SAP SuccessFactors id

Expert hybrid & flexibility projects

Posting date : 07/10/2024

Requisition ID : 35553

Expert hybrid & flexibility projects


Linkebeek, Brussels suburbs, Belgium – Renewables & Urban Expertise



Are you excited about embarking on a journey with us towards a carbon-neutral world?


We are seeking a collaborative colleague who is passionate about making a positive impact on ENGIE Laborelec's success and overall performance. If you have a deep interest in the energy transition, power generation and technology, we urge you to explore this opportunity.


Bring your expertise, grow with us and build your career in a safe and diverse environment.



Who are we?


ENGIE Laborelec is a research and expertise centre focused on electrical power technology, with a team of over 380 employees from different backgrounds. We are part of the ENGIE Group, and more particularly the entity ENGIE Research & Innovation. We support the entire electricity value chain, providing customized expertise solutions to a diverse range of customers from various fields and industries. We are dedicated to achieving a net zero carbon future and finding sustainable solutions.




About the team


Laborelec’s Hybrid & Flexibility Projects Team is part of the Renewables & Urban Department. The team performs technical consulting services for the ENGIE Group and external clients. Activities relate to renewable hybrid power plants, typically consisting of large-scale photovoltaic, wind and battery storage assets. The team’s responsibilities include:

  • Defining the research roadmap and supervising research programs for ENGIE.
  • Testing and implementing innovative technologies to improve the design, operation and maintenance of hybrid power plants.
  • Being an expertise service provider for developers, operators and asset managers of hybrid power plants, including digital tools, on-site inspection techniques, on-site measurement campaigns and integration of hardware solutions.
  • Developing solutions to valorize the flexibility of hybrid assets in adapting energy and power supply and/or providing grid services.



What you’ll be doing


Your responsibilities as Expert Hybrid and Flexibility Projects(F/M/X)

  • Develop the roadmap on research of renewable and hybrid plant technology
  • Assess technical solutions by analysing and validating hybrid power plant control strategies
  • Develop simulation models for hybrid power plant operation and optimizing control strategies focused on energy management
  • Develop and exploit monitoring solutions and (SCADA) data for optimal plant operation and KPI analysis
  • Realize tests in the laboratory with real-time simulation platform including Hardware-in-the-Loop.

You will work alongside a supportive team and will have access to professional development opportunities to help you grow in your own career.




If you identify with any of the following, we encourage you to apply!

Do you have ?


  • An engineering degree or a PhD in electrical, electrotechnical, energy, automation engineering, or a related field and professional experience in simulation/modeling of hybrid plants or hybrid plant operation and control.
  • Practical experience in the electrical testing and development of SCADA systems and plant control solutions.
  • Knowledge of energy flexibility management in electricity markets - this is a plus.
  • Thorough written and oral communication skills, with the ability to convey convincing and clear deliverables for internal and external clients.
  • The willingness to coach and guide junior team members (3 to 4 people) to further develop technical competences and bring quality results.



Here's a taste of what Laborelec offers you


  • Flexible Working Environment: A green campus and hybrid workspace (3 days home working/week) offering flexibility for a good work/life balance. This position is open to 4/5th work regime.
  • Employee Resource Groups: An exciting position in a prominent research and expertise center, with the possibility of further career development within ENGIE.
  • An inspiring work environment: Shared with bold colleagues from different backgrounds.
  • Learning & Development: Growth is a big reason people choose to join our team. We provide opportunities through “lunch and learn” programs, training, coaching, mentorship programs, and other workshops.
  • Benefits: 34 leave days, 5 days free care for sick children, linen ironing service...
  • Wellness: You will have access to our fun room and fitness space for your enjoyment and well-being.




Where we work


Our headquarters is based in Belgium (Linkebeek, near to Brussels), and we have several branches in Europe (France, Germany & the Netherlands), LATAM (Chile) and MESCAT (KSA & UAE).



Our values : The 4B’s


Be You, at Laborelec, we encourage you to be yourself and allow your skills and knowledge to shine through.

Be Safe, keeping our employees safe is our top priority.

Become, as a Laborelec employee, you can build your career.

Belong, join our dynamic community at Laborelec and become an integral part of our team.



Our commitment


At ENGIE Laborelec, we’re building a diverse, inclusive team where everyone can thrive, reflecting the communities we serve.



We'd love to hear from you if this opportunity sparks your interest.

Your HR contact:


Isabelle Croiset






We believe any recruitment decision should be a sustainable one, taken by both parties and with full transparency. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have specific questions you want to get answered before applying.



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Energy Efficiency Solutions Project Manager

Posting date : 07/10/2024

Requisition ID : 28757

Energy Efficiency Solutions Project Manager








ENGIE Building Solutions, companie din grupul ENGIE Romania, este specializată în servicii de facility management și soluții de eficiență energetică pentru clienți B2B.


În prezent, căutăm o persoană organizată, orientată spre soluții, cu abilități bune de comunicare și management de proiect pentru a se alătura echipei CHP & Energy Efficiency Solutions Office, în calitate de CHP & ENERGY EFFICIENCY SOLUTIONS PROJECT MANAGER 


Dacă îți dorești să faci următorul pas în carieră, alături de o echipă competitivă și profesionistă, trimite-ne CV-ul tău. Ne poți ajuta să construim un viitor mai bun. Totul începe cu angajati remarcabili. Totul începe cu tine.


