SAP SuccessFactors id

Energy Efficiency Solutions Expert

Posting date : 02/08/2024

Requisition ID : 7861

Energy Efficiency Solutions Expert












La ENGIE, dorim să venim în întâmpinarea nevoilor clienților noștri și să îi ajutăm să își atingă obiectivele, într-un mod eficient.  Căutăm oameni talentați, care să pună clienții în centrul a tot ceea ce facem.


ENGIE Building Solutions, companie din grupul ENGIE Romania, este specializată în servicii de Facility Management și Soluții de Eficiență Energetică pentru clienți B2B.


În prezent, căutăm o persoană organizată, orientată spre soluții, proactivă, cu abilități bune de comunicare și management de proiect pentru a se alătura echipei CHP & Energy Efficiency Solutions, în calitate de CHP & ENERGY EFFICIENCY SOLUTIONS EXPERT.


Dacă îți dorești să faci următorul pas în carieră, alături de o echipă competitivă și profesionistă, așteptăm candidatura ta. Ne poți ajuta să construim un ENGIE mai bun. Totul începe cu angajati remarcabili. Totul începe cu tine.


Ce vei face:


  • Vei realiza/verifica simulări dinamice a consumurilor și producția de energie din surse regenerabile și convenționale, în cadrul studiilor/auditurilor energetice;
  • Vei elabora și propune soluții de eficientizare energetică în cadrul studiilor și auditurilor energetice.
  • Vei elaborara documentația tehnică de tip audituri energetice, breviare de calcul, proceduri, specificații tehnice, foi de date, instrucțiuni, rapoarte, evaluări și alte documente necesare;
  • Vei crea rapoarte de evaluare stare tehnică (multidisciplinare);
  • Vei oferi asistență în ofertare montaj sisteme de cogenerare/alte echipamente energetice/ regenerabile;
  • Vei crea rapoarte de monitorizare consumatori energie termică, gaz energie electrică etc.;
  • Vei elaborara si intocmi oferta tehnico-economică a soluțiilor de tip Contracte de Performanță Energetică;
  • Vei bugeta execuția de sisteme din domeniul eficienței energetice, a generării și utilizării resurselor energetice tradiționale și regenerabile;
  • Vei realiza studii de soluții tehnice sisteme în domeniul eficienței energetice, a generării și utilizării resurselor energetice tradiționale și regenerabile;
  • Vei coordona activitățile de inginerie subcontractate cu organizațiile externe și avizarea lucrărilor acestora;
  • Vei asigura asistență de specialitate pe parcursul derulării ofertarii și contractării serviciilor de implementare soluții de eficientă energetică și utilizare SRE.
  • Vei participa la studii tehnice pentru elaborarea programelor de eficientizare energetică și utilizare SRE, prin abordări inovatoare și soluții tehnologice de ultima generație.
  • Vei elabora planul serviciilor și măsurilor energetice coroborate cu mecanismele piețelor de energie.
  • Vei monitoriza, actualiza și optimiza balanțele energetice.
  • Vei elabora planurille de investiții și implementarea acestora în cadrul contractelor de tip CPE.
  • Vei realiza planul de implementare a soluțiilor tehnico-economice în vederea reducerii consumurilor energetice și producerii de energie verde.
  • Vei coordona echipele din site-urile vizate proiectelor de CPE, de asemenea, realizează vizite în locațiile beneficiarilor.


Experiență, calificări, cunoștințe și abilități:


  • Studii superioare în inginerie finalizate cu diplomă de master;
  • Minimum 3 ani experiență în domeniul eficienței energetice;
  • Cunoștințe concepte și metodologii de proiect aplicabile în cadrul proiectului, de eficientă energetică;
  • Cunoaștințe despre principiile de baza privind CPE;
  • Cunoștințe despre funcționarea echipamentelor termice, sanitare și electrice.
  • Bune abilități de comunicare, pezentare și vânzare;
  • Aptitudini de planificare, organizare și control al activității;
  • Limba engleză nivel avansat;
  • Permis de conducere categoria B;
  • Certificate/atestate/diplome/cursuri care să ateste competențe în domeniul eficienței energetice;
  • Atestat Responsabil Tehnic cu Executie, Verificator Proiecte, constituie avantaj.



Doar persoanele selectate vor fi invitate la interviu.


În cazul în care optezi să ne transmiți datele tale cu scopul de a candida pentru poziția menționată în prezentul anunț, te rugăm să iei cunoștință despre prevederile Notei de informare cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal ale candidaților:


Despre ENGIE


Grupul ENGIE este prezent în România în trei sectoare de activitate: gaze naturale, energie electrică şi servicii energetice. ENGIE Romania este principala filială a Grupului în România şi deţine companiile Distrigaz Sud Reţele, ENGIE Servicii, ENGIE Building Solutions, Alizeu Eolian şi Brăila Winds. Compania activează în următoarele domenii de activitate: distribuţie şi furnizare de gaze naturale, furnizare de energie electrică, servicii tehnice pentru instalaţiile de gaze naturale şi centrale termice şi producţie de energie electricp. ENGIE Romania


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Account Manager

Posting date : 25/09/2024

Requisition ID : 33172

Account Manager

ENGIE Services Singapore is a leading provider of Integrated Facilities Management solutions (IFM), property management, operations and maintenance, specialised rail engineering works, sustainable solutions and FM Consultancy services.

ENGIE understands the integrated role of facility management and the value of it can be expanded beyond the traditional approach. As a total FM, specialized engineering and sustainable real estate solutions service provider, ENGIE offers a comprehensive range of technical, digital and support services customisable to best suit your unique needs.


