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By ENGIE - 08 October 2024 - 14:00

Not only because we believe it is essential for our environment, but also because we are convinced that it is an opportunity for our economies and for each and every one of us, our vision of the energy transition is a positive one.

This transition is underway and ENGIE and its 97,000 employees work daily to make it happen.

It is a source of job creation and competitiveness for our companies.

A reliable and affordable decarbonized energy system is possible.


Our ambition: to be Net Zero Carbon by 2045

To fight global warming and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy capacity must be increased threefold worldwide by 2030.


Our goal for 2030: - 60% Greenhouse gas emissions from ENGIE’s worldwide energy production compared to 2017.

We are here: - 51% Greenhouse gas emissions from ENGIE’s worldwide energy production compared to 2017. Find out more

Learn all about our climate commitments


A balanced and diversified energy mix

To achieve the energy transition, ENGIE, the No.1 producer of wind and solar energy in France*,  is devoting over 80% of its growth investment to developing the energy system of the future.  (Find out more here and here).

*ENGIE study, Analyst Pack 2023


Our goal for 2030: 80 GW of ENGIE renewable energy production installed capacity worldwide. 

We are here: 42,4 GW of ENGIE renewable energy production installed capacity worldwide at 06/30/2024. Find out more


1 GW of renewable energy can produce the equivalent of the average annual electricity consumption of almost 1 million people.

Find out more about wind

Find out more about solar


Our contribution to French carbon neutrality?

To reach carbon neutrality by 2050, France has set itself the goal of reaching a level of 33% renewable energy in its energy mix by 2030.

To this end, ENGIE operates almost 500 renewable energy production sites, electric and gas, in the heart of French regions. 

In 2023, the Group invested 450 million euros* in the development of these local energies that strengthen our energy sovereignty and boost our regional economies.

*Internal study


Our goal for 2030: 11 GW of ENGIE renewable energy production installed capacity in France.*

We are here: 8,8 GW of ENGIE renewable energy production installed capacity in France at 06/30/2024.  
Find out more

*Internal study

Learn all about our solar and wind expertise in France


Flexibility solutions, an essential complement to renewable energies

The increased use of electricity and the development of renewable energies will require greater energy storage capacity to adapt to consumer needs and to bring enhanced flexibility to the energy system.

To this end, ENGIE is investing in the large scale development of battery storage systems. Find out more


Our goal for 2030: 10 GW of ENGIE operated battery storage capacity worldwide. Find out more

We are here: 2,2 GW of ENGIE operated battery storage capacity worldwide at 09/23/2024. Find out more


1 GW of battery storage can meet the peak electricity demand of around 500,000 households.
Learn all about battery energy storage



Biomethane, a key role in the energy transition

Buildings in European Union countries must reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by  60% by 2030 compared to 2015.

To this end, ENGIE, the No.1 biomethane producer in France*, is investing 3 billion euros through 2030 in the development of renewable gases, to be used in particular to heat buildings, for industry, and for heavy mobility. Find out more


Our goal for 2030: 10 TWh/year of ENGIE biomethane production capacity in Europe. Find out more

We are here: 1.1 TWh/year of ENGIE biomethane production capacity in Europe in 2023. Find out more


1 TWh of biomethane enables the heating of around 100,000 dwellings yearly.

Learn all about our biomethane expertise



ENGIE is accelerating in customer decarbonization solutions notably thanks to its distributed infrastructures

Collective buildings (residential, schools, administration, hospitals…) must reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 49% by 2030 in France.

To this end,  ENGIE, No.3 heating networks player worldwide, offers its customers collective heat production and distribution systems that favor the use of local renewable energies.


Our goal for 2030: 19 TWh of heat produced by ENGIE networks for buildings in France.

We are here: 13 TWh of heat produced by ENGIE networks for buildings in France in 
2023. Find out more


1 TWh of network-produced heat enables the supply of over 92,000 equivalent dwellings with network-produced heat for one year.
Learn all about heating and cooling networks


Campagne bouteilles


More generally,  ENGIE supports its industrial customers on their decarbonization pathways by providing tailor-made solutions combining renewable energy development and energy efficiency.


Our goal for 2030: 45 million tons of CO2  emissions by our customers avoided yearly worldwide. Find out more

We are here: 25 million tons of CO2  emissions avoided for our customers worldwide in 2023.  Find out more