelle


Maitrise des logiciels : outils bureautiques

Expérience sectorielle : Nucléaire idéalement

Langue : Anglais/Français ou Anglais/Néerlandais – Niveau professionnel (lu, écrit, parlé)


Votre investissement et votre réussite vous ouvriront des opportunités d’évolution, notamment au sein du groupe ENGIE.





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Upstream Carbon Originator/Trader

Posting date : 14/03/2024

Requisition ID : 23899

Upstream Carbon Originator/Trader

Who we are


ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales (GEMS) provides energy supply solutions and risk management services to support its clients through their decarbonization journey, while optimizing ENGIE’s assets and contributing to value creation.

ENGIE is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services with a leading energy management business, piloted by its entity "Global Energy Management & Sales" who built its savoir-faire managing the Group’s large and diverse asset portfolio over 20+ years.

3,300 employees around the world develop our solutions, through +20 international business platforms. We cover the full energy mix: renewable and thermal power, natural gas & LNG, biomass, environmental products. Our experts provide tailor made solutions based on a wide range of savoir-faire in energy management, with a strong focus on decarbonation and decentralization.

Our +120,00 clients span the entire value chain: producers, asset developers, financial players, utilities, distributors and industrials. Our global reach and strong local presence enable us to offer these diverse clients tailor-made services and respond to rapid changes in mature or emerging markets alike.


Our 4 areas of expertise:

•    Asset management
•    Energy transition services
•    Energy supply & global commodities
•    Risk management & market access

In  GEMS we encourage breakthrough results, team spirit, curiosity and innovation while preserving the right work/life balance for you.
More info on GEMS Hub ( or LinkedIn (





Climate targets are becoming a very important point on the energy transition roadmap of our corporate clients, with many claims being made by 2030.

Within GEMS, the Carbon Desk and APAC Green Solutions Desk aim to develop joint upstream origination capabilities to originate high quality carbon offsets for our global portfolio and manage dynamically our positions to ensure carbon assets turnover.

The role will involve a double reporting line, to the head of carbon desk in Europe and to the head of APAC Green desk in Singapore.





Role & responsibilities


  • Develop relationships with reputable project developers in the APAC region
  • Structure & negotiate long term VERPA with innovative structures adding embedded optionalities in the portfolio in order to grow our network of developers and partners
  • Perform project due diligence to evaluate project risks and identify potential mitigants
  • Follow risk and governance framework to get deals validated and reach PnL targets
  • Collaborate with Trading and Downstream origination teams to develop & pitch structured product offers for their clients
  • Work with downstream origination team to analyze client needs, gather market intelligence and identify industry trends
  • Conduct thorough market research and analysis to inform trading strategies and decisions.
  • Develop and maintain relationships with key market stakeholders, including carbon exchanges, project developers, and brokers.
  • Ensure all trading activities adhere to relevant market regulations and standards.
  • Collaborate with internal teams, providing market insights and data to drive strategic planning and decision-making.
  • Contribute to automate and digitalize operations, processes and reporting




Key skills, knowledge and abilities


  • Around 10 years of experience in Business development/ structured origination with proven track record of closing deals and maintaining strong relationships with suppliers/clients; Preferably focus on energy/carbon markets
  • Passionate about the energy transition & sustainability
  • Strong knowledge of the carbon products and markets (project based carbon standards, technologies and project development processes and global carbon reporting standards (GHG protocol, ..)
  • Master degree in Economics, Finance, Business admin or quantitative studies ideally with evidence of a focus on environmental or sustainability issues
  • Taste for regulatory matters – and ability to link them to business opportunities
  • Strong negotiation skills
  • Experience in Project finance and Portfolio management & trading is a plus
  • Result-oriented hands-on approach and ability to manage multiple workflows.
  • Reliable, rigorous and detail-oriented.
  • Stress resilient.
  • Team player, communicate easily and ability to interact/cooperate with a variety of different profiles (traders, analysts, quants, sales, support functions, etc.)).
  • Excellent written and oral command of English