Account Manager

  • Oversee commercial and contractual aspects related to the main contract and subcontracts, managing any commercial and contractual risk relating to the site and employ mitigation actions as quickly and effectively as possible.
  • Engage and connect with all related end-users at a detailed level to understand the business issues and objectives driving the clients' needs.
  • Create and propose solutions to end-users, enhancing the profitability of ENGIE’s assets.
  • Support internal stakeholders in identifying, assessing, and managing contractual risks.
  • Act as a liaison between end-user clients and internal stakeholders to ensure all contract clauses and implications are properly addressed and resolved.
  • Possess detailed knowledge of relevant contracts to provide contractual advisory to the operations team, managing risks and opportunities within service agreements.
  • Advise on all contractual correspondence to chiller water as a service end-users related to the site, considering any commercial impact.
  • Support the SITE MANAGER, or lead discussions in the absence of the SITE MANAGER, regarding contractual claims, disputes, settlements, and resolutions



  • Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management or related field in Science or Engineering.
  • Minimum 3 years relevant experience in contract negotiation, administration and/or management related to utilities and power supply industrial business
  • Strong record of negotiation skills, analytical mindset, problem solving abilities, as well as keen interest and motivation in a high growth and entrepreneur environment.
  • Communicates effectively with end-user clients.
  • A high level of integrity, dependability with a strong sense of urgency and result oriented.
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Servicetechniker (m/w/d)

Posting date : 01/08/2024

Requisition ID : 33168

Servicetechniker (m/w/d)

ACT NOW! Bei HGS arbeiten Sie beim Full-Service-Partner für Betreiber von Blockheizkraftwerken, Gasmotoren und stationären Dieselmotoren.


Mehr als 130 Mitarbeiter:innen sorgen für die perfekte Wartung, Instandsetzung und Generalüberholung von Motoren – vor Ort bei Kund:innen oder in unseren komplett ausgestatteten Werkstätten. Und das an 13 Standorten mit einem europweiten Netzwerk. HGS ist Teil der ENGIE Gruppe.


Dafür suchen wir Kolleg:innen wie Sie, die elektrotechnische oder mechanischen Arbeiten und Serviceeinsätze an Blockheizkraftwerken durchführen. Wir sind bereit – und arbeiten heute schon an der Zukunft von morgen. Sind Sie es auch?




Werden Sie Teil unseres Erfolges und verstärken Sie unser #TeamZeroCarbon als


Servicetechniker  (m/w/d)


Standorte: Visbek

Kennziffer: 33168




ACT NOW! – das sind Ihre Aufgaben:


  • Durchführen von Wartungs- und Instandhaltungsarbeiten sowie die Inbetriebnahme von Blockheizkraftwerken und der entsprechenden Gasmotoren

  • Prüfung von Anlagenparametern und Prozessen, mechanische und elektrische Fehlersuche sowie Behebung von Fehlfunktionen

  • Dokumentation der Wartungsarbeiten

  • Serviceorientierte Kundenbetreuung

  • Teilnahme am Bereitschaftsdienst




Ihr Profil – das sollten Sie mitbringen:


  • Ausbildung als KFZ-Mechatroniker mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Nutzfahrzeugtechnik oder als Land- und Baumaschinenmechatroniker /Mechaniker
  • Mehrjährige Berufserfahrung im Bereich der Gasmotorentechnik (Nutzfahrzeugmotoren oder BHKW-Gasmotorentechnik im oben genannten Bereich)
  • Selbständige, strukturierte und teamorientierte Arbeitsweise
  • Verbindliches Auftreten und professioneller Umgang mit unseren Kunden
  • Gültiger Führerschein der Klasse B sowie bundesweite Reisebereitschaft, ca. 200 km rund um Ihren Wohnort




Wir leben Vielfalt

ENGIE Deutschland hat viele Gesichter. Über 5.900 Menschen an über 50 Standorten handeln gemeinsam für eine nachhaltige und klimaneutrale Zukunft. Mitarbeiter:innen unterschiedlicher Herkunft und Prägung bereichern unsere Teams und unser Unternehmen. Das sorgt für mehr Kreativität und Innovationsstärke.

Wir begrüßen ausdrücklich Bewerbungen, die zur Vielfalt unseres Unternehmens beitragen.

#ActwithENGIE Sie möchten Ihre Energie bei uns einbringen, aber erfüllen die Anforderungen der Stelle nicht zu 100%? Gar kein Problem – Zusammen laufen wir über die Ziellinie.




Unsere Benefits:


  • FAMILIE UND BERUF VEREINEN: Bei ENGIE gehen wir gemeinsame Richtung Zukunft. Wir schaffen für Sie mehr Spielraum, indem wir Ihre Familie mit einem Zuschuss bis 150,00 € für den Kita- oder Kindergartenbeitrag fördern. 
  • GUTES KLIMA ERZEUGEN: ENGIE schützt das Klima nicht nur global, sondern auch im Unternehmen. Teamwork und Zusammenhalt sind bei uns fester Bestandteil der gelebten Atmosphäre.
  • ZUKUNFT? ABGESICHERT!: Wir blicken auch bei Ihrer Lebensplanung voraus. Mit Zuschüssen für die betriebliche Altersvorsorge und speziellen Angeboten für Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherungen.
  • NUR DAS ALLERBESTE WERKZEUG: Hochwertiges Werkzeug von namhaften Herstellern wie Hilti oder Bosch gehört bei uns zur Grundausstattung.
  • ALLE SICHERUNGEN DRIN: Ob Büro oder Baustelle – bei ENGIE wird Arbeitssicherheit großgeschrieben. Unsere Standards in Brandschutz, Arbeitsschutz und Elektrosicherheit sind besonders hoch.
  • ELEKTRISIERENDE EXTRAS: Ob E-Bikes, elektronische Hardware oder Rabatte – beim Durchstöbern der ENGIE Plattform für unsere Mitarbeiter:innen gibt es jede Menge Produkte, Dienstleistungen und Preisvorteile namhafter (Online-) Shops zu entdecken.
  • FREIE FAHRT IM SERVICEWAGEN: Für manche Jobs ist es unabdinglich, dauerhaft mobil zu sein. Der passende Service-/Funktionswagen ist für uns selbstverständlich. 