Ce vei face:


  • Vei gestiona proiectele de care este responsabil din cadrul companiei, pe toată durata lor, cu respectarea contractelor, termenelor și bugetelor alocate;
  • Vei elabora soluții tehnico-economice în cadrul Serviciului EEGS pentru departamentul/serviciul care a inițiat proiectul sau pentru potențialii clienți.
  • Vei elabora documentația tehnică de tip audituri energetice, breviare de calcul, proceduri, specificații tehnice, foi de date, instrucțiuni, rapoarte, evaluări și alte documente necesare.
  • Vei întocmi rapoarte de evaluare stare tehnică (multidisciplinare).
  • Vei oferi suport în ofertare montaj sisteme de cogenerare/alte echipamente energetice/ regenerabile.
  • Vei întocmi rapoarte de monitorizare consumatori energie termică, gaz energie electrică.
  • Vei elabora Contracte de Performanță Energetică și proceduri specifice.
  • Vei propune bugetele de execuție pentru sisteme din domeniul eficienței energetice, a generării și utilizării resurselor energetice tradiționale și regenerabile.
  • Vei propune soluții tehnice pentru sisteme din domeniul eficienței energetice, a generării și utilizării resurselor energetice tradiționale și regenerabile.
  • Vei analiza soluțiile de inginerie pentru echipamente propuse de alte departamente.
  • Vei întocmi analize de echivalentă pentru componente înlocuitoare ale celor instalate inițial în sisteme.
  • Vei analiza și aviza ofertele din punct de vedere tehnic.
  • Vei coordona activitățile de inginerie subcontractate cu organizațiile externe și avizarea lucrărilor acestora.
  • Vei asigura asistență tehnică de specialitate în timpul executării lucrărilor, a perioadei de întreținere și în timpul implementării eventualelor modificări/renovări.
  • Vei asigura suport tehnic de specialitate altor departamente (Achiziții, Mentenanță, Exploatare, Facility Management);
  • Vei asigura suportul necesar echipei comerciale în dezvoltarea relațiilor cu clienții, pentru identificarea proiectelor de eficientă energetică.
  • Vei verifică stadiul și corectitudinea întocmirii dosarului de fundamentare a proiectului și a situației consumului de resurse alocate.
  • Vei valida soluțiile generate dpdv financiar și tehnic, pe baza dosarului de fundamentare.
  • Vei asigura managementul reclamațiilor de calitate de la beneficiari, identifica măsuri de eliminare şi prevenire a neconformitatilor.
  • Vei asigura suport pentru obținerea și menținerea tuturor autorizațiilor și atestarilor necesare desfășurării și dezvoltării activităților gestionate.


Experiență, calificări, cunoștințe și abilități:


  • Studii tehnice superioare finalizate;
  • Experiență de minimum 3 ani în domenii similare, într-o companie de prestări servicii;
  • Cunoașterea limbii engleze la nivel mediu;
  • Cunoștințe aprofundate de utilizare a Pachetului Microsoft Office și a programelor specifice de proiectare asistată de calculator;
  • Permis de conducere categoria B;
  • Atestat ANRE/MDRAP de auditor energetic, constituie un avantaj
  • Alte certificări/autorizări în domeniu, constituie avantaj;
  • Responsabilitate în luarea deciziilor;
  • Capacitate de prioritizare în planificarea activităților;
  • Atitudine proactivă în rezolvarea problemelor;
  • Capacitatea de gestionare a unei echipe multidisciplinare;
  • Capacitate de planificare și organizare.



  • Asigurare medicală privată pentru tine și familie;
  • Acces la un program de dezvoltare personală și profesională;
  • Tichete de masă;
  • Concediu de odihnă extins, în funcție de vechimea în muncă.


Doar persoanele selectate vor fi invitate la interviu.


În cazul în care optezi să ne transmiți datele tale cu scopul de a candida pentru poziția menționată în prezentul anunț, te rugăm să iei cunoștință despre prevederile Notei de informare cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal ale candidaților:



Despre ENGIE

Grupul ENGIE este prezent în România în trei sectoare de activitate: gaze naturale, energie electrică şi servicii energetice. ENGIE Romania este principala filială a Grupului în România şi deţine companiile Distrigaz Sud Reţele, ENGIE Servicii, ENGIE Building Solutions, Alizeu Eolian şi Brăila Winds. Compania activează în următoarele domenii de activitate: distribuţie şi furnizare de gaze naturale, furnizare de energie electrică, servicii tehnice pentru instalaţiile de gaze naturale şi centrale termice şi producţie de energie electrică. ENGIE Romania şi filialele sale deservesc un portofoliu de 1,9 milioane de clienţi, operează o reţea de distribuţie de circa 20.000 km, deţin două parcuri eoliene cu o capacitate totală de 100 MW şi au peste 4.000 de angajaţi.


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Expert Omgevingsvergunning

Posting date : 08/10/2024

Requisition ID : 35346

Expert Omgevingsvergunning

Tractebel is een wereldwijd actief engineering- en consultancybedrijf dat geïntegreerde oplossingen biedt voor duurzame energieprojecten en de gebouwde omgeving. Onze expertise wordt wereldwijd erkend in de meest diverse sectoren waaronder nucleaire en hernieuwbare energie, gas, elektriciteitsnetwerken, waterkrachtcentrales & dammen, waterbronnen, ontzilting, complexe & hoogtechnologische gebouwen, transportinfrastructuur en havens & waterwegen.
Door strategie, ontwerp, engineering, sociale & milieustudies, projectbeheer en interne digitale toepassingen te verbinden, werken we samen met bedrijven en overheidsinstanties om een positieve impact te creëren op mens en planeet.
Gesteund door meer dan 150 jaar ervaring is Tractebel vandaag een gemeenschap van meer dan 5.500 gepassioneerde experts over de hele wereld, toegewijd aan ethisch zakendoen en de strijd tegen klimaatverandering. Tractebel maakt deel uit van de ENGIE Groep, een wereldwijde referentie op het gebied van koolstofarme energie en diensten.



