SAP SuccessFactors id

Market Risk Analyst

Posting date : 01/04/2024

Requisition ID : 25377

Market Risk Analyst


You will be part of the Global Risk Analytics team (8 people) of which 7 members are operating from Paris but this position will be located in Singapore. The team is in charge of the Market Risk monitoring of the GEMS (Global Energy Management) Business Unit of ENGIE and its regulated entity EGM (Engie Global Markets). In Singapore, you will benefit also from the experience and the support of the local Market Risk team who are in charge of the local monitoring of the Asia Pacific Business Platform and Australia Business Platform of GEMS.


You will evolve in a collaborative team that thrives in a dynamic, technology and data driven environment. Your contributions will directly impact our commitment to excellence and innovation within the Risk Expertise center of GEMS.


We are committed to producing and reporting of key risk metrics, providing timely insights to relevant stakeholders across the organization. As stewards of risk governance, we design and maintain robust frameworks for market risk measurement, limit setting, and control, ensuring alignment with regulatory requirements and internal policies.


Collaborating closely with trading desks, operating in a global environment in the fast changing Commodity World, we foster collaboration and knowledge sharing across regions and business lines, leveraging diverse perspectives to enhance risk awareness and decision-making with our priority objective to uphold the integrity of GEMS & EGM risk management framework across all countries and Business Platforms.


Our expertise in market risk management extends to the development, enhancement and validation of risk models, systems, and processes, driving continuous improvement and innovation, partnering tightly with Quant Risk & Front Office as well as IT teams.


Digital is at the heart of the team DNA, leveraging on cutting edge technologies and analytical tools , we integrate digital solutions seamlessly into our operations to foster agility, increase our ability to extract actionable insights from vast volume of data.




As the Global Risk Analytics representant in Singapore, you will be key to ensure the good sharing of information, knowledge and market risk standards & practices between your global team (Global Risk Analytics) and Asia Pacific & Australia Market Risk teams.


On a daily basis, you will work in close collaboration with other team members in Paris and interact with Front Office and other Support functions in Singapore.


Key Responsibilities


Model and New Product Validation: Support the validation of risk models and the assessment of new products or business initiatives to ensure their compliance with internal risk management policies and regulatory requirements.


Risk Assessment: Conduct comprehensive risk assessments and scenario analyses to evaluate the potential impact of various risk events. Participate in risk identification workshops and meetings to contribute insights and perspectives on potential risks and their implications.


Risk Monitoring and Reporting: Prepare regular risk reports and dashboards for senior management and the board of directors, highlighting emerging risks and areas of concern.


This position provides an excellent opportunity to gain hands-on experience in risk identification, assessment, model & product validation, while contributing to the overall effectiveness & transversality of our risk management processes.


Hard skills:


  • Must have:
  • Data Analysis: Proficiency in data analysis tools and techniques, including Excel & Python to analyze and interpret complex data sets related to market risk.


  • Financial Knowledge: Understanding of financial markets, instruments, products to assess their impact on market risk.


  • Risk Management Principles: Knowledge of risk management principles, methodologies, and best practices, including risk identification, assessment, mitigation, and monitoring.


  • Model Validation: Understanding of risk models and quantitative techniques used for market risk measurement and validation, including VaR (Value at Risk) and stress testing methodologies.


  • Good to have:
  • Regulatory Compliance: Familiarity with regulatory requirements and industry standards governing market risk management


  • Commodity Markets : knowledge of the Commodity World is a plus.


Soft skills:


  • Communication: Effective communication skills, both verbal and written, to convey complex risk concepts and findings to stakeholders at all levels of the organization.


  • Analytical Thinking: Strong analytical and problem-solving skills to analyze data, identify trends, and make informed decisions about market risk exposures.


  • Teamwork: Collaborative mindset and ability to work effectively as part of a team, supporting colleagues and contributing to a positive and inclusive work environment.


Education and professional background:


  • Master's degree in finance, risk management or a related field.
  • 2+ year of experience in Market Risks, preferably in a Banking or Utilities company in a Trading environment. Previous experience in a leadership or senior management role is highly desirable.


  • English

If you meet these requirements, then you are the talent we are looking for. Do not waste time! 

Apply by attaching your updated CV, regardless your gender.


ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales is committed to create a gender-neutral environment that unlocks the potential of everyone and provides equal employment opportunities for all individuals. 


All our positions are open to people with disabilities, please let your recruiter know if you need reasonable accommodations to be able to participate in the recruitment process, they will be happy to assist you. 



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Posting date : 30/09/2024

Requisition ID : 24342





INGINER – 1 post




Distrigaz Sud Rețele, filială a ENGIE Romania, este liderul distribuției de gaze naturale în România. Cu o expertiză de peste 47 de ani în acest domeniu, compania deține contracte de concesiune pentru distribuția de gaze naturale în 1.358 de localități, pe raza a 20 de județe din sudul și centrul României și a municipiului București, gestionând o rețea de distribuție de peste 22.500 de km.


La Distrigaz Sud Retele, dorim să venim în întâmpinarea nevoilor clienților noștri și să îi ajutăm să își atingă obiectivele, într-un mod eficient. Căutăm oameni talentați, care să pună clienții în centrul a tot ceea ce facem.


În prezent, căutăm o persoană care își dorește o carieră de Diriginte de Șantier, pentru a se alătura departamentului Inginerie rețea, în calitate de Inginer.


Dacă îți dorești să faci următorul pas în carieră, alături de o echipă competitivă și profesionistă, trimite-ne CV-ul tău. Ne poți ajuta să construim un viitor mai bun. Totul începe cu angajati remarcabili. Totul începe cu tine.


