SAP SuccessFactors id

Meet- en regeltechnieker Gent

Posting date : 10/07/2024

Requisition ID : 31918

Meet- en regeltechnieker Gent

Onze thermische centrale in de regio van Gent  (Knippegroen) gaan op zoek naar een Meet- en regeltechnieker.

Werk je graag ‘in-the-field’ en los je graag technisch complexe problemen op? Zijn automatisatie, instrumentatie en regelsystemen helemaal jouw ding?


Solliciteer via bovenstaande of onderstaande ‘solliciteer nu’ knop voor onze functie van Meet- en regeltechnieker.



WIJ BIEDEN JOU als Meet- en regeltechnieker:

  • Een hoogtechnologische werkplek waar passie voor techniek centraal staat.
  • Een werkomgeving waarin veiligheid steeds op de eerste plaats komt.
  • Een aangename werksfeer en een topteam van 4 ervaren I&C techniekers die met plezier hun kennis zullen delen en jou zullen begeleiden in deze nieuwe professionele uitdaging. Zo rapporteer je samen met jouw collega’s aan Kris, senior technieker I&C.
  • Tal van kansen om jezelf te ontwikkelen, dankzij een uitgebreide opleiding ‘on the job’ en de mogelijkheid om andere competenties te verwerven naar keuze (PLC sturing en DCS sturing, meettechnieken, thermokoppels, regelsystemen in centrales, proceskennis, veiligheidsopleidingen, werkvergunningsimulator, team dynamieken, …)
  • Nauwgezette begeleiding vanaf dag 1 door een toegewezen meter of peter.
  • Een stabiel bedrijf dat werkzekerheid biedt.
  • Een aangename werksfeer en gezond evenwicht tussen werk en privé.
  • Een dagfunctie met een mooi uurrooster van 38u dat een goede work-life balance garandeert: 07.30-12.00/12.30-15.45.
  • Héél veel variatie in jouw job gecombineerd met de nodige vrijheid en flexibiliteit. 
  • Een bediendencontract (38u) van onbepaalde duur met een competitief salarispakket, bestaande uit een mooie brutoverloning en tal van extra voordelen:
    • Maandelijkse indexatie van je basisloon
    • Jaarlijkse salarisverhoging volgens barema’s van de energiesector
    • Jaarlijks dubbel vakantiegeld, collectieve bonus en een eindejaarspremie.
    • 20 verlofdagen + 13 ADV dagen
    • Maak je professionele verplaatsingen naar andere entiteiten? Dan word je hiervoor vergoed via een km-vergoeding. Indien je deze verplaatsingen buiten je werkuren maakt, ontvang je ook een aanvullende mobiliteitsvergoeding.
    • Medische onkosten en hospitalisatiekosten worden terugbetaald voor jou en jouw gezinsleden
    • Aanvullend pensioenplan
    • Maaltijdcheques €8
    • Laptop & GSM



JOUW VERANTWOORDELIJKHEDEN als Meet- en regeltechnieker:


Als meet- en regeltechnieker speel je een belangrijke rol in de werking van onze thermische centrale. Je werkt actief mee aan diverse onderhoudsprojecten, revisies en interventies. Door deze wisselende activiteiten is geen enkele dag dezelfde.

  • Zowel via onze operatoren en SAP worden storingen binnen het domein van instrumentatie en automatisatie aan jou gemeld.
  • Je staat in voor de probleemanalyse en brengt samen met ons team het probleem in kaart.
    • Je stelt een diagnose op van de defecten.
    • Je staat zelf in voor de voorbereiding van de herstelling:
    • Je maakt de planning op.
    • Je creëert werkorders om vergunningen aan te vragen.
  • Je voert vervolgens zelf de herstellingen uit “in the field”:
    • Je bent verantwoordelijk voor het plaatsen, afregelen, onderhouden en vernieuwen van diverse meet en regelinstrumentatie
    • Je verwerkt meetgegevens en automatisatie van processen in een DCS of PLC omgeving;
  • Je rapporteert volgens de geldende afspraken rond veiligheid, milieu en kwaliteit.

Je werkt hoofdzakelijk vanuit de centrale van Knippegroen.



JOUW PROFIEL als meet- en regeltechnieker:


  • Je bent technisch geschoold (bachelor/graduaat elektromechanica, elektronica, elektrotechnieken, automatisatie) en hebt bij voorkeur reeds enkele jaren ervaring “in the field” binnen een industriële omgeving.
  • Heb je kennis van procesautomatisatie (regelaars, metingen, …) of ben je PLC vaardig, dan heb je alvast een streepje voor!
  • Hoe dan ook, doen de termen instrumentatie, energieprocessen en controlesturingen bij jou een belletje rinkelen en wil je je hier verder in verdiepen.
  • Je spreekt goed Nederlands of bent bereid om dit binnen een termijn van 1 jaar te leren met ondersteuning van ENGIE.