Het team “Sustainability, Environment and Policy” is een team van consultants binnen de Tractebel familie. Dit team ondersteunt zowel externe klanten als andere afdelingen van Tractebel (Nucleair, Energie, Infrastructuur…) met advies over duurzame ontwikkeling en milieu.

Onze vergunningenexperten begeleiden de klant vanaf de haalbaarheidsfase tot finale afronding. Hierbij helpen ze de projecten van onze klanten conform te maken aan de wetgeving, conform te maken en helpen ze de milieuprestaties van deze projecten te optimaliseren. Onze community van vergunningenexperten omvat Vlaamse, Brusselse en Waalse experten. De Vlaamse experten ondersteunen projecten in Vlaanderen – maar teamwerk over de gewestgrenzen heen is mogelijk.

Onze junior collega’s worden door meer ervaren collega’s begeleid in het projectwerk. Zij worden ondersteund bij hun ontwikkeling, bij hun netwerking en in functie van hun algemene welbevinden op de werkvloer.

Als je gepassioneerd bent over het milieu in de breedste zin van het woord, en jouw waarden wil inzetten in een vergunningencontext om bij te dragen aan onze projecten, dan ben jij de medewerker die we zoeken.


 Jouw functie:


  • Je werkt mee aan projecten in de volgende gebieden: voornamelijk nucleaire, conventionele en hernieuwbare energie; industrie en infrastructuur.
  • Je zult voornamelijk werken aan projecten in Vlaanderen. Afhankelijk van jouw talenkennis en expertise kan je ook meewerken aan projecten in Brussel, Wallonië of Noord-Frankrijk.
  • Je staat in voor de opmaak van de aanvraag van de omgevingsvergunningen voor exploitatie van ingedeelde inrichtingen of activiteiten – en/of omgevingsvergunningen voor stedenbouwkundige handelingen en vegetatiewijzigingen. Je begeleidt onze klanten om hun milieunaleving te waarborgen en stelt verbeteringen voor. Hierbij word je gesteund door een ervaren Tractebel collega.
  • Je bent op de hoogte van de juridische aspecten van de omgevingsvergunningen of je bent bereid je in deze materie in te werken
  • Met de steun van onze ervaren collega’s werk je aan innovatieve oplossingen;
  • Je communiceert met andere project/disciplineleden en met de vergunningverlenende overheden en stakeholders. Geleidelijk krijg je meer verantwoordelijkheid bij het beheren van contacten met collega’s, klanten, partners en overheden.
  • Werken in teamverband is voor jou vanzelfsprekend en motiverend
  • Afhankelijk van jouw voorkeur, kun je voor een van onze kantoren als uitvalsbasis opteren. Je bent bereid om je te verplaatsen naar een ander kantoor om coaching door een ervaren collega mogelijk te maken. Ook werken op locatie van de klant is voor jou mogelijk.




  • Je hebt een diploma wetenschappen (bachelor of master). Een opleiding milieucoördinator A is een sterke troef.
  • Je hebt affiniteit met de Vlaamse milieuwetgeving en wetgeving op het gebied van ruimtelijke ordening;
  • Je bent geboeid door het aspect “omgevingsvergunning”
  • Je kunt duidelijke en goed gestructureerde rapporten opstellen;
  • Je bent vaardig in time-management en kunt deadlines respecteren;
  • Je kan je mondeling en schriftelijk vlot uitdrukken in het Nederlands en Engels. Frans is welkom.


TRACTEBEL verwelkomt kandidaten van alle achtergronden en bevordert actief diversiteit in het personeelsbestand.



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Asset Management Engineer

Posting date : 03/10/2024

Requisition ID : 35865

Asset Management Engineer

Bienvenue chez ENGIE FLEXIBLE GENERATION EUROPE! Chaque jour, nous construisons des solutions énergétiques efficaces qui nous emmènent vers un monde neutre en carbone !

Êtes-vous ingénieur civile ou industriel avec une première expérience en tant que Asset Management Engineer ? Alors ce job est pour vous ! Pour notre département Flexible Generation, nous sommes à la recherche d’un.e Asset Management Engineer (F/M/X) qui fera partie d’une nouvelle équipe de 5 personnes dans un environnement en pleine évolution!


VOS RESPONSABILITES en tant qu’Asset Management Engineer

  • Maximiser la performance, la fiabilité et la valeur des actifs de production de l’UTE Sud. Vous travaillez en étroite collaboration avec les départements exploitation, maintenance, projets et santé sécurité pour:
  • Développer et adapter des stratégies de maintenance à long terme et les traduire en plans de maintenance préventive dans SAP
  • Coordonner la planification et le budget à long terme avec les départements d’expertise et assurer la conformité aux obligations légales
  • Cartographier et évaluer périodiquement les risques tout en appliquant la maintenance prédictive et en introduisant de nouvelles méthodes préventives
  • Organiser des évaluations périodiques de sécurité et garantir la continuité des services spécialisés
  • Collaborer à l’établissement des indicateurs de performance et gérer les projets et changements importants par actif



VOTRE PROFIL en tant qu’Asset Management Engineer

  • Diplôme d’ingénieur civil ou industriel avec une expérience en analyses de risques et propositions d’amélioration
  • Bonne communication et la capacité à travailler avec les différentes équipes et la direction
  • Motivation à se former continuellement et à se tenir informé des évolutions et des innovations dans le domaine
  • Orienté sur les résultats, la fiabilité,  la sécurité et l’efficacité
  • Vous maîtrisez le français et avez une bonne connaissance de l’anglais
  • Vous prêtez une attention particulière à votre sécurité et à votre santé comme à celles de vos collègues !


