This initiative translates into three essential actions in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru:
- acquisition and donation of medical equipment and supplies;
- free specialized solutions in prevention and protection to hospitals and public institutions;
- the creation of a voluntary solidarity fund among the Group's executives and employees, where the company will match the total amount raised.
For the acquisition and donation of medical equipment and supplies, as well as for the implementation of free Covid-19 prevention and protection services, ENGIE has decided to direct these resources to public emergency hospitals and health centers in its cities and communities of influence. Regarding the voluntary contribution of executives and employees, and that the company will match the total amount collected (1 + 1 model), institutions associated with promoting food for those most affected by the crisis have been chosen.
As concrete examples, in Chile:
- 16,000 “rapid tests” will be delivered to the Government to be used directly by medical personnel in hospitals in the north of the country, where ENGIE has a strong presence.
- A fleet of electric taxis has been made available to the medical personnel of two public hospitals in Santiago for their free and emission-free transportation.
- In the next 3 months, free preventive and corrective maintenance services will be carried out for the electrical and air conditioning systems at the San Juan de Dios hospital, also located in Santiago.
In Peru:
- ENGIE has already delivered 20 tons of personal protective equipment, cleaning and supplies to institutions that are in the first line of the emergency and families in vulnerable situations, in the neighboring communities to the generation operations and projects.
- with the help of the organization “Aldeas Infantiles SOS Peru”, 5.000 personal hygiene kits were delivered to protect girls and boys against Covid-19.
- The Group has been financing the making of 20,000 masks with organizations of women leaders in the areas of influence.
In Mexico:
- a total of 20,000 pairs of gloves, 20,000 masks and 20,000 surgical gowns are being delivered to the medical staff working in public hospitals.
- through the “Food Bank Foundation”, the delivery of groceries began biweekly for 10,000 Mexican families located in the communities where the Group operates.