Ce vei face:

  • Vei oferi suport dirigintelui de șantier în urmărirea realizării lucrărilor de racordare (pregătirea, executarea, recepția lucrării) cu respectarea cerințelor de calitate;
  • Te vei asigura de încadrarea în termenele și bugetul stabilit în planul de investiții;
  • Vei urmări aplicarea tuturor prevederilor legislative din domeniul construcțiilor și gazelor naturale;
  • Vei oferi suport în gestionarea documentațiilor aferente activității;
  • Te vei implica în deblocarea întârzierilor apărute în diferite faze ale lucrărilor;
  • Vei face raportări periodice și/sau ocazionale solicitate;
  • Vei identifica și raporta problemele apărute în derularea lucrărilor de investiții;
  • Vei asigura suportul dirigintelui de șantier în toate fazele privind realizarea lucrărilor, după cum urmează:
    • În perioada de pregătire a executării lucrărilor, împreună cu dirigintele de șantier, studiezi proiectul, caietele de sarcini, tehnologiile și procedurile prevăzute pentru realizarea construcțiilor;
    • Însoțești dirigintele de șantier pe teren pentru a participa la anumite faze ale execuției;
    • În perioada de executare a lucrărilor asiguri suportul la verificarea în teren a execuției lucrărilor furnizând informații și dovezi, întocmind rapoarte pe lucrare;
    • Oferi suportul pentru a asigura realizarea lucrărilor în conformitate cu prevederile contractului, a proiectelor, a caietelor de sarcini si a reglementărilor tehnice în vigoare;
    • Asiguri suportul în urmărirea rezolvării problemelor constatate în teren în ceea ce privește execuția lucrărilor.


Experiență, calificări, cunoștințe și abilități:

  • Studii superioare tehnice finalizate cu diplomă de licență, cu specializările: Instalații pentru construcții sau Inginerie de petrol și gaze;
  • Instalator autorizat ANRE: EGIU sau PGIU si EGD sau PGD, cu experiență în autorizații de minimum 3 ani;
  • Permis de conducere categoria B;
  • Experiență profesională de minimum 3 ani în activități de proiectare si execuție si/sau consultanță în construcții, în rețele și instalații de gaze naturale;
  • Cunoașterea activităților sistemului de distribuție a gazelor naturale;
  • Cunoașterea modulelor SAP specifice activității (PS-IM, MM, ISU) – reprezintă avantaj;
  • Bune cunoștințe de operare MS Office;
  • Cunoștințe de legislație specifică;
  • Abilități de comunicare scrisă și verbală;
  • Demonstrează responsabilitate pentru activitățile desfășurate;
  • Capacitate de a respecta termenele limită;
  • Capacitate de planificare, organizare, analiză și sinteză;
  • Atitudine activă în soluționarea problemelor.



  • Asigurare medicală privată pentru tine și familie;
  • Acces la un program de dezvoltare personală și profesională;
  • Tichete de masă;
  • Concediu de odihnă extins, în funcție de vechimea în muncă;
  • Primă de vacanță.

Doar persoanele selectate vor fi invitate la interviu.


În cazul în care optezi să ne transmiți datele tale cu scopul de a candida pentru poziția menționată în prezentul anunț, te rugăm să iei cunoștință despre prevederile Notei de informare cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal ale candidaților:

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O&M Procurement Officer

Posting date : 27/03/2024

Requisition ID : 25173

O&M Procurement Officer

O&M Procurement Officer



  • Provide procurement support to all South African operational entities across a defined set of categories, assets, owners and O&M companies.
  • Implement the defined short and medium term procurement strategy with all concerned departments.
  • Consolidate the requirements from the entities, consult the market, identify opportunities to implement framework agreements and work closely with entities to place contracts and purchase orders.
  • Execute the sourcing events. Run the full process from start to finish.
  • Identity business synergies between the operating entities.
  • Support assets during the construction phase of the plants.
  • Coordinate entities’ needs by activity in compliance with Category Management and Hub/Entity Procurement organizations, rules and governance.
  • Contribute to achieving the department savings and performance targets.
  • Work closely with the H&S teams at the sites to implement the Engie minimum HSE standards for all sub-contractors.
  • Enforce the Group procurement policy and governance when procuring all goods and services.
  • Support the warehouse stock, inventory, ordering, and replenishment process for the entities in the scope.
  • Ensure good relations with suppliers and vendors and build up a vendor database;
  • Support the implementation and roll out of digital tools for procurement such as the ERP system;
  • Assist with procurement reporting and data collection as and when required.
  • Develop local suppliers and ensure compliance to the Economic Development objectives of the operational entities.




Help internal clients to formalise / express their needs

  • Assist with and optimising procurement requests.
  • Clarify and challenge the details of these requests.

Ensure the procurement is completed at the best conditions (cost, quality, lead time & payment terms)

Within the framework of the procurement category policy produced for a Group category:

•            Based on requirements, identify the budget and establish tender assessment criteria.

•            Issue RFP’s for tenders / requests for quotation among target suppliers.

In other cases, manage the whole Procurement process:

•            Based on requirements, identify the budget and establish tender assessment criteria and procedure.

•            Scan the market to identify potential suppliers.

•            Roll out the tender process.

•            Identify, analyse, evaluate, execute and document and exception (emergencies and urgencies) to the process with the proper authorisations.

Negotiate the specific terms and conditions with the suppliers.

Finalise the supplier and prepare the contract / purchase order.


Ensure proper execution of the contract / purchase order

  • Ensure Purchase orders / contracts are approved according to the Procurement delegation.
  • Assist internal stakeholders to ensure the supplier performs its obligations.
  • Monitor supplier disputes with internal stakeholders.
  • Measure operational and economic performance of the supplier (including CSR).

Co-ordinate with suppliers and internally

  • Interact / co-ordinate the network of PO agents and requestors
  • Implement in the procedures and tools and deploy internally new signed contracts
  • Manage supplier relationships

Reporting and feedback

  • Provide reliable and comprehensive reports and feedback, in order to improve the efficiency of the procurement strategy and supplier performance plan.
  • Contribute to the performance plan.




Qualification & Experience

  • Bachelor’s degree in procurement or supply chain.
  • 5 years’ functional experience covering procurement, supply chain and logistics.
  • Experience in operational procurement preferably in power plants.
  • CIPS level 4 or higher is preferred.


Technical  Knowledge

  • Strong autonomy
  • Team player
  • Good analytical skills
  • Fluent in English
  • Experience in negotiation
  • Good organisation and communication skills
  • Pays attention to detail
  • Good knowledge of digital tools including ERP systems (SAP, Maximo, MS Dynamics etc.), Advance Excel, Power BI, MS Office applications etc.