NOUS VOUS OFFRONS en tant qu’Asset Management Engineer

  • Un travail stimulant dans lequel vous pouvez grandir en participant à des projets et initiatives ciblés.
  • Un large éventail d’opportunités de formation et de développement. Le développement et l’apprentissage continus font partie intégrante de notre ADN.
  • Un package salarial compétitif, avec de nombreux avantages extralégaux :
    • un plan de bonus optimisé fiscalement
    • Assurance hospitalisation pour vous et les membres de votre famille et assurance des frais médicaux
    • Plan de pension attractif
    • une voiture de société ou une alternative verte via notre plan de mobilité
    • un abonnement transports en commun
  • Un bon équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie privée avec 34 jours de vacances, la possibilité de télétravail jusqu'à 2 jours par semaine, des horaires flexibles et la possibilité de travailler 80%
  • Un accueil dans une organisation dynamique et bienveillante engagée dans le bien-être, l'inclusion et la diversité où chacun peut être soi-même. Nous sommes certifié EDGE. Les organisations certifiées EDGE ont montré leur engagement pour la diversité, l’équité et l’inclusion et elles ont été évaluées  par rapport aux normes mondiales les plus élevées.


VOTRE LIEU DE TRAVAIL : Flexible sur la centrale hydraulique de Coo : route du lac 1, 4980 Trois-Ponts, avec déplacements occasionnels sur certains barrages


VOTRE CONTACT HR : Nancy Mé Nous croyons que chaque décision de recrutement devrait être durable, prise par nos 2 et en pleine transparence. N’hésitez pas à me contacter si vous avez des questions spécifiques avant de postuler.


ENGIE Flexible Generation Europe, couvre de nombreux aspects du secteur de l’énergie : environ 1 400 employés gèrent, maintiennent et exploitent des unités de gaz naturel, de biomasse, d’hydroélectricité et de cogénération à grande échelle, hautement flexibles et performantes, appartenant à ENGIE dans 7 pays européens (Belgique, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal, Espagne et Royaume-Uni). Cette entité développe également de nouvelles applications telles que la sécurité énergétique en utilisant des systèmes de stockage de batteries de grande capacité ou des projets de conversion d’électricité en gaz (biométhane, hydrogène, etc.).


Ainsi, ENGIE Flexible Generation Europe soutient le réseau électrique nécessaire pour compléter les énergies renouvelables et aide les grands clients industriels à effectuer la transition vers le processus de production le plus écoénergétique, y compris en réduisant considérablement leurs émissions de CO.



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Transformer Expert

Posting date : 02/10/2024

Requisition ID : 35850

Transformer Expert

Transformers Expert – Saudi Arabia


ENGIE Laborelec is a leading expertise and research centre in electrical power and sustainable technology. Drawing on the skills of more than 380 highly specialized engineers and technicians, the company is active on the whole electricity value chain and backs a large set of customers in the fields of generation, transmission, distribution, storage and final use of electricity.

At the core of the energy transition, Laborelec Middle East is hiring a Transformer Expert to sustain its growth in Saudi Arabia. 


The opportunity

You will join a team of experts based in the client offices. The team will be composed of 4 Experts and one project Manager responsible for the overall client management. During the onsite assignment, you will be required to :

  • Support the client on Transformer asset inspection and health index estimation
  • Recommend preventive and reactive maintenance activities based on the condition of the client Transformer assets.
  • Support client during major incident by providing recommendation to repairs or restore failing Transformer equipment.
  • Challenge OEM on the recommendation given to our client and support client during repairs activities on Transformers.
  • Collaborate with Engie Laborelec Headquarter colleagues to study or analyse major equipment failures
  • Serve as specific field’s expert Transformer technical advisors for our client on the subject matters.
  • This assignment will require the experts to visit the sites jointly with the client maintenance crew.

What you need to succeed in your mission

You have:

  • At least 5 years to 10 years experiences as a High Voltage Transformers Expert covering diverse aspects like condition monitoring, oils analysis interpretation, ...
  • Hands on Experience in Transformers operation and maintenance.
  • Autonomy in addressing complex problems in an innovative way.
  • The ideal profile would have tested, assessed and maintained Transformers preferably in a utility, an OEM or Maintenance company.

You are:

  • Curious and technically driven
  • Customer oriented with a strong ability to adapt yourself
  • Result-driven and target-focussed
  • You are fluent in English.

ENGIE Laborelec offers you

  • A 2 years contact
  • An exciting career in an agile leading expertise centre, part of the ENGIE Group
  • A competitive salary supplemented by numerous benefits

Your HR contact person: Damien Colmant -


Workplace: ENGIE Laborelec – Saudi Arabia, UAE



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Senior Lead Engineer - Structural Engineering

Posting date : 01/10/2024

Requisition ID : 35345

Senior Lead Engineer - Structural Engineering


The Structural Engineering team has a vacancy for a passionate Senior Lead Engineer in Structural Engineering for its Infrastructures PWW projects

Our Structural Engineering team is involved in a wide range of projects in collaboration with other Tractebel and ENGIE Group entities, both in Belgium and internationally. The team has about 120 Engineers (Experts, Lead Engineers, Design Engineers, BIM modelers), CAD draftsmen and Assistant in Belgium and in Romania. In Belgium, the Structural Engineering team operates from 4 locations in Belgium (Ghent, Hasselt, Brussels and Namur).

The choice of which Belgian office you want to work for is up to you.