Location:                             Singapore, with travelling

Business Line/Entity :    GEMS APAC / Engie Energy Marketing Singapore                                               


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Posting date : 06/03/2024

Requisition ID : 23401


El PMO es un miembro del equipo clave que trabajará directamente con el Proponente ayudando a mantener los objetivos, controlar el alcance, controlar el cronograma, controlar la calidad, validar los entregables, controlar el estado de los hallazgos, realizar análisis como por ejemplo recomendar acciones para mejorar los procesos propios de la Auditoría de la obra. 
Además, será la persona encargada de centralizar la información (Control Document), gestionar y coordinar todas las etapas de la Auditoría y Seguimiento Técnico. Su misión es agilizar el desarrollo y envío de los entregables, priorizar las obras ayudar a identificar los riegos y desarrollar planes de acciones para cumplir con los plazos establecidos, dentro de otras. Además, deberá mantener los estándares rigurosos y una investigación 
continua para cubrir las necesidades actuales de la Auditoría. 



- Diplomado en Dirección de Proyectos o similar. (Este título deberá ser entregado junto con la entrega de la oferta). 

-  10 años de experiencia laboral ligados a obras de transmisión eléctrica sobre 220 kV. 

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Posting date : 06/03/2024

Requisition ID : 23399


Auditor de Proyecto


El rol de Auditor corresponde al profesional responsable de todas las etapas de la Auditoría y Seguimiento Técnico, incluyendo la planificación, diseño, ejecución de actividades, la elaboración de los informes y las conclusiones. Representa a la empresa que presta el servicio de Auditoría y Seguimiento Técnico en las comunicaciones con el Coordinador y Adjudicatario, organiza y dirige a los Expertos Técnicos, previene y resuelve conflictos. 



- Poseer un título profesional de Ingeniero Civil Eléctrico o Electricista, Ingeniero Civil Estructural o en Obras Civiles. 

- 15 años de experiencia laboral a cargo de proyectos de transmisión eléctrica en tensiones igual o superior a 220 kV. 

- 5 de los 15 años de experiencia en construcción de Estaciones Conversoras, habiendo dirigido un proyecto HVDC en todas sus etapas, Planificación, Ingeniería, Concesiones y Permisos, Suministro, Construcción y Puesta en Servicio, en puestos tales como Director de Proyecto o Gerente de Proyecto. 

- Acreditar a lo menos 40 horas de formación en Auditoría. 

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Electrical Engineer (m/f/d) for Hydropower Projects

Posting date : 26/02/2024

Requisition ID : 22636

Electrical Engineer (m/f/d) for Hydropower Projects

As Electrical Engineer (m/f/d) for Hydropower Projects you work together with your project team of the Electromechanical Equipment Department at our headquarter in Bad Vilbel (Rhein Main area), Germany or at project offices worldwide on the realization of national and international projects. Your field of activity includes:

•    Project Engineer in the planning of hydropower plants
•    Definition and dimensioning of main and auxiliary electrical equipment 

•    Preparation of feasibility studies and tender documents for construction

•    Evaluation of tenders (technical and commercial proposals)
•    Review of contractors' technical submissions and documentation required for implementation
•    Performance of factory acceptance tests (FATs)
•    Construction supervision and coordination of plant commissioning activities at sites in Germany and abroad
•    Preparation of proposals for engineering services, participation in contract negotiations



We grow together with our employees. We offer the right conditions for this framework conditions: 

  • future-proof workplace that combines medium-sized businesses with global perspectives and sustainability
  • Varied and exciting work in which you can develop professionally and personally. No two days are the same
  • An integrative working environment, characterized by the diversity of our employees and a working atmosphere in which working is fun
  • culture of appreciation, equal opportunities and long-term international development opportunities
  • We support mobile working with the appropriate digital infrastructure and a high degree of freedom to work independently
  • Stay fit with us, thanks to company health promotion, e-bike leasing, company events and joint sporting activities
  • A comprehensive induction as well as a range of further trainings and language courses in a company that always supports you
  • Your recommendations are the best way to identify and secure talent. That is why Tractebel offers an attractive bonus system for employee recommendations


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Projektleiter (m/w/d) Kraftwerkstechnik