Werden auch Sie Teil des #TeamZeroCarbon mit exzellenten Karriereperspektiven und hoher Anerkennung. Gestalten Sie zusammen mit uns den Übergang zur Klimaneutralität. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Online-Bewerbung.




Ihr Kontakt:


Roland Wilmsen 

Talent Acquisition Partner
+49 221 46905544 oder M +49 1520 9346433. Kontaktieren Sie mich Fragen gerne auch via Whatsapp

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Senior Bauingenieur*in für Geotechnik / Dammbau (m/w/d)

Posting date : 31/07/2024

Requisition ID : 32730

Senior Bauingenieur*in für Geotechnik / Dammbau (m/w/d)


Als Bauingenieur*in für Geotechnik / Dammbau (m/w/d), arbeiten Sie als Projektleiter*in in einem hochqualifizierten Team von Ingenieuren und Experten im Bereich Wasser und Wasserkraft. Wir sind gemäß aktuellem ENR Ranking im Bereich Wasserkraft eines der beiden größten Ingenieurunternehmen und verfügen aufgrund unserer Erfahrungen und Referenzen über die erforderlichen Qualifikationen, um uns an den weltweit interessantesten und prominentesten Projekten zu beteiligen.

Innerhalb der Abteilung Geologie, Geotechnik und Dammbau bearbeiten wir alle Aufgabenstellungen, die in Verbindung mit der Planung und Realisierung von Wasserkraft- bzw. Wasserbauprojekten sowie den zugehörigen Infrastrukturmaßnahmen in Verbindung stehen. Dazu gehören unterirdische Bauwerke wie Kavernen und Tunnelanlagen sowie Bauwerksgründungen, Baugruben, Böschungssicherungen, Injektionsmaßnahmen zur Abdichtung und Untergrundverbesserung und temporäre und permanente Dammbauwerke. Wir arbeiten für öffentliche und private Projektentwickler und Investoren und übernehmen hier Aufgaben als Planer bzw. Berater in allen Projektphasen (Projektentwicklung, Bauausführung und Betrieb). Darüber hinaus unterstützen wir Bauunternehmen als Planer bei der Realisierung von Bauprojekten. Unsere Leistungen erbringen wir als Teil der Tractebel-Gruppe weltweit. Ihre Aktivitäten umfassen im Wesentlichen:


  • Projektleitung von Wasserbau- und Wasserkraftprojekten. Sie übernehmen die Leitung von Projekten mit Schwerpunkten im Bereich Geotechnik und Dammbau und koordinieren die involvierten Experten anderer Fachdisziplinen für Studien und/oder Ausführungsprojekte und/oder Rehabilitierungsprojekte. Sie übernehmen hierbei Verantwortung für den technischen und wirtschaftlichen Erfolg des Projektes.

  • Leitung des Projektteams sowie Koordination der in das Projekt involvierten externen Fachexperten, Subunternehmer und Joint-Venture Partnern.

  • Als Fachingenieur arbeiten Sie an der Planung und Bemessung von Dammbauwerken (Erdschüttungen / Steinschüttungen) mit unterschiedlichen Abdichtungssystemen sowie Beckenabdichtungen für Pumpspeicherkraftwerke.

  • Baugrubenplanung einschließlich Baugrubenverbau, Grundwasserabsenkungen etc.

  • Planung und Bemessungen im Spezialtiefbau (Schlitzwände, Pfahlgründungen etc.).

  • Standsicherheits- und Durchströmungsberechnungen von Steinschütt- und Erddämmen.

  • Entwurf von Flach- und Tiefgründungen für Kraftwerke und Sperrwerke.

  • Planung, Überwachung und Auswertung von Geotechnischen Erkundungen, geotechnischen Messungen und Feldversuchen.

  • Erstellung von technischen Spezifikationen und Leistungsbeschreibungen als Bestandteil von Ausschreibungsunterlagen.

  • Erarbeitung von Studien und Berichten sowie Mitarbeit bei Angeboten.


Wir wachsen gemeinsam mit unseren Mitarbeitern. Dafür bieten wir die passenden Rahmenbedingungen:

  • Ein zukunftssicherer Arbeitsplatz, welcher Mittelstand mit globalen Perspektiven und Nachhaltigkeit verbindet

  • Eine abwechslungsreiche und spannende Arbeit, in der Sie sich fachlich und persönlich weiterentwickeln können. Kein Tag gleicht dem anderen!

