
Strengthening our Social and Societal commitment

ENGIE Group is increasingly concerned by social and societal issues, which are developing in three areas: enhanced dialogue with stakeholders in every area of its business, human rights in a globalized economy, and the increased responsibility companies bear towards their upstream (suppliers) and downstream (customers) supply chains. ENGIE considers these issues to be risks that could turn into problems but also, and perhaps more importantly, as opportunities to see our business grow through more responsible and sustainable methods.


Talent attraction, training and development

The HR policy of the Group sets out to recruit, train, and foster the loyalty of our employees. ENGIE offers its employees opportunities to develop their skills through training programs, career paths and personal development initiatives.

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CSR training for the employees of the Group 

Training courses are regularly organized for employees on topics related to sustainable development and stakeholder engagement.
ENGIE created its Sustainability Academy in 2021 to to facilitate the commitment of each employee, who is also actor of the energy transition. Employees act as internal ambassadors to the Group’s strategy and its operational implementation. All of the Sustainability Academy’s initiatives are created internally thanks to the expertise and efforts of employees. 
The Sustainability Academy facilitates employee engagement through 3 drivers: 


  • Being aware and taking ownership of the Group’s strategy and its operational challenges:
    • an online training program covering the Group’s strategy and its transformation challenges: energy saving measures, the development of biomethane, green finance, carbon offsetting; 
    • training programs covering the energy markets, carbonfree technologies and energy saving measures.
  • Understanding the contribution of each one’s activity to the Group’s strategic objectives: 
    • regardless of one's function, this involves being aware of one’s impact on the energy transition and including tangible questions in each decision-making process: how to improve the management of stakeholders? how to use the Group’s matrix to take the societal and environmental impact of my activity into account? are the framework agreements adapted to the Group’s commitments?
    • a training program dedicated to business developers and sales forces to enhance their skills and respond optimally to our customers' expectations. 
  • Acting on a daily basis for the energy transition and being an ambassador through exemplary behavior:
    • This involves mastering the challenges and associated best practices involved in the energy transition, whether in terms of using IT tools, or in terms of sobriety;
    • the Sustainability Academy is also a framework for sharing skills and experience for more than 4,000 employees across the Group's various geographies.


Diversity, gender equality, inclusion and professional insertion

The Group’s HR policy also ensures a high level of diversity  and mixity , by improving the inclusion of all, including the most vulnerable and minorities, by developing talent and human capital, and by promoting the professional integration and commitment of its employees. 

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ENGIE also promotes inclusive purchasing to encourage the employment of the most disadvantaged populations. In France, the notion of inclusive purchasing is geared towards suppliers who provide access to employment and a sustainable income for people with disabilities, the long-term unemployed or people with no training, as well as companies based in disadvantaged areas and independent SMEs.


Quality of life at work

For several years now, the Group and its subsidiaries have been implementing dedicated actions to improve the quality of life at work for all and to prevent psychosocial risks (“No Mind At Risk” prevention initiative).

No Mind at Risk aims to prevent risks linked to the context in which activities are carried out, developing quality of life at work and preventing psychosocial risks. Priority actions are: 

  • Reinforce the managerial dimension of quality of life at work;
  • Controlling the impact of workplace safety on physical and mental health;
  • Identify and manage the risks associated with organizational adaptations and variability;
  • Identifying and managing risks linked to the “variability of people”.


The Group is also deploying an improvement initiative called “9 commitments for a better quality of life at work”, commitments that every Group employee is invited to respect:

  • “I contribute to a climate of trust based on empathy and mutual respect .”
  • “I am respectful and contribute to the improvement of my working environment .”
  • “ I share information and maintain a constructive dialogue.”
  • “I contribute to teamwork in all of its forms .”
  • “I am attentive to myself and others.”
  • “I recognize the work of my colleagues and offer them praise.”
  • “I take interest in what is happening in my organization to give meaning to my work .”
  • “I am committed to my career path.”
  • “I maintain my work-life balance and that of others.”

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Compensation, social protection and employee savings plans

The Group’s policy is also to offer all employees individualized, fair and competitive remuneration, reflecting individual performance and levels of responsibility, as well as competitive social protection and employee savings schemes in line with the best practices of major international groups.

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Health and safety at work

The Group's social responsibility includes health and safety vigilance. 
For ENGIE, health and safety is an absolute priority. Protecting the lives of all those who work for the Group is at the heart of our actions as a socially responsible company.

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While the health and safety of the Group’s employees and subcontractors is an absolute priority, the safety of our facilities is also a fundamental priority for the Group, not only for its own facilities but for all of those  it carries out on behalf of third parties.

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Societal responsibility towards our various stakeholders

Stakeholder engagement and dialogue

As for wider society, ENGIE Group is making stakeholder dialogue the keystone of its project management and business strategy, with a view to creating sustainable, shared value. This dialogue is the basis of ENGIE's stakeholders engagement policy  and is based on a structured approach that has been tried and tested in the field, benefitting from feedback from past experience.
This dialogue is founded on an understanding of and respect for local communities and indigenous peoples, their culture, working conditions, and salaries, as well as any issues arising from compliance with fundamental Human Rights. 

CSR-related questions from our stakeholders


Just Transition

The transition to a carbon-neutral economy also has important social implications, particularly in the energy sector. The notion of Just Transition stems from the belief that a transition to a more carbon-neutral and sustainable  economy should be conducted in a way that is fair to all stakeholders: workers, consumers, local communities and  suppliers, and should aim to minimize the negative effects of the transition while maximizing its positive effects. 