Posting date : 26/02/2024

Requisition ID : 22634

Projektleiter (m/w/d) Kraftwerkstechnik

Als Projektleiter Kraftwerkstechnik (m/w/d), arbeiten Sie in einem hochqualifizierten Team von Ingenieuren und Experten im
Bereich thermische Kraftwerke und Green Fuels. In der Abteilung bearbeiten wir Projekte im Rahmen unseres
übergeordneten Zieles der Dekarbonisierung. Dazu gehören Gasturbinenkraftwerke einschl. Gas- und
Dampfturbinen, Kesselanlagen (einschl. Abgasreinigung bis hin zu Carbon Capture) sowie jeglicher Nebenanlagen
bearbeitet. Innerhalb der Abteilung unterstützen wir vermehrt Projekte zur Dekarbonisierung von Sektoren/Industrien,
mittels grünen Wasserstoffs und Folgeprodukten, wie grünem Ammoniak/e-fuels/e-methanol. Unsere Leistungen
erbringen wir als Teil der Tractebel-Gruppe im Inland und weltweit. Ihre Aktivitäten umfassen im Wesentlichen:



  • Erstellung und ingenieurtechnische Umsetzung von Kraftwerksprojekten durch alle Planungsphasen (einschließlich deren Genehmigungsfähigkeit) bis zur Bau- und Inbetriebsetzung
  • Eigenverantwortliche Leitung des Projektes, Leitung des Projektteams und Koordinierung mit dem Kunden
  • Koordinierung interner und externer Partner
  • Sicherstellung der Sach-, Kosten- und Terminziele im Projekt



Wir wachsen gemeinsam mit unseren Mitarbeitern. Dafür bieten wir die passenden Rahmenbedingungen:

  • Ein zukunftssicherer Arbeitsplatz, welcher Mittelstand mit globalen Perspektiven und Nachhaltigkeit verbindet
  • Eine abwechslungsreiche und spannende Arbeit, in der Sie sich fachlich und persönlich weiterentwickeln können. Kein Tag gleicht dem anderen!
  • Ein attraktives Gehalt, umfangreiche Sozialleistungen und Beteiligung am Unternehmenserfolg
  • Wir unterstützen mobiles Arbeiten mit der passenden digitalen Infrastruktur und hohen Freiheitsgraden zum eigenverantwortlichen Arbeiten
  • Integratives Arbeitsumfeld, geprägt von der Vielfältigkeit unserer Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern und einem Betriebsklima in dem Arbeiten Freude macht
  • Gelebte Wertschätzung, Chancengleichheit bei langfristigen internationalen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
  • Eine umfassende Einarbeitungsowie ein großes Angebot an Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen und Sprachkursen in einem Unternehmen, das Sie stets unterstützt
  • Bleiben Sie mit uns fit! Dank betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung, JobRad, Firmenevents und gemeinsamen sportlichen Aktivitäten
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Power Transformer Expert

Posting date : 14/02/2024

Requisition ID : 21388

Power Transformer Expert

Linkebeek, Brussels and suburbs, Belgium – Power Transformer Expert BE Power & Infrastructure



Are you excited about embarking on a journey with us towards a carbon-neutral world?

We are seeking a collaborative colleague who is passionate about making a positive impact on ENGIE Laborelec's success and overall performance. If you have a deep interest in the energy transition, power generation and technology, we urge you to explore this opportunity.


Bring your expertise, grow with us and build your career in a safe and diverse environment.




Who are we?


ENGIE Laborelec is a research and expertise center focused on electrical power technology, with a team of over 370 employees from different backgrounds. We are part of the ENGIE Group, and more particularly the entity ENGIE Research & Innovation. We support the entire electricity value chain, providing customized solutions to a diverse range of customers from various fields and industries. We are dedicated to achieving a net zero carbon future and finding sustainable solutions.





About the team

Our Power & Infrastructure Business Line offers high-value activities and services to ENGIE’s Global Business Units, the power generation sector, grid operators, and end-user industries across Europe. We specialize in applied research and provide on-the-ground technical expertise.





What you’ll be doing


Your responsibilities as a Power Transformer Expert. (F/M/X)


Within our department specialized in Electrical Equipment (EEQ), you have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge technologies and make a significant impact on our customers' operations.

  • Engage in all aspects of the electricity value chain, from production to industry, and stay updated on new transformer technologies and market trends.
  • Collaborate with universities and research centers locally and abroad, and be open to travel for interventions on industrial sites in Belgium and Europe.
  • Draft specifications for transformers, evaluate supplier offers, conduct design reviews, and follow up on manufacturing and construction at supplier facilities.
  • Perform condition assessments, troubleshooting, root cause analysis, simulations, and material analysis for operating transformers




If you identify with any of the following, we encourage you to apply! Do you?