  • Ein attraktives Gehalt, umfangreiche Sozialleistungen und Beteiligung am Unternehmenserfolg

  • Wir unterstützen mobiles Arbeiten mit der passenden digitalen Infrastruktur und hohen Freiheitsgraden zum eigenverantwortlichen Arbeiten

  • Integratives Arbeitsumfeld, geprägt von der Vielfältigkeit unserer Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern und einem Betriebsklima in dem Arbeiten Freude macht

  • Gelebte Wertschätzung, Chancengleichheit bei langfristigen internationalen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten

  • Eine umfassende Einarbeitungsowie ein großes Angebot an Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen und Sprachkursen in einem Unternehmen, das Sie stets unterstützt

  • Bleiben Sie mit uns fit! Dank betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung, JobRad, Firmenevents und gemeinsamen sportlichen Aktivitäten


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Project Controls Analyst II

Posting date : 26/07/2024

Requisition ID : 32789

Project Controls Analyst II

What You Can Expect

As our Project Controls Analyst II, you will be responsible for developing, administering, and implementing multiple industrial and construction capital projects related to the utility lifecycle. You will work closely with Project Manager(s) to develop, support, manage, and monitor cost and schedule elements of large capital projects across the Georgetown campus. You will use or develop processes and tools to measure, analyze, and improve project performance. In this role, you will be part of a self-managed team within the ENGIE team, fostering a collaborative and innovative environment. You are a driven, creative, and ambitious individual, excited to embrace the team culture of a fast-paced and successful organization. This position is based in Houston, TX, and reports to the Project Controls Director.



  • Change Control and Contract Management: Assist in the review, development, issuance, and evaluation of contract change orders, manage the change control process, and support projections on cash flows, staffing plans, and contingency usage
  • Compliance and Audit Support: Ensure compliance with internal rules and guidelines, provide guidance and support during internal and external audits, and develop presentations for management updates
  • Stakeholder Collaboration: Maintain strong relationships with ENGIE subsidiaries, partners, and contractors, and provide support on finance, corporate governance, and fiscal matters



What You’ll Bring

  • You hold a Bachelor's degree in business, engineering, construction management or related field

  • A minimum of two (2) years’ experience were you gaining experience in developing and managing project budgets, tracking expenditures, and ensuring financial alignment with project goals
  • You have energy market experience in sectors such as utility-scale renewables, distributed generation, energy services or construction, and natural gas transportation or distribution
  • You are proficient with SAP, ProCore, MS Project, Power BI, Salesforce, or similar applications, and possess outstanding analytical skills with expertise in developing detailed Excel-based financial models
  • You are knowledgeable about the phases of civil or industrial construction work, including associated contracts, contract types (GMP, FP, T&M), and risk mitigation strategies, with a basic understanding of variance analysis and an intermediate understanding of Earned Value Management
  • You have strong interpersonal, organizational, and analytical skills, along with excellent verbal and written communication abilities, allowing you to engage effectively with all stakeholders



Additional Details

  • This role is eligible for our hybrid work schedule consisting of in-office and work-from-home opportunities
  • Must be willing and able to comply with all ENGIE ethics and safety policies



Salary Range: $62,400 – $87,150 USD annually



This represents the average expected pay range for a qualified candidate.

Actual offered salary may depend on geography, experience, industry knowledge, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors.


ENGIE complies with all federal, state, and local minimum wage laws. Actual salary offered may vary depending on geography, experience, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors. 


In addition to base pay, this position is eligible for a competitive bonus


Your Talent Acquisition Partner can share more specific information regarding the benefits or the salary for the position based on the work location


At ENGIE, we take your well-being seriously. Our comprehensive benefits package includes options for medical, dental, vision, life insurance, employer-paid short-term and long-term disability insurance, ESPP, generous paid time off including wellness days, holidays and leave programs. We also help you plan for retirement by offering a 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan with a company match.  But that's not all – we're dedicated to the health and happiness of your entire family, offering supplemental benefits for full time employees that enhance emotional and physical well-being through all stages of life from family forming to caregiver benefits. Explore our benefits package to see how we can support you. Learn more.




ENGIE North America isn’t just participating in the Zero-Carbon Transition, we’re leading it!  Join us as we develop energy that is renewable, efficient, and accessible to everyone.  


At ENGIE, our goal is to support, promote, and thrive on diversity, equity, and inclusion.  We do so for the benefit of our employees, customers, products and services, and community.  ENGIE is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace, and we are firmly committed to creating an equitable and inclusive environment for all employees.


We are committed to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment.  All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, or other legally protected status.


If you need assistance with this application or a reasonable accommodation due to a disability, you may contact us at This email address is reserved for individuals with disabilities in need of assistance and is not a means of inquiry regarding positions or application status.


We are unable to sponsor or take over sponsorship of an employment visa for this role at any time.


The safety of our employees is our number one priority. All employees at ENGIE have both a duty and the authority to STOP WORK if unsafe acts are observed. 

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Health & Safety Advisor

Posting date : 26/07/2024

Requisition ID : 32855

Health & Safety Advisor

What You Can Expect

As our Health and Safety Advisor in Chicago, IL, you will be responsible for developing, implementing, and monitoring Health and Safety programs for the Distributed Solar & Storage (DSS) team, partnering with other Business Entities and Operating Companies’ and Health and Safety (H&S) staff to influence an organizational culture that leads to an injury free working environment. Every day you will support safety excellence through engaging with project staff and leadership, incident review, safety trend tracking, and providing training and guidance. You will report to the HSE Director and assist in development and implementation of a H&S Management System that encompasses standards of excellence, programs, policies, procedures and processes for ENGIE Energy Solutions (ES) North America.