Business Understanding

  • Good understanding and experience in the procurement processes: Source to Pay, Procure to Pay, Manage your Supplier Panel, Management Categories.
  • Logistics & Supply Chain
  • Power Generation or Oil & Gas knowledge is a plus


  • English

Location / travel

  • Johannesburg, South Africa
  • Occasional travel is required



  • Adheres to the Company Policies and Procedures.
  • Behaves in a professional and responsible way.
  • Lives the values of the Company.

ENGIE Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd is committed to equality, employment equity, and diversity. In accordance with the employment equity plan of ENGIE Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd and its employment equity goals and targets, preference may be given, but is not limited, to candidates from under-represented designated groups. ENGIE Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd reserves the right not to make an appointment to the posts as advertised. Candidates with disabilities are encouraged to apply for positions.

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Project Procurement Officer

Posting date : 26/03/2024

Requisition ID : 25073

Project Procurement Officer

Project Procurement Officer




  • Accountable procurement member in industrial or EPC, large, medium or long term projects.
  • Steer all Procurement activities throughout the stages of the project in coordination with other members of the procurement team.
  • Be committed to achieving and improving overall project performance whilst steering any actions needed to reduce risk.


Define and adapt project Procurement plan and strategies

  • Draw up a list of requirements in collaboration with the Business and the buyers
  • Take CSR and Carbon Neutral/Zero targets into account
  • Define the procurement project management plan, strategies and procedures, in order to improve the competitive advantage of the business and up-grade them if necessary
  • Ensure early involvement, quality of service and performance contribution
  • Analyze Business objectives
  • Approve strategies proposed by other buyers , including Category Managers, relating to their parts of the project
  • Ensure the supplier/contractors evaluation in a place and make the supplier ready to be used/work with
  • Implement the shadow calculation and cost value engineer to ensure the level of competitiveness
  • Map risks and opportunities for the project through analysis of data and prepare mitigation strategies
  • Define negotiating tactics/directions, working with the project team
  • Control spend and build a culture of long-term saving on procurement costs
  • Develop medium/long term strategic partnerships with suppliers
  • Ensure the commercial, contract and material risk assessments are conducted and implement corrective action plans
  • Ensure Group rules and policies (internal and external) are applied throughout the Procurement process


Steer project Procurement and intervene at strategic points


  • Steer and coordinate Procurement for the whole project and take charge of the most strategic/difficult purchases.
  • Make sure the needs are challenged.
  • Identify and/or select suppliers who best meet the project requirements.
  • Oversee calls for tenders and conduct key negotiations.
  • Draw up the contract with the legal department.
  • Manage relationships with the most critical suppliers.
  • Deal with major (key) disputes.
  • Identify, prioritize, engage and work in a project mode with internal and external stakeholders.
  • Manage risks and opportunities.


Provide contractual, budgetary and regulatory supervision of the project on behalf of Procurement


  • Ensure all project procedures and applicable regulations are followed.
  • Control overall project procurement costs and issue warnings when required (exercise his / her right to intervene).
  • Ensure the contract is correctly implemented and understood by all parties involved.
  • Adapt Procurement activities to operational constraints.
  • Commit to achieving the Procurement financial and operational performance targets.


External (suppliers) and internal (project) intelligence

  • Identify innovative opportunities on the suppliers market.
  • Obtain technical and financial intelligence about current and potential suppliers in order to anticipate long-term consequences for the project.
  • Challenge the project's technical aspects in order to ensure suppliers products and services meet the customer's needs in the long-term.
  • Implement alternative Procurement strategies to avoid crises.



Qualification & Experience

  • Bachelor’s degree in engineering from a reputable university. A Master’s degree is a nice to have.
  • 5-10 years’ operational experience managing EPC and large contractors for industrial projects.
  • Experience in energy related projects is preferred.


Technical  Knowledge


  • Strongly autonomous, possesses leadership and influential qualities.
  • Highly analytical and capable of leading complex procurement projects.
  • Experience in complex negotiation.
  • Fluent in English.
  • Experience in negotiation of construction contracts (FIDIC or similar).
  • Project Management experience, PMI or equivalent.
  • CIPS level 5 or more is a bonus.
  • Outstanding people leadership/management/ communication skills.

Business Understanding

  • Good understanding of negotiation and construction projects in the Middle East
  • Renewables, desalination, Power Plant knowledge is a plus


  • English

Location / travel

  • Location: Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa.
  • Some travel within GCC for projects.



  • Adheres to the Company Policies and Procedures.
  • Behaves in a professional and responsible way.
  • Lives the values of the Company.

ENGIE Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd is committed to equality, employment equity, and diversity. In accordance with the employment equity plan of ENGIE Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd and its employment equity goals and targets, preference may be given, but is not limited, to candidates from under-represented designated groups. ENGIE Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd reserves the right not to make an appointment to the posts as advertised. Candidates with disabilities are encouraged to apply for positions.

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Posting date : 26/03/2024

Requisition ID : 23506


Senior Contract Owner - Titulaire de marché Instrumentation et Contrôle-Commande (I&C)

Tractebel est une communauté mondiale de 5000 experts imaginatifs qui conçoivent un avenir neutre en carbone.

Grâce à nos solutions révolutionnaires pour des projets énergétiques, urbains, nucléaires et hydrauliques complexes, nous aidons nos clients à créer un impact positif vers un monde durable, où les personnes, la planète et le profit prospèrent collectivement.

Rejoindre Tractebel Nucléaire, c’est choisir une ingénierie au savoir-faire de pointe internationalement reconnue axée sur une expertise multi-métier très pointue, du fait de son rôle majeur depuis 60 ans aux côtés de l’exploitant du parc nucléaire en Belgique.

Rejoindre Tractebel Nucléaire, c’est donc avoir l’assurance d’intégrer une entité œuvrant sur tous les plus grands projets du nucléaire en Belgique (programmes de prolongation de durée de vie des centrales et démantèlement) mais également en France et à l’international (EPR2, SMR Nuward, Grand Carénage, démantèlement, …).