  • Hold a civil or industrial engineering qualification, or equivalent experience, specializing in Electricity or Electro-Mechanics. 
  • Possess proven expertise in Power Transformers and experience in large Power Transformer design. 
  • Demonstrate strong technical and market knowledge to support your recommendations. 
  • Quickly analyze customer issues, develop tailored commercial proposals, and build trusting client relationships with a customer-oriented mindset. 
  • Communicate fluently in English, and are you proficient in Dutch and French, or willing to learn. 




Here's a taste of what Laborelec offers you


  • Flexible Working Environment: A green campus and hybrid workspace (3 days home working/week) offering flexibility for a good work/life balance. 
  • Employee Resource Groups: An exciting position in a leading research and expertise center, with the possibility of further career development within ENGIE. 
  • An inspiring work environment: Shared with bold colleagues from different backgrounds.
  • Learning & Development: Growth is a big reason people choose to join our team. We provide opportunities through “lunch and learn” programs, training, coaching, mentorship programs, and other workshops.
  • Benefits: 34 leave days, 5 days free care for sick children, linen ironing service...
  • Wellness: You will have access to our fun room and fitness space for your enjoyment and well-being




Where we work


Our headquarters is based in Belgium (Linkebeek, near to Brussels), and we have several branches in Europe (France, Germany & the Netherlands), LATAM (Chile) and MESCAT (KSA & UAE).




Our values : The 4B’s


  • Be You, at Laborelec, we encourage you to be yourself and allow your skills and knowledge to shine through.
  • Be Safe, keeping our employees safe is our top priority.
  • Become, as a Laborelec employee, you can build your career.
  • Belong, join our dynamic community at Laborelec and become an integral part of our team. ​​​​




Our commitment


At ENGIE Laborelec, we’re building a diverse, inclusive team where everyone can thrive, reflecting the communities we serve.




We'd love to hear from you if this opportunity sparks your interest.


Your HR contact:

Isabelle Croiset –


We believe any recruitment decision should be a sustainable one , taken by both parties and in full transparency. Don’t hesitate to reach out in case you have specific questions you want to get answered before applying.



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Project Engineer Senior (Civil/Electrical)

Posting date : 14/02/2024

Requisition ID : 21672

Project Engineer Senior (Civil/Electrical)

As the Project Engineer Senior, you will manage the Engineering activities related to design for utility-scale renewables projects (wind, solar, and energy storage) throughout the US and Canada and serve as a main point of contact.


Every day, you provide engineering technical input into projects at various stages (from feasibility/ preliminary to detailed design), coordinate Engineering design efforts with EPC or external consultants to review and comment on design submittals in coordination with support from ENGIE subject matter experts (Civil and Electrical) and manage and ensure all deliverables meet Project specifications. Additionally, you manage external engineering firms, subcontractors as well as various engineering disciplines (civil, electrical, structural, etc.) to achieve the highest level of engineering and design for project execution and actively identify all critical risks, issues and impacts of the project specifically the adequate application of and adherence to corporate health & safety and environmental requirements.


  • Review/monitor contractors’ progress and monitor the progress relating to key project milestones
  • Internal coordination with Development, Engineering, Permitting, GIS and Land group
  • Assist procurement in running RFPs and managing the process to sub-contractors
  • Remain up to date on new technologies and regulatory conditions including utility requirements, vendor qualifications, industry best practices, safety standards, and relevant standards development
  • Travel to perform site assessments, design review meetings and due diligence of development engineering throughout the USA and Canada in support of site evaluation and development and permitting activities



What You’ll Bring

  • Bachelor’s degree in Engineering which you completed courses in civil engineering or electrical engineering or comparable technical knowledge through demonstrated work experience with a solid understanding of power generation plants.
  • Minimum of 5 years of experience in similar positions, managing renewable energy projects and producing standards, specifications, and documentation.
  • Experience and understanding of the owner’s engineer role
  • Experience and understanding of technical due diligence
  • Experience and understanding of commercial contracts and negotiations




Additional Details

  • This role is eligible for our hybrid work policy
  • Must be available to travel domestically  up to 40% of the time and with the need for some overnight trips
  • Must be willing and able to comply with ENGIE’s policy with respect to COVID vaccination and testing 
  • Must be willing and able to comply with all ENGIE ethics and safety policies 



Salary Range: $96,100 – $147,660 USD annually


This represents the average expected pay range for a qualified candidate.