What You’ll Bring

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Safety Management, Engineering or Business
  • Certified Safety Professional and OSHA safety certifications
  • A minimum seven (7) years’ Safety Management, with three  (3) of those years’ experience in power generation and energy distribution
  • Subject matter expert in OSHA (US) CFR 29 Parts 1910 / 1926
  • Experience with root cause failure analysis tools and their application for recordable events
  • Experience with behavioral science and the psychology behind influencing change
  • Experience in commercial and industrial construction environments
  • You have experience working in environments with  energy distribution systems, new construction of solar and battery storage sites, and facility O&M management
  • You feel confident in supporting H&S database management and providing required monthly statistical reports to ES North America Business Unit (BU) corporate and Business Entity (BE) executives
  • As our Health and Safety Advisor you will conduct regular onsite training, supervision, compliance audits, incident investigations, and safety cultural assessments
  • You know how to as directed, lead serious incident investigations into High Potential (HiPo) incidents, including those that result in a lost time accident 
  • You can identify countermeasures to prevent recurrence and eliminate deviations from the standard
  • You have managed the selection of third-party H&S auditors, consultants and contractors
  • You have experience reviewing contractor safety plans and procedures to assure their standard is equal or more stringent than ES NorAm’s safety criteria as stipulated in the procurement Terms & Conditions



Additional Details

  • This is a field position requiring regular travel to operational  sites
  • This role requires daily attendance at a worksite 
  • Must be available to travel domestically up to 50% of the time and with the need for some overnight trips
  • Must possess a valid U.S. driver’s license/clean driving record rental cars through ENGIE
  • Must be willing and able to comply with ENGIE’s policy with respect to COVID vaccination and testing 
  • Must be willing and able to comply with all ENGIE ethics and safety policies 
  • While performing the duties of this job, the employee can be exposed to weather conditions 
  • The position consists of 75% work indoors and 25% work outdoors; outdoor work may expose the employee to weather conditions 
  • Could involve some lifting / up to 50 lbs 




Salary Range: $96,100 – $147,660 USD annually


This represents the average expected pay range for a qualified candidate.


Actual offered salary may depend on geography, experience, industry knowledge, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors.


ENGIE complies with all federal, state, and local minimum wage laws. Actual salary offered may vary depending on geography, experience, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors. 


In addition to base pay, this position is eligible for a competitive bonus / incentive plan.


Your Talent Acquisition Partner can share more specific information regarding the benefits or the salary for the position based on the work location


At ENGIE, we take your well-being seriously. Our comprehensive benefits package includes options for medical, dental, vision, life insurance, employer-paid short-term and long-term disability insurance, ESPP, generous paid time off including wellness days, holidays and leave programs. We also help you plan for retirement by offering a 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan with a company match.  But that's not all – we're dedicated to the health and happiness of your entire family, offering supplemental benefits for full time employees that enhance emotional and physical well-being through all stages of life from family forming to caregiver benefits. Explore our benefits package to see how we can support you. Learn more.




ENGIE North America isn’t just participating in the Zero-Carbon Transition, we’re leading it!  Join us as we develop energy that is renewable, efficient, and accessible to everyone.  



At ENGIE, our goal is to support, promote, and thrive on diversity, equity, and inclusion.  We do so for the benefit of our employees, customers, products and services, and community.  ENGIE is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace, and we are firmly committed to creating an equitable and inclusive environment for all employees.


We are committed to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment.  All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, or other legally protected status.


If you need assistance with this application or a reasonable accommodation due to a disability, you may contact us at This email address is reserved for individuals with disabilities in need of assistance and is not a means of inquiry regarding positions or application status.


We are unable to sponsor or take over sponsorship of an employment visa for this role at any time.


The safety of our employees is our number one priority. All employees at ENGIE have both a duty and the authority to STOP WORK if unsafe acts are observed. 

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Manager Hydraulica

Posting date : 26/07/2024

Requisition ID : 32885

Manager Hydraulica

Tractebel is een wereldwijd actief engineering- en consultancybedrijf dat geïntegreerde oplossingen biedt voor duurzame energieprojecten en de gebouwde omgeving. Onze expertise wordt wereldwijd erkend in de meest diverse sectoren waaronder nucleaire en hernieuwbare energie, gas, elektriciteitsnetwerken, waterkrachtcentrales & dammen, waterbronnen, ontzilting, complexe & hoogtechnologische gebouwen, transportinfrastructuur en havens & waterwegen.

Door strategie, ontwerp, engineering, sociale & milieustudies, projectbeheer en interne digitale toepassingen te verbinden, werken we samen met bedrijven en overheidsinstanties om een positieve impact te creëren op mens en planeet.
Gesteund door meer dan 150 jaar ervaring is Tractebel vandaag een gemeenschap van meer dan 5.500 gepassioneerde experts over de hele wereld, toegewijd aan ethisch zakendoen en de strijd tegen klimaatverandering. Tractebel maakt deel uit van de ENGIE Groep, een wereldwijde referentie op het gebied van koolstofarme energie en diensten.




Je werkt als Manager Hydraulica, vanuit ons kantoor in Hasselt ( of Gent), binnen onze afdeling Transport Infrastructuur, de afdeling binnen Tractebel die voornamelijk projecten ontwerpt/studeert met betrekking tot wegen, tramverbindingen, luchthavens, tunnels en bruggen.

Naast het ontwerpen van wegen is het ontwerpen van rioleringssystemen een tweede belangrijk onderdeel, rekening houdend met de klimaatsverandering en een duurzaam gebruik van het (regen)water.