  • Lead and manage structural engineering projects from concept to execution, ensuring compliance with quality, budget, and timeline requirements.
  • Act as an expert in Structural Engineering and supporting the teams in technical design reviews of other projects of the department
  • Develop and promote the use of BIM and parametric design within the organization.
  • Coordinate and collaborate with multidisciplinary teams, including design engineers, geotechnical engineers, and draftsmen.
  • Prepare and present project proposals, offers, and contracts in consultation with the commercial team.
  • Ensure projects are executed in accordance with Tractebel’s quality system and health & safety rules.
  • Report project progress regularly to the manager.
  • Mentor and guide junior engineers, actively participating in their training and development.
  • Foster strong relationships with clients, responding to their needs and ensuring customer satisfaction.
  • Collaborate constructively with external partners such as architects, other engineering consultancies, subcontractors, and contractors during the construction phase.
  • Strive for sustainable and efficient engineering solutions.
  • Stay updated with industry standards, guidelines, and developments, sharing knowledge with team members.



  • Master’s degree in Civil Engineering or equivalent;
  • Minimum of 20 years of experience in structural engineering projects related to complex infrastructures (e.g., bridges, tunnels, railways, airports).
  • Proven experience in leading and managing engineering projects.
  • You were ideally involved in all aspects and phases of your projects: sales, contract, competition, design, studies, tender, execution, management, …;
  • Strong knowledge of BIM and parametric design.
  • Excellent communication and leadership skills.
  • Ability to work collaboratively in a multidisciplinary team environment.
  • Customer-focused with strong problem-solving skills.
  • Stress-resistant and know how to keep your focus under pressure with a healthy dose of assertiveness and diplomacy
  • Fluent in Dutch; knowledge of English or French is a plus. 

Our offer

  • An attractive compensation package with fringe benefits such as a mobility budget, meal vouchers, hospitalization insurance, annual bonus, internet reimbursement and much more.
  • An interesting and varied job in an international environment with a good work/life balance.
  • A stable work environment where professional growth and development are stimulated (via the Tractebel School and the ENGIE University).
  • A permanent contract to ensure the roles offered are in accordance with your skills, interests, career goals and lifestyle.


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BIM Coordinator / Ingénieur Layout

Posting date : 01/10/2024

Requisition ID : 23510

BIM Coordinator / Ingénieur Layout

Tractebel is a global engineering and consulting company delivering integrated solutions for sustainable energy and built environment projects. Our expertise is trusted worldwide across multiple markets like nuclear, renewables, power & gas, electrical grids, hydropower & dams, water resources & supply, desalination, complex & high-tech buildings, transport infrastructures, and ports & waterways. By connecting strategy, design, engineering, social & environmental studies, project management and in-house digital applications, we partner with companies and public authorities to create a positive impact on people and planet. Backed by more than 150 years of experience, today Tractebel is a community of over 5,500 passionate experts across the globe, committed to ethical business and the fight against climate change. Tractebel is part of the ENGIE Group, a global reference in low-carbon energy and services.


Tractebel BA Global Nuclear seeks for its "Engineering Management and Integration Group" a 





                                                                                             BIM COORDINATOR / INGÉNIEUR LAYOUT


The "Engineering Management  & Integration" group  which is part of the “Operational Support” competence centre of the Global Business Area NUCLEAR, provides engineering and consulting services in:


  • Technical Integration: issuing multidisciplinary synthesis reports and ensuring technical consistency of Nuclear project deliverables and technical excellence through coordination of the technical disciplines and  overall nuclear expertise;
  • Layout: integration of input from different technical disciplines and coordination of draftsmen to achieve an optimum spatial arrangement for a new facility or modifications to existing plants, taking into account all project constraints including safety, constructability, economics, operations, maintenance, etc;
  • Drafting: development of drawings of technical solutions (BIM model, 2D implantation drawings, Civil Works guide drawings, Site Plot Plans, isometrics, PID, etc).

The key competences of the “Plant Layout & Integration” Group are related to:

  • Design assessment of Generation III/III+ reactors, not limited to but with particular emphasis on EPR, AP1000, ATMEA1 and EU-APR designs;
  • Follow-up of Generation IV and Small Modular Reactor (SMR) designs;
  • Engineering and Consulting services for Nuclear New Build projects (siting, licensing, design, layout, Owner requirements, Bid Invitation Specifications, EPC Contract Development, etc);
  • Design and construction of complex plant modifications and new facilities at operating Nuclear Power Plant units (e.g. spent fuel storage facilities, waste management facilities, Long Term Operation and Post-Fukushima modifications, Containment Filter Venting System, new bunkerised facilities, etc);
  • Layout development and Drafting for:
    • Nuclear projects (see hereabove);
    • International Gas Projects (e.g. new LNG Terminals);
    • National and International Conventional Power projects (Combined Cycle Power Plants, Wind Turbine, Biomass Power Plants, Coal Fired Power Plants, Diesel Engines Power Plants) and Industry projects (e.g. pharmaceutical industry).




Building Information Model (BIM) is a collaboration process involving the generation and management of an integrated digital representation (BIM Models) of physical (CAD) and functional characteristics (Data / Documents) of a Building / Facility, its Systems, Structures and Components.


As part of his BIM activities on projects, the BIM Coordinator / Layout Engineer:

  • Manages the BIM models and information exchanges;
  • Coordinates the BIM Modelers / Draftsmen to develop optimum layout solutions (see herebelow);
  • Performs interference management and issues the collision reports;
  • Extracts the data from the 3D data model in order to generate the necessary lists of BOP SSC and Bills of Materials/Quantities;
  • Develops and implements BIM standards, templates, automation routines, documentation and workflow process standards; collaborates with other Tractebel entities and with Tractebel BIM Managers to streamline the development of the BIM processes in the Plant Layout and Integration group;
  • Manages and supervises the activities of the BIM Modellers / Draftsmen; assesses and monitors of the workload and project needs; identifies their training needs.