Votre niveau d’autonomie sera adapté à votre expérience. Vous pourrez profiter d’un coaching et d’un parcours personnalisé pour réussir votre intégration.

Votre investissement et votre réussite vous ouvriront des opportunités d’évolution, notamment au sein du groupe ENGIE.


Description Du Poste

Vous interviendrez principalement de Bruxelles sur la centrale nucléaire de Tihange sur les principaux programmes nucléaires et vous serez acteur du développement des compétences en I&C au sein de Tractebel en agissant en interaction avec les équipes en Belgique voir en France.


Principales missions confiées

  • Réaliser des études de conception de systèmes I&C en interface avec les systèmes nucléaires.
  • Etudes de base
  • Définition, étude et modification d’architecture de contrôle-commande,
  • Etudes de remplacement et ou d’ajout de nouveaux instruments,
  • Choix multicritères d’instruments,
  • Analyses de robustesse au séisme associées aux différents équipements et en interface avec la qualification des équipements,
  • Élaborer des cahiers des charges, des spécifications techniques et des spécifications matériels,
  • Coordination et suivi des études détaillées menées par des fournisseurs
  • Etudier l’intégration des équipements selon les contraintes d’installation et d’utilisation en interface avec les équipes système et mécanique,
  • Veille technologique et choix des matériels à prescrire en fonction des projets,
  • Participer aux activités liées à la qualification des équipements (gestion de l’obsolescence, dossiers de prélèvement sur site, …),
  • Gestion des contrats avec les fournisseurs
  • Consulter les fournisseurs et suivi de ceux-ci,
  • Animer et / ou participer à des réunions / relation Client et Fournisseurs
  • Déterminer les coûts associés à la fourniture, au montage et la mise en service des installations,
  • Suivi des travaux : visites de chantier, réception usine, opérations préalables à la réception, levée de réserve, suivi de chantier etc…
  • Rédiger/Evaluer des programmes et procédures d’essais usine et site
  • Coordination et exécution des essais
  • Assemblage et évaluation d’ensembles de documentation
  • Capitalisation du Retour d’Expérience




Formation de base : Ecole d’ingénieur ou diplôme universitaire avec une formation en Instrumentation / Automatique / Informatique Industrielle / Electro-Mécanique



Nombre d’années d’expérience minimum : 10 ans

Expérience sectorielle : Nucléaire / Industrie (pharmaceutique, ferroviaire, spatial, chimique, …) / Oil and Gas


Compétences principales

  • Compétences en Automation, Instrumentation et Contrôle-Commande : Architecture I&C, Instruments, qualification nucléaire d’équipements, systèmes de contrôle-commande de sûreté et / ou de sécurité.
  • Connaissances de base en électricité (RGIE, matériel électrique, principes du calcul de câbles et sélectivité, …)
  • Controle/commande de processus moyennant relayage et électronique discrète
  • Lecture et interprétation de schémas fluïde (P&ID), unifilaires et électriques
  • Instrumentation et lignes de mesure et impulsion (pression, débit, température, …)
  • Une expérience dans la gestion de contrats techniques (tant la partie technique que contractuelle) est souhaitée.
  • Connaissance du fonctionnement d’installations industrielles et ou de centrales conventionnels et ou nucléaires. Une première expérience dans le domaine du nucléaire et/ou dans le domaine de l’engineering est un plus, mais pas indispensable.
  • Connaissance des codes de conception et des exigences spécifiques dans l’industrie et / ou le nucléaire (RG, RCC-E, IEC, etc…) est un plus.
  • Rigoureux, sérieux, autonome, vous possédez une forte capacité à gérer et à intervenir face à des situations imprévues. L’esprit d’équipe est une de vos qualités.
  • Un intérêt pour le coaching de collègues junior est un plus apprécié.
  • Vous êtes doté de bonnes capacités rédactionnelles et de communication, ainsi que d’un esprit de synthèse. La proactivité et la curiosité intellectuelle sont particulièrement appréciées afin d’intervenir sur des sujets diversifiés et à forte valeur ajoutée.
  • Maitrise des logiciels : pack office (Excel, Word, Power Point),
  • La connaissance de ces logiciels est également un plus : Visio, SAP, ePlan, …



  • Français : langue principale des échanges
  • Néerlandais : connaissance du néerlandais est un plus
  • Anglais :courant



  • Permis de conduire catégorie B
  • Être d’accord de se rendre sur le site de Tihange



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HR Manager (Talent Management/OD)

Posting date : 25/03/2024

Requisition ID : 24797

HR Manager (Talent Management/OD)

HR Manager (Talent Management & OD)




The HR Manager (Talent Management & OD) is responsible for the organizational development, talent management, culture, learning, recruitment and engagement & retention activities at country level. 

Responsible for country wide design, governance and delivery of ; 

  • Managing a diverse talent pool of Employees and support them to grow to their full potential and contribute to the HR strategy of the company.
  • Drive implementation of effective functional programs, processes and activities related to Talent Management, Learning and Development, Organizational Development, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Employee engagement and retention for all business.
  • Deploy ENGIE corporate initiatives and cascade across entities of South Africa.
  • Responsible for management and coordination of Talent and Learning modules of SEZAME.



Talent and Performance Management

  • Develop and manage a talent and performance management framework.
  • Design an integrated process to ensure the effective management of development programs.
  • Provide systems and processes to business to conduct performance reviews, compile individual development plans and performance agreements.
  • Manage the identification and implementation of succession plans.
  • Analysis, reporting, monitoring and interpretation of data.
  • Provide support to business during formal review cycles.