Actual offered salary may depend on geography, experience, industry knowledge, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors.


ENGIE complies with all federal, state, and local minimum wage laws. Actual salary offered may vary depending on geography, experience, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors. 


In addition to base pay, this position is eligible for a competitive bonus / incentive plan.


Your Talent Acquisition Partner can share more specific information regarding the benefits or the salary for the position based on the work location


At ENGIE, we take your well-being seriously. Our comprehensive benefits package includes options for medical, dental, vision, life insurance, employer-paid short-term and long-term disability insurance, ESPP, generous paid time off including wellness days, holidays and leave programs. We also help you plan for retirement by offering a 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan with a company match.  But that's not all – we're dedicated to the health and happiness of your entire family, offering supplemental benefits for full time employees that enhance emotional and physical well-being through all stages of life from family forming to caregiver benefits. Explore our benefits package to see how we can support you. Learn more.




ENGIE North America isn’t just participating in the Zero-Carbon Transition, we’re leading it!  Join us as we develop energy that is renewable, efficient, and accessible to everyone.  


At ENGIE, our goal is to support, promote, and thrive on diversity, equity, and inclusion.  We do so for the benefit of our employees, customers, products and services, and community.  ENGIE is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace, and we are firmly committed to creating an equitable and inclusive environment for all employees.


We are committed to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment.  All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, or other legally protected status.


If you need assistance with this application or a reasonable accommodation due to a disability, you may contact us at This email address is reserved for individuals with disabilities in need of assistance and is not a means of inquiry regarding positions or application status.


We are unable to sponsor or take over sponsorship of an employment visa for this role at any time.


The safety of our employees is our number one priority. All employees at ENGIE have both a duty and the authority to STOP WORK if unsafe acts are observed. 

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Quantitative Analyst

Posting date : 13/02/2024

Requisition ID : 21776

Quantitative Analyst

About US (GEMS):

ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales (GEMS) provides energy supply solutions and risk management services to support its clients through their decarbonization journey, while optimizing ENGIE’s assets and contributing to value creation.

ENGIE is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services with a leading energy management business, piloted by its entity "Global Energy Management & Sales" who built its savoir-faire managing the Group’s large and diverse asset portfolio over 20+ years.

3,300 employees around the world develop our solutions, through +20 international business platforms. We cover the full energy mix: renewable and thermal power, natural gas & LNG, biomass, environmental products. Our experts provide tailor made solutions based on a wide range of savoir-faire in energy management with a strong focus on decarbonation and decentralization.

Our +120,00 clients span the entire value chain: producers, asset developers, financial players, utilities, distributors and industrials. Our global reach and strong local presence enable us to offer these diverse clients tailor-made services and respond to rapid changes in mature or emerging markets alike.

Our 4 expertises:

• Asset management

• Energy transition services

• Energy supply & global commodities

• Risk management & market access


At GEMS we encourage breakthrough results, team spirit, curiosity and innovation while preserving the right work/life balance for you.


More info on GEM Hub ( or LinkedIn (



The Expertise Center (EC) Quantitative Research and Modeling (QRM) within GEMS is a team of 30 quantitative analysts. Its mission is to provide advanced quantitative expertise to all Business Platforms (BP) of GEMS.

The quantitative developer would be part of the “Gas & Oil” quant team (approx. 10 people) but fully dedicated to Market Access Business Platform, and more specifically to Market Making Option Desk.



The quantitative developer should design and provide robust and performant quantitative tools that have a concrete impact on business.


  • Work very closely to the Market Access trading team and understand their business needs, provide them with high-quality quantitative support in their day to day activities.
  • Participate in enhancing existing pricing and managing framework.
  • Deliver ad hoc tactical solution as well as develop new pricer in the official pricing library.
  • Play a key role for developing new products (pricing, managing strategies, various risks identification, cross hedging among existing products).
  • Promote best coding practices that comply with general rules and standards.

Hard skills:

Strong Financial Mathematical background (probabilities, stochastic calculus, various numerical methods : monte-carlo, PDE, ...)