The BIM Coordinator / Layout Engineer will be involved in different engineering missions of the Plant Layout and Integration Group. The engineering mission of BIM Coordinator/ Layout Engineer is to achieve an optimum arrangement of a new nuclear facility taking constructability, economics, safety and operations. The BIM Coordinator / Layout Engineer must “demonstrate technical ability along with a creative talent and common-sense approach to problem solving” for developing the layout of a facility. The BIM Coordinator / Layout Engineer typical activities include:

  • Collection of layout requirements (project requirements, customer requirements, site requirements, etc), collection of layout inputs from the different Disciplines involved in the project (Safety and Security, Radiation Protection, HSE, Fluid Systems, HVAC, Fire Protection, Mechanical equipment including handling systems, Electrical Systems, Instrumentation and Control Systems, Civil Works, etc.); Review of layout inputs and design configurations issued by the different Disciplines and anticipation of layout problems and customer needs;
  • Performance of site visits (walkdown) (when necessary) and measurement campaigns (use of laser scanner);
  • Development of optimum layout solutions, drawing sketches of preliminary solutions on BIM/ CAD software, management of the BIM models; Optimum arrangement of the facility plot plan; Optimum location of all equipment inside the facilities; Optimum routing and arrangement of the different systems, structures and components inside the facilities: civil structures, piping, process, HVAC, mechanical equipment, electrical systems, I&C, etc;
  • Coordination of the BIM Modellers / Draftsmen for the issue and successive revisions of different design drawings (with 2D and 3D BIM / CAD softwares) and figures;
  • Drafting general layout reports e.g. in order to present and justify the developed layout solutions; presentation of layout solutions to customer ;
  • Coordination of layout aspects through participation and/or organization of multidisciplinary “layout” meetings, design reviews and more informal “face-to-face” meetings;
  • Adequate introduction of hold points. Request for validation of layout solutions by all Disciplines prior to design reviews;
  • Management of layout interfaces between the different Disciplines, and provision of appropriate support and timely deliverables to other Disciplines.




  • You are a Civil engineer or Industrial engineer with a sharp interest in technical expertise;
  • You demonstrate experience as BIM coordinator (or BIM Manager) and/or as Layout Engineer on large-size engineering projects. Layout experience in nuclear installations is a key asset;
  • You demonstrate experience with BIM software (preferably REVIT); experience with other BIM / CAD softwares is a plus (Autocad, Microstation, OpenPlant, AECOSIM, SMARTPLANT, Recap, Navisworks, Inventor, Solidworks, PDMS, Catia…); experience with point clouds and laser scanner is a plus;
  • You have a strong interest in new digital tools and methods (BIM, laser scanner, point cloud, AR/VR);
  • As the BIM processes are under development in the section you have an hands-on approach to propose / test / develop existing/ new BIM tools and methods (add-ons, software, libraries, automation routines, server);
  • You are dynamic, pragmatic and rigorous and have a strong problem solving attitude;
  • You have outstanding judgment, organization and decision making skills;
  • You are a team player, good listener, collaborative and communicator;
  • You are interested in people management;
  • You are willing to perform (occasional) site visits (industry, conventional and nuclear power plants in Belgium and internationally);
  • You are fluent in English and in French or Dutch.


Tractebel welcomes candidates from all backgrounds, and actively promotes Diversity in the workforce.



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Nuclear Engineer - Radiological Characterisation

Posting date : 01/10/2024

Requisition ID : 22644

Nuclear Engineer - Radiological Characterisation

Tractebel is a global engineering and consulting company delivering integrated solutions for sustainable energy and built environment projects. Our expertise is trusted worldwide across multiple markets like nuclear, renewables, power & gas, electrical grids, hydropower & dams, water resources & supply, desalination, complex & high-tech buildings, transport infrastructures, and ports & waterways. By connecting strategy, design, engineering, social & environmental studies, project management and in-house digital applications, we partner with companies and public authorities to create a positive impact on people and planet. Backed by more than 150 years of experience, today Tractebel is a community of over 5,500 passionate experts across the globe, committed to ethical business and the fight against climate change. Tractebel is part of the ENGIE Group, a global reference in low-carbon energy and services.

Thanks to a strong increase in business activity, we are currently recruiting a fulltime Nuclear Engineer Radiological Characterization for a permanent position in our Brussels HQ, Namur, Hasselt or Ghent office (partial homework possible).




Nuclear Engineer -  Radiological Characterization






The ‘RP, Radwaste and Decommissioning’ Competence Centre, which is part of the DECOM Department, is responsible for all Engineering aspects in the field of:

  • Radiation Protection;
  • Radiation Monitoring;
  • Radiological Characterization;
  • Radioactive Waste Management (both waste from operational and from dismantling activities);
  • Decommissioning Concepts (Dismantling Tools & Techniques, Conceptual Design Studies, …).


The team ‘Radiological Characterization’ is in charge of all activities related to :

  • the radiological characterization of building, structure and equipment in a nuclear installation through measurements and sampling campaigns;
  • the final radiological characterization of operational and dismantling waste (packages) produced during operation, post-operation and dismantling phases of a nuclear installation. This including, among others, the set up of strategies/methodologies for the characterization processes, the selection and procurement of measurement systems to characterize radioactive and (un)conditional release waste (packages), the definition of scaling factors/activities for different waste streams.