People Position Review (PPR)

  • Ensures and records ongoing performance and development conversations between Line Managers and Employees and keep a record of past performance and expectations for work moving forward.
  • Organize and participate the People Position Review discussions and the regional calibration process. Collate and analyse data and work on action plans derived from this process
  • Identification and follow-up Key People
  • Succession Planning
  • Nomination and validation of new Boosters, coordination with Hub Talent managers

Career Discussions / Individual Development Plans

  • Manage and coordinate the development journey for the key people & talents (Boosters, key people) including 1:1 coaching sessions with participants.
  • International or cross functional Mobility  (Career Support)

Employee Assessment

  • Develop psychometric and competence assessment processes to ensure the standardisation of criteria used for assessment.
  • Ensure compliance to HPCSA code of practice, standards and legislation.
  • Continuously monitor the utilisation of assessment material to ensure standardised delivery of assessments within legal and policy standards.
  • Management of preferred providers.

Job Design

  • Drafting roles to obtaining sign off within the governance framework.

People Management

  • Review and approve labour plans around operational targets.
  • Provide leadership and inspire team members towards high performance.
  • Ensure team members have an Individual Performance Agreement and Development Plan in place and that it is updated timeously.
  • Create opportunities for development through participation and involvement in new business or technology enhancement projects for team members.
  • Provide coaching to team members on an ongoing basis.

Learning & Development

  • Develop learning experiences that satisfy identified operational and strategic needs in the country.
  • Management of the training budget and learning partners relationship.
  • Develop and manage learning & development solutions across country.
  • Manage SEZAME (e.learning) platform.
  • Manage and coordinate the coaching needs.


  • Design and develop a mentorship governance framework.
  • Report on mentoring relationships.
  • Guide and advise the business on mentorship best practice.

Engagement Surveys

  • Manage and coordinate the ENGIE&Me (employee engagement survey).
  • Manage and coordinate the wellbeing activities.
  • Teambuilding activities.

Diversity Equity and Inclusion

  • Manage, animate and coordinate the DEI Roadmap and Fifty Fifty Program, WiN (Women in Network) across SA.
  • Support cultural transformation through deployment of Group programs Be.U@ENGIE ,  Engie Ways of Working, Engie Ways of Leading across SA.


  • Talent and Performance management
  • People Position Review (PPR)
  • Career Discussions
  • Individual Development Plans (IDP)
  • Employee assessment
  • Job design
  • Mentorship
  • People management
  • Engagement Surveys (ENGIE&me etc)
  • Training, Learning & Development
  • Engie Ways of Leading & Working (EWOL & EWOW)
  • Diversity Equity and Inclusion



Qualification & Experience

  • Degree in Human Resource Management /Industrial Psychology
  • Registration as Industrial Psychologist with HPCSA ( preferred)
  • At least 10+  years’ experience in Human Resources of which 3 should have been at a management level and experience in functional/specialist area.

Technical  Knowledge

  • Change management
  • Legislative requirements
  • Talent management
  • Performance management
  • Work design

Behavioural Competencies

  • Adhering to principles & values
  • Relating and Networking
  • Persuading and Influencing
  • Writing And Reporting
  • Presenting and Communication Information
  • Applying Expertises and Technology
  • Analysing
  • Learning and Researching
  • Creating and Innovating
  • Delivering results and Meeting Customer Expectations
  • Achieving Personal Work Goals and Objectives
  • Entrepreneurial and Commercial Thinking


  • English

Location / travel

  • Location: Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa.



  • Adheres to the Company Policies and Procedures.
  • Behaves in a professional and responsible way.
  • Lives the values of the Company.

ENGIE Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd is committed to equality, employment equity, and diversity. In accordance with the employment equity plan of ENGIE Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd and its employment equity goals and targets, preference may be given, but is not limited, to candidates from under-represented designated groups. ENGIE Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd reserves the right not to make an appointment to the posts as advertised. Candidates with disabilities are encouraged to apply for positions.

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Job Posting Date

Cybersecurity Manager

Posting date : 23/03/2024

Requisition ID : 24770

Cybersecurity Manager

Cybersecurity Manager




To lead information security, cybersecurity and IT/OT risk management within South Africa scope, ensuring compliance to Group guidelines and frameworks and local cybersecurity standards and regulations.



  • Represents the ENGIE Group Cybersecurity team in his/her Country/Region/Business Entity (“scope”) and ensures that the 14 cybersecurity principles are implemented in their scope.
  • Implements the Group cybersecurity strategy (IT and OT) within his/her scope, potentially adapting it to specific local regulations & laws; consolidates, reports and follows the related cybersecurity KPIs.
  • Sets up a single transversal cybersecurity team for his/her scope, allowing the implementation of the Group cybersecurity strategy, processes, and solutions locally (covering all entities in their scope).
  • Defines and manages the budget allocated to cybersecurity at the level of his/her scope.
  • Identifies, quantifies, documents, reports the cyber risks in his/her scope, and follows-up the risk remediation or mitigation action plans closely.
  • Implements the relevant processes and controls to ensure the integration of cybersecurity within business projects (digital and industrial) and IT projects.
  • Establishes a regulatory watch to stay apprised of local cyber regulations and laws and ensures compliance of the local information systems and Industrial Control Systems with these.
  • Represents ENGIE towards their clients, partners, suppliers, and local authorities on all cybersecurity-related matters.
  • Implements standardized operational cybersecurity processes in his/her scope, including but not limited to security audits & pen testing, vulnerability & patch management, obsolescence management, firewall & remote access management, incident response, disaster recovery planning, cyber crisis management, identity and access management, cloud security management etc. – applying Group standardized processes and procedures when they exist.
  • Relays & reports cybersecurity alerts and incidents in a timely manner, and actively contributes to their resolution in close collaboration with the ENGIE Global Security Operations Center (GSOC) and Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT).
  • Is the preferred intermediary for all cybersecurity topics for the other support functions in his/her scope (HR, Legal, Data Privacy, Procurement, Finance etc.).
  • Ensures cybersecurity is addressed in the supply chain, and in particular ensures that the contracts with suppliers and partners but also with clients contain the relevant cybersecurity and data privacy clauses as well as a Security Assurance Plan clarifying roles and responsibilities between the parties.
  • Creates a strong cybersecurity culture at all levels of the organization (employees, managers, industrial workers…), and advises and educates their local CEO and Executive Committee on cybersecurity matters.
  • Develop an industrial cybersecurity program for South Africa.
  • Ensure industrial assets in South Africa are properly secured
  • Perform regular security assessments and audit reviews.
  • Maintain ENGIE’s ICS Security Framework compliance.
  • Provide support and guidance to all South African assets.
  • Build synergies and foster collaboration between South African entities.
  • Alignment with OT security standards and regulations – IEC 62443, NIS 2, NERC-CIP, etc.
  • Security of SCADA systems, Industrial Control Systems (ICS), Distributed Control Systems (DCS); secure separation of OT and IT.
  • Contribute to the cybersecurity awareness and training program specifically for industrial workers/blue collars.
  • Participate in IT/OT cybersecurity projects (OT probe, DCS upgrade, 3rd party management, etc.)
  • Actively take part in ENGIE cybersecurity community (events, webinars, meetings, workshops, etc.)
  • Collaborate with ENGIE Laborelec Cybersecurity team.
  • Work in close collaboration with other ENGIE departments/BUs:
  • Internal Control
  • GSOC
  • GBU Renewables
  • GBU Flex Gen & Retail