Object-oriented programming skills

A real interest in mathematical models used in Finance

Ability to explain and convey messages about complex issues

Soft skills:

Practical and conceptual thinking

Ability to explain complex issues

Ability to deliver concrete solution


Working together, adaptability

Education and professional background:

Engineering or university degree (Master or PhD) in Computer Sciences, Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Financial Engineering…

Any kind of seniority will be examined, and some experience in Commodity Markets would be appreciated, it is not necessary.


French and English

Programming language (C#, Python, …), Visual Studio,


If you meet these requirements, then you are the talent we are looking for. Do not waste time! 

Apply by attaching your updated CV, regardless your gender.


ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales is committed to create a gender-neutral environment that unlocks the potential of everyone and provide equal employment opportunities for all individuals. 


All our positions are open to people with disabilities, please let your recruiter know if you need reasonable accommodations to be able to participate in the recruitment process, they will be happy to assist you. 


About ENGIE:

Our group is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services. Our purpose (“raison d’être”) is to act to accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral world, through reduced energy consumption and more environmentally-friendly solutions, reconciling economic performance with a positive impact on people and the planet. We rely on our key businesses (gas, renewable energy, services) to offer competitive solutions to our customers. With our 170,000 employees, our customers, partners and stakeholders, we are a community of Imaginative Builders, committed every day to more harmonious progress

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Senior Design Engineer/Expert in Power Electricity - Nuclear

Posting date : 09/02/2024

Requisition ID : 6105

Senior Design Engineer/Expert in Power Electricity - Nuclear

Senior Design Engineer/Expert in Power Electricity - Nuclear


Tractebel is a global community of 5000 imaginative experts engineering a carbon-neutral future. Through our game-changing solutions for complex energy, urban, nuclear and water projects, we help our clients create a positive impact towards a sustainable world, where people, planet and profit collectively thrive. 



Project description

You must be able to manage the various aspects relating to electrical power for construction or renovation projects at conventional and nuclear power stations.


Description de function


  • Take charge of design, use of calculation software’s, perform renovation and optimization studies for electrical systems, in compliance with local and international standards and regulations
  • Set out the ratings of equipment, technical specifications and the general design of electrical systems, including generators, generator protections, generator breakers, power transformers, MV and LV motors, AC and DC electrical boards, DC and Safe AC systems, emergency diesel generating sets, cabling,...
  • As Contract Owner take charge of the invitations to tender, the analysis and technical-commercial negotiation of bids as well as the awarding of contracts for the supply of electrical equipment or services
  • Oversee the management of interfaces relating to other technical disciplines or with the customer’s installation conduct a technical-commercial follow-up of contracts
  • Take part in factory tests, in the supervision of on-site assembly and in commissioning tests for electrical equipment or systems
  • Provide consulting in the field of electrical systems of nuclear and conventional generation units.
  • Keep an eye on changes on the market, best practices as well as advances in electrical/ nuclear standards and regulatory requirements
  • Participate in the improvement of methods used in the electrical engineering field for nuclear generation units


Your Profile


  • You have got a master of electrical or electromechanical engineering
  • Experience in the expertise domain, theorical understanding of stationary and transitory electrical laws and phenomena, deep knowledge of various electrical systems, ageing phenomena,…able to interpret interactions with mechanical aspects
  • You must have an interest in the analysis and research of solutions to a variety of technical problems in the area of electrical power systems
  • You have proficient knowledge of French/Dutch and a good grasp of English
  • Customer-satisfaction must be part of your day-to-day vision
  • You have a dynamic personality and a proactive and innovative approach to work
  • You are independent and have an acute sense of responsibility.
  • You are rigorous
  • You are mobile and open to missions abroad (short or medium-term)
  • You have a VCA certification



What we offer 


  • More than a simple job, we offer you an adventure. We offer you the opportunity to work with the most exciting teams and define the future.
  • We offer you a unique opportunity to challenge yourself to become an expert in your field.
  • We’re radically transparent about the company development, the opportunities and our decisions.
  • An interesting and varied job in an international environment with a good work/life balance.
  • An attractive compensation package with fringe benefits.
  • A permanent contract to ensure the roles offered are in accordance with your skills, interests, career goals and lifestyle.




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