These activities are carried out for Electrabel as well as for other national and international Clients. It provides high-level engineering and consultancy services. The team interacts with the other teams of the Competence Centre (CC), with the other CC’s and the other Products of the Business Entity  Belgium Nuclear. Its members work in close relationship with the final Client and interact with the Safety Authorities and the radioactive Waste Management Agencies.







As ‘Nuclear Engineer Radiological Characterization’, you are responsible for the sound roll-out of all the projects, tasks and responsibilities entrusted to you. In close collaboration with your colleagues and your team lead, you contribute to the preparation of bids, the Engineering Studies and the projects in the field of Radiological Characterization.


Your responsibilities are:


•       - conducting radiological characterization studies according to the needs and the expertise level expected by the dedicated authorities;

•       - developing and applying strong capabilities with computer codes such as MicroShield, MCNP or RayXpert but also in-house Python calculation codes;

•       - writing technical specifications and follow-up of orders for the procurement of measurement systems and radiological campaigns;

•       - developing a strong expertise in the field of the radiological characterization based on national and international references;

•       -  share your knowledge and experience with Clients and colleagues to ensure alignment concerning the work to be realized and setting the right expectations;

•       - maintaining the knowledge, expertise and methodologies required to accomplish your missions;

•       - delivering ‘quality on time’: in order to achieve this objective, you will get all support required in terms of technical training, coaching and availability of (IT) resources;

•       - verifying work performed by your colleagues guarantying the expected high quality level;

•       - correctly applying the Integrated Management System (IMS) procedures;

•      -  providing regular feedback concerning ongoing activities to your team lead and your hierarchy, while working autonomously towards the goals defined for you;

•     -  identifying and implementing possible synergies with other teams and/or comptetence Centers;

•       -  contributing to the preparation of technical bids;

•      - providing (internal) presentations and trainings;

•      -  participating actively to regular meetings with your colleagues during which workload, technical issues, project follow-up, development strategy and transversal activity coordination are discussed.


You will collaborate actively with your colleagues from Project Management and Competence Centre departments, and build a close relationship while working for the same goal, actively developing cross department projects for your Clients.


You embody the image and values of Tractebel and the Engie group (Ethics, QHSE,…) in all your contacts, both inside and outside the ENGIE group, and other external stakeholders.





  • You have the drive to become a technical expert in this field;
  • You have a master’s degree or PhD in engineering or sciences, preferably in physics, with a strong technical background and a will to further develop your technical expertise;
  • You are fluent in French or Dutch and in English;
  • You can draw up reports in French or Dutch and in English;
  • You have experience (at least 5 years) in the nuclear industry, with expertise in data processing and analysis or Contract Owner;
  • You are flexible and creative in finding technical solutions;
  • You ar autonomous and you like teamwork
  • You are open to gain new competencies as well as to share them;
  • You are at ease with IT-tools and familiar with the MS-Office software suite, the knowledge of Python is considered as an advantage





•       The possibility to carry out a complex job full of challenges autonomously, with the right attention to work/life balance as part of our Employee Value Proposition.

•       An attractive compensation package with fringe benefits;

A permanent contract to ensure the roles offered are in accordance with your skills, interests, career goals and lifestyle.


Tractebel welcomes candidates from all backgrounds, and actively promotes Diversity in the workforce.





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Senior Civil Works Site Engineer - Tihange

Posting date : 01/10/2024

Requisition ID : 11330

Senior Civil Works Site Engineer - Tihange

Tractebel is a global engineering and consulting company delivering integrated solutions for sustainable energy and built environment projects. Our expertise is trusted worldwide across multiple markets like nuclear, renewables, power & gas, electrical grids, hydropower & dams, water resources & supply, desalination, complex & high-tech buildings, transport infrastructures, and ports & waterways. By connecting strategy, design, engineering, social & environmental studies, project management and in-house digital applications, we partner with companies and public authorities to create a positive impact on people and planet. Backed by more than 150 years of experience, today Tractebel is a community of over 5,500 passionate experts across the globe, committed to ethical business and the fight against climate change. Tractebel is part of the ENGIE Group, a global reference in low-carbon energy and services.

 Its Métier Civil Works and Infrastructure, with offices in Belgium (Brussels, Doel, Tihange), France (Gennevilliers, Lyon, Marseille & Tours) and the UK (Bristol) is seeking a




Senior Civil Works Site Engineer - Tihange



to join our enthusiastic team in Tihange.

You will address the technical follow-up of the civil works related to the different projects that are ongoing and will be realized in the frame of

  • Long Term Operations – namely the projects associated to the anticipated life time extension of Tihange 3
  • Decommissioning and Dismantling – namely both the new build and modifications associated to the final shutdown of Tihange 1 and 2;
  • Plant Operational Support – namely the civil works assistance we deliver to the operational power plants (e.g. from maintenance works for cooling towers or other important structures, to completely new build structures, as e.g. Spent Fuel Storage Facilities);

You will join the Site Team under the mentorship of the Site Lead.


Typical activities include:

  • interfacing between Tractebel’s back office, the Client and Contractors realizing the works;
  • inspecting the Contractors’ execution activities, verifying compliance with execution drawings and documents (erection methodology etc.);
  • verifying and monitoring of Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) requirements;
  • management of the technical interfaces between Contractors;
  • management and follow up of main design modifications;
  • participation to regular meetings with the stakeholders: progress, challenges, interfaces, HSE, etc.;
  • drafting work orders and site orders, issuing notes on the execution and shortcomings, and checking the progress reports prepared by the Contractors;
  • continually exchanging information on developments in work, studies, etc.;


The successful candidate

  • Holds a Master degree in civil/structural engineering. Relevant professional experience in an engineering environment, including design assignments and erection follow-up, preferably in an industrial environment is an advantage;
  • Is fluent in French and either Dutch or English;
  • is a born team player
  • communicates factually and to the point
  • is curious and has a questioning attitude

Tractebel welcomes candidates from all backgrounds, and actively promotes Diversity in the workforce.