Qualification & Experience

  • Bachelor’s degree, preferably in Computer Science, Information Technology or cybersecurity.
  • Internationally recognized certification in cybersecurity, e.g., CISSP, CISM, CISA.
  • Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) in server, storage and cloud technologies
  • Certified in cybersecurity of AWS cloud infrastructure
  • Prior experience of managing industrial cybersecurity
  • 5+ years of prior experience of managing cybersecurity of an organization. Prior experience of Industrial Control System (ICS) security.
  • Proven expertise in design and implementation of complex IT security solutions.
  • Experience in designing, documenting, and implementing IT Security policies, processes, and procedures.
  • Experience of working in a matrix organization and in an international, multicultural environment.


Technical  Knowledge


  • Good knowledge of a wide range of technologies involved in IT security, e.g., firewalls, antivirus, identity and access management tools, directories (LDAP, Active Directory, DNS), databases, networking, port & vulnerability scanners, GRC tools, Public Key Infrastructure, cryptography, intrusion detection/prevention systems, Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solutions, WAF, PAM, pen testing, SCADA security etc.
  • Good knowledge of information security and risk management standards such as ISO-27001, 27002.
  • Knowledge of industrial control systems technologies and related security standards, e.g., IEC-62443, NIST etc.
  • Familiarity with local and regional cybersecurity standards.
  • Solid understanding of information security concepts, e.g., malware, emerging threats, attacks, and vulnerability management).
  • Experience in raw log files review, data correlation, and analysis i.e., firewalls logs, network flows, intrusion detection systems, system logs.
  • Good understanding of technologies like SIEM, IPS/IDS, WAF, Vulnerability Scanner and Penetration Testing, EDR, Password Vault, IAM, PAM, SCADA Security.

Behavioural Competencies

  • Vision and commercial approach
  • Cooperation & cross functionality – team working and building relationships
  • Results orientation
  • Entrepreneurial spirit
  • Customer focus
  • Developing self and others.
  • Innovation and flexible thinking
  • Acceptance of diversity
  • Effective communication skills. Fluency in verbal and written English.
  • Persuading and Influencing
  • Awareness of cultural differences and ability to adapt own style accordingly
  • Pays attention to detail
  • Adherence to health and safety on workplace


  • English

Location / travel

  • Location: Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa.



  • Adheres to the Company Policies and Procedures.
  • Behaves in a professional and responsible way.
  • Lives the values of the Company.

ENGIE Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd is committed to equality, employment equity, and diversity. In accordance with the employment equity plan of ENGIE Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd and its employment equity goals and targets, preference may be given, but is not limited, to candidates from under-represented designated groups. ENGIE Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd reserves the right not to make an appointment to the posts as advertised. Candidates with disabilities are encouraged to apply for positions.

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Job Posting Date

Technical Project Lead: Solar PV

Posting date : 21/03/2024

Requisition ID : 24618

Technical Project Lead: Solar PV

Technical Project Lead: Solar PV




The development of utility-scale energy projects and subsequent participation in government and corporate tenders in Engie Southern Africa is led by a Business Development Department and supported by the Engineering Department. The general role of a Technical Project Lead (TPL) is to:

  • Define and Lead the technical aspects of projects in Pre-Development (Feasibility), Development (Bid/Tender) and Final Development Stage (Financial Close) stage, including interfacing with internal stakeholders, engineering consultants, technology providers, suppliers and contractors with the aim of:
    • maturing technical solutions through each phase
    • improving bid competitiveness
    • and ensuring technical governance and sustainability criteria are respected (quality, health & safety, efficiency, environmental compliance) for the construction, operation and maintenance of the asset. 
  • Be responsible for choice of technologies, technical configuration and for setting relevant performance, statutory, safety and quality requirements.
  • Be responsible for the prescription, procurement specification, adjudication and management of technical services and products.
  • Be responsible for drafting and negotiating owner techno-commercial specifications, including the incorporation of the latest group experience and technical guidelines.
  • Be in charge of all technical-related agreements during the development phase, including documentation drafting and contractual negotiation (e.g. EPC, PPA, OMA, LTSA, OE, LTA, IE etc).
  • Define procurement strategies and construction strategies in collaboration with the Business Development Department, Procurement Department and Construction Department.
  • Prepare Capex and Opex costs including market consultation and integrating feedback from Group assets and Group specialists.
  • Prepare the Operations phase philosophy and technical related documents (OM organization chart, O&M references, O&M Philosophy, etc.).
  • Assess and evaluate technical risks and advise and/or draft professional reports during the various stages of the project approval process.
  • Perform technology watch and share knowledge within the Engineering team.
  • Hand-over technical aspects and documents to the Project and Operations companies, and Provide ad-hoc support and advisory to operational assets and construction projects.