  • Je bent verantwoordelijk voor een team van enthousiaste “Hydraulica” experten (in Gent en in Hasselt vastgesteld)  die aan het hydraulisch nazicht van onze projecten en aan hydronautstudies voor diverse opdrachtgevers meewerken
  • Je werkt ook mee aan hydraulisch ontwerp en berekeningen van rioleringen, drainagesystemen, enz....
  • Je organiseert de planning van het team in samenspraak met de projectleiders en de Team Managers
  • Je ondersteunt het team en je verzorgt de kwaliteitsborging dankzij jouw sterke people leadership skills
  • Je bent lid van het Management Comité van de afdeling en zoek mee naar oplossingen, innovaties, verbetervoorstellen in eigen expertise en eventueel in andere disciplines, op afdelingsniveau en daar buiten, ..
  • Je voert ontwerpwerkzaamheden uit en blijft op de hoogte van nieuwe technieken en ontwikkelingen in je vakgebied
  • Je communiceert met andere afdelingen en klanten
  • Je ondersteunt het commercieel team bij het opmaken van offertes
  • Je ontwikkelt je technische vaardigheden (Infoworks ICM, Sirio, Mapinfo ...)
  • Je rapporteert aan de afdeling Manager




  • Je hebt een masterdiploma in industriële engineering of een Master of Science in civiele techniek
  • Je hebt 10 jaar ervaring in hydraulische berekeningen van rioleringsmodellen en hebt ervaring in het sturen/begeleiden van medewerkers
  • Uitstekende technische vaardigheden (Infoworks ICM, Sirio, Mapinfo ...)
  • Je moet gestructureerd zijn en zelfstandig kunnen werken, je bent goed in communicatie
  • Je hebt kennis/interesse/affiniteit met hydraulica en topografie
  • Je bent een geboren people manager die het Team inspireert
  • Je bent een teamspeler; dynamisch, nauwkeurig en creatief
  • Je hebt een uitstekende beheersing van het Nederlands (moedertaal), kennis van Engels en Frans is een pluspunt
  • Je hebt een rijbewijs "B".



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Water Plant Operators

Posting date : 24/07/2024

Requisition ID : 32778

Water Plant Operators

ENGIE North America is growing,  as we continue to lead the energy transition.

We are looking to network with talented Water Plant Operators and Technicians in the Iowa City area.


Potential future opportunities include Water Plant Operators, and Water Plant Technicians


ENGIE is several years into a 50 year concession to operate the Utilities production and distribution network at the University of Iowa main campus and the Oakdale satellite. 

We are anticipating the need for additional licensed Water Plant Operators, as well as a potential need for additional support in the maintenance group, for the water plant.


To learn more about ENGIE, submit a resume, and a member of our Talent Acquisition team will connect to learn more about you. 

In the meantime, sign up for alerts at Careers at ENGIE to get notified when our Iowa City opportunities open.


The safety of our employees is our number one priority. All employees at ENGIE have both a duty and the authority to STOP WORK if unsafe acts are observed.


What you’ll do:

Water Operations professionals at ENGIE North America are responsible for:

  • Safe and compliant operation of the University of Iowa Water plant ( A grade IV State of Iowa Surface Water Treatment Plant)
  • Supplying the drinking water to the University campus and Hospital facility
  • Operating the plant machinery, completing rounds assessing physical operating conditions of the equipment, and submitting / scheduling work orders performing water sampling, testing, and logging the sampling activities and reporting of operational conditions
  • After sampling and testing, adjusting and correcting all phases of the water treatment processes safely and efficiently
  • After developing competencies on our specific equipment and processes operators will be involved in instruction and training of other operators in plant procedures and processes related to equipment operation, sampling, testing, and reporting 
  • Other day to day duties include inventorying of chemicals and supplies, light maintenance and upkeep of the facility


What you’ll bring:

  • Operators will have a minimum of a High School Diploma or equivalent, and a State of Iowa Department of Natural Resources Class I Water Treatment Certification or Higher
  • Through education or experience the Operator will have developed a strong knowledge of occupational hazards and implementation of safety procedures regarding plant equipment, chemical handling and personal safety
  • You will have developed expertise in Water Treatment and plant operations, including usage of laboratory testing and measuring devices, making adjustments based on testing results  and remote telemetry systems for plant condition monitoring
  • You will have gained experience in evaluating equipment conditions, using complex prints, sketches, or diagrams to complete minor repairs or adjustments, and creating effective reports or work orders for  scheduling or contacting maintenance and management
  • You will have gained experience using Computers, and multiline phone systems, to create or give a detailed actionable verbal or written report to Stakeholders (Customers, Management, Maintenance)
  • Experienced with supervising vendors or contractors working on our equipment, ensuring safety practices in compliance with ENGIE policies and ensuring quality of repair or installation


Additional Information:

  • Must be eligible to work for any U.S employer without the need for sponsorship now or in the future
  • Must possess a valid U.S. driver’s license/clean driving record all positions require the ability to safely operate company vehicles on and off campus
  • This position serves on a permanent or rotating shift, including nights, weekends and holidays
  • Ability to work overtime is required and covers vacant shifts on an as-needed basis
  • Must have the ability to travel domestically on limited occasions
  • Must be willing and able to comply with all ENGIE ethics and safety policies
  • While performing the duties of this job, the employee is occasionally exposed to prevailing weather conditions
  • The noise level in the work environment is usually moderate
  • Ability to meet highest attendance requirements
  • Ability to communicate effectively, both written and verbally
  • Ability to handle multiple assignments on a timely basis with a high degree of accuracy
  • Ability to use a company computer for reports, training,  communications etc…
  • Could involve some lifting / up to 50 lbs
  • Work environment characteristics described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of these jobs
  • Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with the needed assistance to perform the essential functions 




ENGIE North America isn’t just participating in the Zero-Carbon Transition, we’re leading it!  Join us as we develop energy that is renewable, efficient, and accessible to everyone. 