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Technical Integrator - Nuclear

Posting date : 01/10/2024

Requisition ID : 6205

Technical Integrator - Nuclear

Tractebel is a global engineering and consulting company delivering integrated solutions for sustainable energy and built environment projects. Our expertise is trusted worldwide across multiple markets like nuclear, renewables, power & gas, electrical grids, hydropower & dams, water resources & supply, desalination, complex & high-tech buildings, transport infrastructures, and ports & waterways. By connecting strategy, design, engineering, social & environmental studies, project management and in-house digital applications, we partner with companies and public authorities to create a positive impact on people and planet. Backed by more than 150 years of experience, today Tractebel is a community of over 5,500 passionate experts across the globe, committed to ethical business and the fight against climate change. Tractebel is part of the ENGIE Group, a global reference in low-carbon energy and services.


Tractebel BA Global Nuclear seeks for its Technical Direction & Integration Department a 


Technical Integration ENGINEER



The "Engineering Management" group, which is part of the “Technical Direction & Integration” Department of the Nuclear Global Business Area, provides engineering and consulting services in:

  • Technical Integration: issuing multidisciplinary synthesis reports and ensuring technical consistency of Nuclear project deliverables and technical excellence through coordination of the technical disciplines and  overall nuclear expertise, System Engineering;
  • Layout: integration of input from different technical disciplines and coordination of BIM Modellers / Draftsmen to achieve an optimum spatial arrangement for a new facility or modifications to existing plants, taking into account all project constraints including safety, constructability, economics, operations, maintenance, etc ;
  • Drafting: development of models and drawings of technical solutions (BIM/ CAD 3D model, 2D implantation drawings, Civil Works guide drawings, Site Plot Plans, isometrics, PID, etc).

The key competences of the “Plant Layout & Integration” Group are related to:

  • Design assessment of Small Modular Reactor (SMR), Generation III/III+ and Generation IV reactors;;
  • Engineering and Consulting services for Nuclear New Build projects (siting, licensing, design, layout, Owner requirements, Bid Invitation Specifications, EPC Contract Development, etc);
  • Design and construction of complex plant modifications and new facilities at operating Nuclear Power Plant units e.g. spent fuel storage facilities, waste management facilities, Long Term Operation and Post-Fukushima modifications, Containment Filter Venting System, new bunkerised facilities, etc;
  • Design and construction of miscellaneous complex facilities in the nuclear sector (e.g. D&D projects, proton therapy centers, research reactors);
  • Layout development and Drafting for:
    • Nuclear projects (see hereabove);
    • International Gas Projects (e.g. new LNG Terminals);
    • National and International Conventional Power projects (Combined Cycle Power Plants, Biomass Power Plants, Coal Fired Power Plants, Diesel Engines Power Plants) and Industry projects (e.g. pharmaceutical industry).



your job

Technical Integrator role on a project (sometimes called “Technical Coordinator”) mainly consists in ensuring the technical consistency of the project deliverables and the technical excellence of the solutions developed in line with the client expectations while respecting the budget and the planning. This responsibility is of course shared with the Project Manager and the Discipline Experts working on the project.

  • You act as a major technical interface between the Project Manager and the Discipline Experts ensuring the coordination and integration of multidisciplinary technical competences;
  • You are the technical interface for the client and you play a major role in the achievement of the key deliverables such as engineering, design studies, technical specifications, white book, etc;
  • You provide technical guidelines of the project for the disciplines involved. You introduce adequate hold points and design reviews within a project and perform technical review for ensuring the general consistency of project deliverables;
  • You anticipate problems and customer needs for the different disciplines; identifying and managing technical risks and non-conformities. You manage efficiently the technical interfaces between technical disciplines and contractual packages;
  • You draft general and multidisciplinary technical and/or contractual documents on basis of the inputs of different disciplines and project stakeholders (including Customer);
  • You contribute to the further development of the multidisciplinary competences by indicating areas for improvement and integrating lessons learnt.




As a Technical Integrator profile you have sufficient expertise to integrate the various disciplines of his/her project (process, safety, mechanical, electrical, I&C, fuel, civil works, site constraints, contractual aspects, basic legal and financial principles, etc) in order to ensure the technical performance of a project.

  • You have a master in Engineering;
  • You have a general knowledge of nuclear installations of PWR or BWR designs (nuclear island and/or  conventional island and/or balance of plant), developed through participation in power plant projects for 5 years;
  • An experience in the new designs of nuclear power plants (Generation III, Generation IV, SMR,…) is an asset;
  • You are result oriented and you demonstrate leadership;
  • You have outstanding judgment, organization and decision making skills;
  • You have basic knowledge of project management techniques and have coordination skills;
  • You are a team player, good listener, collaborative and communicator;
  • You have the capacity to integrate various disciplines (process, safety, mechanical, electrical, I&C, fuel, civil works, site constraints, contractual aspects, basic legal and financial principles, etc.)  in order to ensure the technical performance of a project;You have several years of experience in at least one of these disciplines;
  • You are interested in international projects;
  • You will be based in Brussels or in France; depending on your profile and experience opportunities exist in other countries.
  • Languages skills: Fluent English as well as French and/or Dutch.


Tractebel welcomes candidates from all backgrounds, and actively promotes Diversity in the workforce.



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