  • Engineering Team
  • Acquisitions, Investments and Financial Advisory Team
  • Business Development Team
  • Legal & Ethics Team
  • Procurement Team
  • Support Teams (HR, IT, HSE, Finance)
  • Project Companies, Operating Companies & Subsidiaries
  • Engie HQ, AMEA HQ and GBUs


  • Clients
  • Equipment & Technology Providers & EPC Contractors
  • Competitors
  • Off-takers and Grid Operators
  • Consultants & Engineering Firms
  • Project Stakeholders (sponsors, lenders, owners, environmental)





  • Engineering Qualification: BSc, BEng or BTech
  • Additional relevant qualifications would be advantageous
  • Professional registration would be advantageous  



  • Fluent in English (verbal and written skills)


Core Experience & Skills

  • A minimum of 8 years of experience in the power generation sector, specifically able to demonstrate experience and engineering expertise in Solar PV technology, including :
    • Ability to scope conceptual layouts/configurations, and conduct preliminary solar resource and yield assessments on PVsyst software
    • Ability to specify and review designs and applicable standards
    • Ability to specify equipment and plant performance requirements including modules, inverters, SCADA, mounting structures.
  • A good understanding of the techno-economic life cycle and risk profile of a power project and knowledge in financial indicators for project follow-up
  • A reasonable understanding of power plant development, the IPP model and the associated Project Finance technical requirements and interfaces.
  • Experience in scoping the technical works, reviewing & evaluating technical proposals, setting & assessing the performance of the works, and providing lifecycle advisory, guidance and recommendations.
  • Experience in leading and project/contract managing technical workstreams and internal/external stakeholders to drive the overall project objectives. 
  • Experience in translating technical requirements into commercial & contractual concepts in collaboration with the BD, Legal and Finance teams.

Advantageous Experience & Skills

  • Experience across multiple power generation technologies
  • Experience across multiple project phases (development, construction, commissioning, operations. decommissioning)
  • Experience with various project types and structures (greenfield, brownfield, acquisitions, divestments, project finance, equity finance, government and corporate PPAs).
  • Knowledge of energy market players (Suppliers, Contractors, Consultants, Competitors) and industry practice would be advantageous


Behavioural Competencies

  • Ability to travel within South Africa and to ENGIE offices and assets globally as needed.
  • Ability to work autonomously and multi-task in times of complexity, uncertainty, variability and project cycles
  • Ability to work within a team of members from varying cultural backgrounds and functional backgrounds
  • Ability to communicate and share knowledge between remote teams
  • Ability to take ownership and responsibility, keep commitments and manage expectations
  • Ability to maintain high standards in terms of work quality and attention to detail
  • Ability to think conceptually, strategically and analytically
  • Ability to function effectively under pressure and maintain self-control
  • Ability to adapt to new and diverse environments and changing contexts
  • Maintains high ethical standards and confidentiality where required




  • Adheres to the Company Policies and Procedures;
  • Behaves in a responsible way;
  • Lives the values of the Company.

ENGIE Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd is committed to equality, employment equity, and diversity. In accordance with the employment equity plan of ENGIE Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd and its employment equity goals and targets, preference may be given, but is not limited, to candidates from under-represented designated groups.  ENGIE Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd reserves the right not to make an appointment to the posts as advertised. Candidates with disabilities are encouraged to apply for positions.

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Job Posting Date

Technical Project Manager

Posting date : 21/03/2024

Requisition ID : 23704

Technical Project Manager

Technical Project Manager




The development of utility-scale energy projects and subsequent participation in government and corporate tenders in Engie Southern Africa is led by a Business Development Department and supported by the Engineering Department. The general role of a Technical Project Manager (TPM) is to:

  • Define and Lead the technical aspects of projects in Pre-Development (Feasibility), Development (Bid/Tender) and Final Development Stage (Financial Close) stage, including interfacing with internal stakeholders, engineering consultants, technology providers, suppliers and contractors with the aim of:
    • maturing technical solutions through each phase
    • improving bid competitiveness
    • and ensuring technical governance and sustainability criteria are respected (quality, health & safety, efficiency, environmental compliance) for the construction, operation and maintenance of the asset. 
  • Be responsible for choice of technologies, technical configuration and for setting relevant performance, statutory, safety and quality requirements.
  • Be responsible for the prescription, procurement specification, adjudication and management of technical services and products.
  • Be responsible for drafting and negotiating owner techno-commercial specifications, including the incorporation of the latest group experience and technical guidelines.
  • Be in charge of all technical-related agreements during the development phase, including documentation drafting and contractual negotiation (e.g. EPC, PPA, OMA, LTSA, OE, LTA, IE etc).
  • Define procurement strategies and construction strategies in collaboration with the Business Development Department, Procurement Department and Construction Department.
  • Prepare Capex and Opex costs including market consultation and integrating feedback from Group assets and Group specialists.
  • Prepare the Operations phase philosophy and technical related documents (OM organization chart, O&M references, O&M Philosophy, etc.).
  • Assess and evaluate technical risks and advise and/or draft professional reports during the various stages of the project approval process.
  • Perform technology watch and share knowledge within the Engineering team.
  • Hand-over technical aspects and documents to the Project and Operations companies, and Provide ad-hoc support and advisory to operational assets and construction projects.





  • Engineering Team
  • Acquisitions, Investments and Financial Advisory Team
  • Business Development Team
  • Legal & Ethics Team
  • Procurement Team
  • Support Teams (HR, IT, HSE, Finance)
  • Project Companies, Operating Companies & Subsidiaries
  • Engie HQ, AMEA HQ and GBUs


  • Clients
  • Equipment & Technology Providers & EPC Contractors
  • Competitors
  • Off-takers and Grid Operators
  • Consultants & Engineering Firms
  • Project Stakeholders (sponsors, lenders, owners, environmental)





  • Engineering Qualification: BSc, BEng or BTech
  • Additional relevant qualifications would be advantageous
  • Professional registration would be advantageous  



  • Fluent in English (verbal and written skills)


Core Experience & Skills

  • A minimum of 12 years of experience in the power generation sector, specifically able to demonstrate experience and engineering expertise across 2 or more power generation technologies, including:
    • Solar PV, Onshore Wind, BESS, Thermal, CSP  
    • Ability to provide senior guidance and mentorship to Engineering team members
    • Ability to support manager in implementing strategy, process and governance within Engineering
    • Ability to provide advisory, technical expertise and management across the value chain of a power generation project.
  • A good understanding of the techno-economic life cycle and risk profile of a power project and knowledge in financial indicators for project follow-up
  • A comprehensive understanding of power plant development, the IPP model and the associated Project Finance technical requirements and interfaces.
  • Experience in scoping the technical works, reviewing & evaluating technical proposals, setting & assessing the performance of the works, and providing lifecycle advisory, guidance and recommendations.
  • Experience in leading and project/contract managing technical workstreams and internal/external stakeholders to drive the overall project objectives. 
  • Experience in translating technical requirements into commercial & contractual concepts in collaboration with the BD, Legal and Finance teams.