In 2020 The University of Iowa (UI) entered a 50-year, trailblazing partnership with the University of Iowa Energy Collaborative (UIEC), a joint venture between ENGIE, Meridiam, and Hannon Armstrong, to operate, maintain and enhance the university’s Utility System.  As the founding member of this joint venture, ENGIE designs, builds, operates, and maintains the energy infrastructure delivering safe, reliable, cost-effective, and sustainable energy solutions in producing and distributing steam, electricity, chilled water, and domestic water to the main campus in Iowa City, Iowa and a nearby satellite campus.


Unite with us in leading the transformation of the world of energy!  ENGIE is looking for talented and motivated individuals to create the future of energy and customer solutions.  Join a rewarding and flexible work environment that encourages innovation and creativity to help customers meet their energy challenges today and in the future.  Are you up for the challenge?


At ENGIE, our goal is to support, promote, and thrive on diversity, equity, and inclusion.  We do so for the benefit of our employees, customers, products and services, and community.  ENGIE is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace, and we are firmly committed to creating an equitable and inclusive environment for all employees.


We are committed to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment.  All employment decisions at ENGIE are based on business needs, job requirements, and individual qualifications.  ENGIE is committed to providing equal employment opportunities regardless of actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, age, sex or gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical conditions), gender identity, or gender expression (including transgender status), sexual orientation, marital status, civil union, or domestic partnership status, military service or veteran status, physical or mental disability, protected medical condition, genetic information, or any other legally protected category (referred to as “protected characteristics”) as defined by applicable federal, state or local law in the locations where we operate.


  • Salary ranges will be included on the formal job posting once a specific level of opportunity is determined and posted
  • Actual salary offered may vary depending on geography, experience, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors 
  • In addition to salary, this position is eligible for a competitive bonus / incentive plan
  • At ENGIE we understand that benefits matter, we offer competitive benefit options including medical, dental and vision coverage, life insurance, employer paid short-term and long-term disability insurance, paid vacation, holidays, sick leave, parental leave, and a 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan option with a company match
  • More information can be found here: Discover our employee benefits 


ENGIE complies with all federal, state, and local minimum wage laws.  

Your talent acquisition partner can share more specific information regarding the salary for the position based on the work location. 


If you need assistance with this application or a reasonable accommodation due to a disability, you may contact us at This email address is reserved for individuals with disabilities in need of assistance and is not a means of inquiry regarding positions or application status.

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Planificateur Project (Infra Métro)- Project Scheduler (Infra light rail)

Posting date : 24/07/2024

Requisition ID : 32749

Planificateur Project (Infra Métro)- Project Scheduler (Infra light rail)

Tractebel est une société internationale d'ingénierie et de conseil qui propose des solutions intégrées pour des projets d'énergie et d'infrastructures durables. Notre expertise est reconnue dans le monde entier dans de nombreux secteurs tels que le nucléaire, les énergies renouvelables, l'électricité et le gaz, les réseaux électriques, l'hydroélectricité et les barrages, les ressources et l'approvisionnement en eau, le dessalement, les bâtiments complexes et de haute technologie, les infrastructures de transport, les ports et les voies navigables.

En associant la stratégie, la conception, l'ingénierie, les études sociales et environnementales, la gestion de projet et le développement interne d’outils numériques innovants, nous faisons équipe avec les entreprises et les autorités publiques pour créer un impact positif sur les populations et la planète.
Fort de plus de 150 ans d'expérience, Tractebel est aujourd'hui une communauté de plus de 5 500 experts passionnés à travers le monde, qui s'engagent en faveur d'une ingénierie éthique et de la lutte contre le changement climatique. Tractebel fait partie du groupe ENGIE, une référence mondiale en matière d'énergie et de services à faible émission de carbone.


Environnement de travail


Vous travaillerez en tant que planificateur de projet (Infrastructure Métro), depuis notre bureau de Bruxelles, au sein de notre département « Infrastructure des transports », le département de Tractebel qui conçoit/élabore principalement des projets liés aux routes, tramways/ (pré)-métros, aéroports, tunnels et ponts. Vous serez parfois aussi amené à travailler chez notre client.

En tant que planificateur de projet au sein de la cellule planning, votre mission consiste à orchestrer l’adaptation d’une infrastructure linéaire de tramway en un système de métro moderne.



Voici vos principales responsabilités :


  1. Ordonnancement Opérationnel:
    • Prendre en charge une partie du projet (par exemple, un ensemble linéaire d’interventions) et élaborer un planning robuste.
    • Identifier le chemin critique et dégager des marges de manœuvre à travers 2 ou 3 scénarios de réalisation.
    • Collecter et consolider les hypothèses et contraintes, en utilisant des outils tels que MS Project et TILOS.


  1. Collaboration Multidisciplinaire:
    • Travailler en étroite collaboration avec l’équipe commerciale, la maintenance, la logistique d’approvisionnement et les autorités délivrant des autorisations.
    • Prendre en compte les interventions des impétrants et coordonner les acteurs impliqués dans chaque domaine technique.