ENGIE's just transition plan includes ambitious objectives for each of the Group's stakeholders. It aims to: 

  • ensure that customers, and in particular low-income customers, have access to affordable, sustainable energy through innovative offerings, 
  • sustainably develop and preserve local communities through projects whose positive spin-offs contribute to their resilience, 
  • protect and support employees in their social lives, 
  • develop an inclusive purchasing policy that benefits the most virtuous suppliers.
Just transition plan

The socio-economic impacts of its activities 

Aware of our size and the importance of our work, wherever we do it, the Group has decided to improve how it measures and tracks the socio-economic impact of our work, so that we can better understand our ecosystem and sphere of influence and share this analysis in total transparency, and do business more responsibly.
 ENGIE has commissioned the Utopies consulting group to carry out a study to measure the indirect and induced employment generated by its activities in the various countries in which it operates. A summary of the study carried out in 2018 is provided below, pending the results of the 2023 study underway.

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Fighting energy insecurity and promoting access to energy

Amongst the Group’s key concerns for wider society, issues with energy poverty and access to sustainable energy more generally in communities with poor connections to the energy grid, or that are just too isolated to properly benefit, occupy an important place.


ENGIE Rassembleurs d’Energies

The Group contributes to access to energy for all and the fight against energy poverty through the ENGIE Rassembleurs d'Énergies impact fund. ENGIE Rassembleurs d'Énergies invests in social enterprises that promote shared, sustainable growth for all, based on clean, affordable energy and innovative, sustainable business models. The fund focuses on 6 different themes, targeting both financial performance and strong social and environmental impact: sustainable decentralized energy solutions, clean and safe cooking solutions, biogas, energy efficiency and sobriety, the circular economy and sustainable and inclusive mobility. 
By the end of 2022, portfolio companies had provided access to clean, sustainable energy for 7.5 million beneficiaries worldwide, and generated over 32,000 direct and indirect jobs, over 60% of which were held by women. In addition, 21,100 Group employees have invested part of their savings in the FCPE Solidaire ENGIE Rassembleurs d'Énergies, giving meaning to their savings in direct connection with their profession. By the end of 2022, ENGIE Rassembleurs d'Énergies had committed a total of 38.3 million euros, bringing solutions to vulnerable populations.


Energy Assistance 

The Energy Assistance non-profit associations in Belgium (2001), France (2005), Italy (2011) and Monaco (2011) bring together former, active and retired ENGIE Group employees to design and implement energy supply and energy services projects for the most disadvantaged populations, often in isolated areas. Backed by the professional experience of its members, Energy Assistance is active on every continent where the lack of energy infrastructure weighs heavily on people's daily lives, particularly in the fields of health, education and economic development.

The actions of ENERGY ASSISTANCE worldwide, through their members, supported by technical means, help to eliminate poverty by targeting access to resources and to ensure quality education for all by targeting access to pre-school and school education, healthcare, skills and employment, basic learning and education for sustainable development.

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The ENGIE Foundation 

Created in 1992, the ENGIE Corporate Foundation is committed to contributing to the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 

  • Child relief, & Education Access to energy,
  • Biodiversity & Climate
  • Employment & Fight against poverty 

These 3 main priorities meet the following requirements: caring for life and our planet, and meeting the needs of vulnerable or remote populations. 

Every year, we support over a hundred projects around the world. With 50% of its projects dedicated to access to renewable and sustainable energies and to biodiversity by 2022, the ENGIE Foundation is committed to the environment year after year. 
Supporting high-impact projects, participating in the collective effort of the Agenda 2030 and conveying ENGIE's raison d'être: this is what guides the action of the ENGIE Foundation on a daily basis.

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Encouraging its customers’ energy sufficiency 

The Group advocates energy sufficiency and encourages its customers to make energy savings, in particular by advising them on eco-gestures to adopt.

With its 22 million B2C customers, ENGIE contributes to changing behavior in society. In France, for example, with Mon Programme pour Agir, the Group rewards customers who consume less and better, and gives them the power to act in favor of the ecological transition. Today, there are 500,000 active customers, 89 environmental, societal and start-up projects supported, 145,000 participants in electricity reduction challenges for a total saving of 21 GWh (around 2,000 average French households of 4 people). 

Find out more about Mon Programme pour Agir

Due to the temporary reduction in its electricity production capacity, France has launched an energy sobriety plan under which every business and household is called upon to reduce its electricity consumption. Building on its Purpose, ENGIE has set up "Mon Bonus ENGIE", an innovative scheme designed to reward customers who, after registering for the challenge in their customer area, manage to reduce their consumption during peak periods. How does it work? To ensure that the customer who agrees to take part reaches the consumption reduction target set by ENGIE two days before the challenge. If they do, the Group pays them a bonus into a kitty. For Florence Fouquet, Managing Director Global BtoC, "this initiative meets an essential objective: to make everyone aware of the need to optimize their electricity consumption, and to involve them in stabilizing the French electricity system".

Find out more about Mon Bonus ENGIE

Mon Pilotage Elec also enables customers to remotely control their electric radiators, saving up to 15% on their heating bills. Over the next three years, the program is expected to reach a grid shedding capacity of almost 100 MW

Find out more about Mon Pilotage Elec