Advantageous Experience & Skills

  • Experience across multiple power generation technologies
  • Experience across multiple project phases (development, construction, commissioning, operations. decommissioning)
  • Experience with various project types and structures (greenfield, brownfield, acquisitions, divestments, project finance, equity finance, government and corporate PPAs).
  • Knowledge of energy market players (Suppliers, Contractors, Consultants, Competitors) and industry practice would be advantageous


Behavioural Competencies

  • Ability to travel within South Africa and to ENGIE offices and assets globally as needed.
  • Ability to work autonomously and multi-task in times of complexity, uncertainty, variability and project cycles
  • Ability to work within a team of members from varying cultural backgrounds and functional backgrounds
  • Ability to communicate and share knowledge between remote teams
  • Ability to take ownership and responsibility, keep commitments and manage expectations
  • Ability to maintain high standards in terms of work quality and attention to detail
  • Ability to think conceptually, strategically and analytically
  • Ability to function effectively under pressure and maintain self-control
  • Ability to adapt to new and diverse environments and changing contexts
  • Maintains high ethical standards and confidentiality where required



  • Adheres to the Company Policies and Procedures;
  • Behaves in a responsible way;
  • Lives the values of the Company.

ENGIE Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd is committed to equality, employment equity, and diversity. In accordance with the employment equity plan of ENGIE Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd and its employment equity goals and targets, preference may be given, but is not limited, to candidates from under-represented designated groups.  ENGIE Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd reserves the right not to make an appointment to the posts as advertised. Candidates with disabilities are encouraged to apply for positions.

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Job Posting Date

Ethics Officer

Posting date : 18/03/2024

Requisition ID : 24250

Ethics Officer

Ethics Officer



Ethics Officer for the South African region


  • Acquire a good and precise understanding of ENGIE ethical documents, rules and policies;
  • Provide induction training to all new joiners and refresher training to all employees covering the guiding ethical principles and foster knowledge and awareness of both the Group and South African policies including the Ethics Code of Conduct, Gifts & Hospitality Policy, Due Diligence Policy, Group Embargo Policy, Supplier Relations Policy and Business Consultant Policy among others;
  • Organize and carry out annual training for all new directors in accordance with the Group’s Framework for Directors Guide;
  • Act as interface internally and externally to provide the first level of ethical advice to both the South African office and the AMEA Office;
  • Proactively engaging with the regional teams and the Ethics Officers’ network regarding their objectives and activities and assisting with mitigating risk and ensuring alignment with the Group’s ethical values;
  • Assist the South Africa Ethic Officer in raising awareness on ethics matters and data privacy regulations across South Africa;
  • Organize and conduct training sessions in South Africa HQ and on site;
  • Assist the South Africa Ethics Officer in preparing the annual ethics report for the AMEA Region;
  • Report all incidents in Common Ethics Tool and follow up the action plan as required;
  • Assist the South Africa Ethics Officer in carrying out investigation by taking minutes and help in the preparation of Investigation Reports;
  • Prepare the Ethics assessment and memo during the development phase of projects (due diligence reports, partners’ checks, human rights reports for new countries etc.) and provide for Group’s approval;
  • Define and review local policies (in reporting tasks, in defining and following up the ethical action plan;
  • Work closely with the Group’s Ethics, Compliance and Privacy Department on an array of matters including embargo related queries and clearance, compliance committee updates and data privacy/GDPR issues;
  • Ensure the ethical watch in order to monitor the global trends in all ethical areas (embargos & sanctions, Human rights, anti-corruption matters etc.);
  • Ensure compliance with Ethical policies and procedures issued by the Group.
  • Monitor and report on non-compliance with policies or procedures, pending or threatened violations of law or ethical values of the Group.
  • Promote the Group’s ethical culture and “Zero Tolerance Policy” within South Africa.



Qualification & Experience

  • Legal Qualification and/or master’s degree from a reputable university.
  • 3+ years legal or compliance practice experience.
  • Corporate practice.

Technical  Knowledge


  • Strong professionalism and ethical standards.
  • Strong writing & drafting skills.
  • Ability to conciliate business requirements within a very highly demanding ethical environment.
  • Ability to provide sound and practical ethical advice.
  • Ability to deal with complexity.
  • Organizational skills.
  • Ability to work within a team of members from varying cultural backgrounds as well as with counterparts of varying cultural backgrounds.
  • Ability to maintain high levels of focused drive and energy, giving above what is required to get the job done.
  • Attention to details.


Business Understanding

  • Group’s strategy vision.
  • Group’s governance and ethical rules.
  • Energy regulatory framework.

Internal Interfaces

  • South Africa General Counsel.
  • South Africa Ethics Officers and assistants
  • AMEA Ethics Officer
  • Project COs & O&Ms Ethics Correspondents.
  • Business Developers.
  • Finance, HR.
  • Group Ethics Department in Paris.

External Interfaces

  • Contractual Counterparties: partners, suppliers.



  • English

Location / travel

  • Location: Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa.
  • Flexibility to travel throughout South Africa. Occasional travel may be required to Paris and Dubai.



  • Adheres to the Company Policies and Procedures.
  • Behaves in a professional and responsible way.
  • Lives the values of the Company.

ENGIE Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd is committed to equality, employment equity, and diversity. In accordance with the employment equity plan of ENGIE Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd and its employment equity goals and targets, preference may be given, but is not limited, to candidates from under-represented designated groups. ENGIE Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd reserves the right not to make an appointment to the posts as advertised. Candidates with disabilities are encouraged to apply for positions.

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Job Posting Date