    • Formation d’ingénieur industriel ou électromécanicien avec une expérience pratique sur chantier ou en bureau d’études.
    • Minimum 7 ans d’expérience dans la planification de grands travaux impliquant diverses techniques (génie civil, électricité, voie ferrée, équipements mécaniques) et de grandes infrastructures (routes, autoroutes, voies ferrées, aéroports, ports maritimes, etc.).
    • Capacité à analyser et à concevoir des scénarios de réalisation exécutables.
    • Pratique concrète de MS Project et de TILOS.
    • Esprit critique pour challenger les hypothèses existantes.
    • Aptitude au travail d’équipe et à la gestion des défis liés aux délais.
    • Maîtrise de la langue française (le néerlandais est un plus).
    • Expertise en Microsoft Office.



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Proposal & Bidding Specialist

Posting date : 23/07/2024

Requisition ID : 19198

Proposal & Bidding Specialist

Info Gruppo


ENGIE mette al centro delle sue attività (elettricità, gas naturale, efficientamento energetico e servizi) lo sviluppo sostenibile, per far fronte alle sfide della transizione energetica verso una low carbon economy: accesso ad un'economia sostenibile, mitigazione e adattamento al cambiamento climatico e ottimizzazione delle risorse.


Info struttura

Chi cerchiamo

Una risorsa da inserire presso la nostra sede di Milano in Via Chiese 71 nell’ambito della Global Business Unit ENERGY SOLUTION, divisione BtoB.

ENGIE nell’ambito della linea di business BtoB, si impegna a rendere l’impresa un luogo sostenibile ed efficiente offrendo soluzioni su misura dedicate alla generazione distribuita ed efficienza energetica (fotovoltaico, solare termico, storage), onsite utilities (cogenerazione, biomassa, etc), servizi agli spazi e alle persone (Facility Management) e lavori di realizzazione e manutenzione (Installations). Tutto questo è possibile grazie alla presenza globale, all'esperienza, e alla sua solidità economica. ENGIE è infatti in grado di finanziare qualsiasi intervento energetico che migliori le performance del cliente, garantisca innovazione, ottimizzazione dei consumi energetici e riduzione delle emissioni di CO2.


Info job

Che cosa farai?

Nel Ruolo di Proposal & Bidding Specialist riporterai al Proposal and Sales Support Construction, e ti occuperai dello sviluppo di progetti d’offerta e di quotazioni per lavori ed installazioni in modalità Chiavi in Mano per il settore terziario ed industriale. In particolare collaborerai  alla predisposizione di offerte per la realizzazione di datacenter, sistemi riscaldamento e raffrescamento industriale, UPS e gruppi elettrogeni, stazioni e sottostazioni elettriche, distribuzione elettrica, reti di distribuzione calore, fotovoltaici, piccoli interventi edili, rifacimenti generici e demolizioni.

Quali saranno le tue responsabilità?

  • Analizzare le richieste del cliente privato, identificare le possibili soluzioni tecniche e sviluppare le stime economiche per l’installazione di impianti in ambito industriale e terziario. In particolare analizzare i documenti delle gare di appalto in modalità Chiavi in Mano e analizzare le specifiche fornite dal cliente
  • Elaborare, congiuntamente con tutte le funzioni aziendali, quotazioni e documenti di offerta (lettere di proposta, cronoprogrammi, organigrammi di commessa, quotazione…)
  • Svolgere sopralluoghi tecnici per identificare i principali vincoli e caratteristiche degli interventi oggetto di quotazione
  • Interagire, nell’ambito delle proprie attività, attivamente con le funzioni di engineering, sales, operations, procurement, legal and insurance.
  • Collaborare internazionalmente con ENGIE Gruop per lo sviluppo di progetti d’offerta multi-sito e multi-Country
  • Individuare e analizzare proposte e soluzioni innovative in linea con le esigenze e richieste del cliente

Che cosa porterai in Engie?

  • Laurea in Ingegneria, preferibilmente in ambito Meccanico/Elettrico/Energetico/Edile ed esperienza nel settore
  • Conoscenza tecnica e funzionale degli impianti, con esperienza almeno triennale nella progettazione/conduzione/installazione di impianti meccanici, elettrici e/o civili
  • Buona capacità nella stesura di elaborazioni economiche e relazioni tecniche
  • Capacità di lavorare in team e per scadenze temporali
  • Disponibilità ad effettuare brevi trasferte sul territorio nazionale
  • Conoscenza della normativa vigente in materia
  • Buona conoscenza dei principali applicativi Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Project)
  • Requisito preferenziale sarà la conoscenza della lingua inglese (scritta e parlata)
  • Requisito preferenziale sarà l’esperienza specifica nella quotazione/gestione di gare d’appalto e lavori dai 2 ai 5 anni.


Social Corporate Info

Perché scegliere Engie?

Lavorare in ENGIE, gruppo multinazionale, significa avere un'ampia varietà di possibilità di carriera in oltre 30 paesi.

Ma significa anche mettere la comunità al centro della tua vita professionale e contribuire a un vero cambiamento nel corso di una carriera stimolante.

Il nostro impegno è chiaro: sosteniamo un modello sociale che concilia la performance economica con l'impatto positivo sulle persone e sul pianeta. Scommettiamo sul potere della collettività e agiamo come parte di una comunità impegnata a sconvolgere e reinventare il futuro. Diversità e inclusione sono al centro della nostra cultura aziendale.

ENGIE si impegna a combattere tutte le forme di discriminazione in materia di occupazione, accesso alla formazione e promozione. Pertanto, l'integrazione e il sostegno di giovani, adulti, persone con disabilità, senza alcuna distinzione di genere, etnia o religione, sono priorità fondamentali della politica delle risorse umane.

Le Certificazioni EDGE e UNI PDR 125/22 conquistate, dimostrano tale impegno.


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