Contacteer Lise: Lise Raes - Recruiter ENGIE 




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Power Originator

Posting date : 10/07/2024

Requisition ID : 31838

Power Originator

Japan Power Originator

About US (GEMS):

ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales (GEMS) provides energy supply solutions and risk management services to support its clients through their decarbonization journey, while optimizing ENGIE’s assets and contributing to value creation.

ENGIE is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services with a leading energy management business, piloted by its entity "Global Energy Management & Sales" who built its savoir-faire managing the Group’s large and diverse asset portfolio over 20+ years.

3,600 employees around the world develop our solutions, through +20 international business platforms. We cover the full energy mix: renewable and thermal power, natural gas & LNG, biomass, environmental products. Our experts provide tailor made solutions based on a wide range of savoir-faire in energy management with a strong focus on decarbonation and decentralization.

Our 190,000 clients span the entire value chain: producers, asset developers, financial players, utilities, distributors and industrials. Our global reach and strong local presence enable us to offer these diverse clients tailor-made services and respond to rapid changes in mature or emerging markets alike.

Our 4 expertise:

• Asset management

• Energy transition services

• Energy supply & global commodities

• Risk management & market access


At GEMS we encourage breakthrough results, team spirit, curiosity and innovation while preserving the right work/life balance for you.


More info on GEMS Hub ( or LinkedIn (



As a Power Originator, you will report to Co-Head of Japan. You will contribute to the fulfillment of the missions APAC Power Business development ambition, Coordinating with multiple external and internal stakeholders globally.


Job Title:                      Japan Power Originator

Seniority:                     Junior to Intermediate

Location:                      Japan




  • Originate deals on Japan power physical and financial products.
  • Understand the various drivers of the Japan power market  and global energy markets (oil, gas, power, macro, carbon, regulations, among others). Deliver actionable outcomes to sales desk and our clients
  • Work closely with Japan Power trading desk to ensure timely pricing and market updates to the sales desk and to the client
  • Manage  relationship with clients (daily commentary, price indications, data processing, reporting, etc.)
  • Initiate and prepare client presentations, reports and maintain necessary database to serve the clients better
  • Explore the possibility of automation in some of the desk tasks such as daily price indications, trade recaps, P&L capture and reporting.
  • Liaise with different support teams to onboard new clients including but not limited to documentation and compliance with KYC/ AML norms and other checks.
  • Develop innovative ideas to assist clients in their risk management in a complex and fast-moving environment.
  • Active role in troubleshooting client issues
  • Liaise with various internal teams such as Legal, Tax, IT, Middle Office and Back Office on various desk matters.


Hard skills:

  • Deep understanding of the Japanese power market, including regulations, market mechanisms, and major players
  • Familiarity with energy trading platforms and exchanges
  • Proficiency in trading software and energy market analysis tools
  • Strong analytical skills, including the ability to analyze market data and trends
  • Understanding of Japanese energy regulations and compliance requirements
  • Ability to perform risk assessments and manage trading positions


Soft skills:

  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills for building relationships with clients, stakeholders, and regulatory bodies
  • Ability to interpret complex data and market trends to make informed trading decisions
  • Problem-solving skills to address market challenges and seize opportunities
  • Ability to develop and implement trading strategies that align with market conditions and company goals
  • Flexibility to adapt to rapidly changing market conditions and regulations
  • Skill in maintaining and nurturing relationships with key stakeholders, including clients, suppliers, and regulatory bodies

Education and professional background:

  • BA/ BS degree is required
  • Minimum 3-4 years of sales/origination experience in Japan power, derivatives and/or energy commodities
  • Proven track record of good performance in a fast paced and highly transactional environment
  • Analytical ability and basic finance knowledge, prior experience in derivatives or Japan power  would be a plus
  • Team player
  • Excellent communication skills and ability to prepare presentations
  • MS Office computer skills, VBA/database development would be an asset
  • Strong work ethic, ability to work independently and responsibly



  • Native/ highly fluent in Japanese (speaking, writing). Basic English is preferred but not mandatory

Work Location:

  • Japan


If you meet these requirements, then you are the talent we are looking for. Do not waste time! 

Apply by attaching your updated CV, regardless your gender.


ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales is committed to create a gender-neutral environment that unlocks the potential of everyone and provides equal employment opportunities for all individuals. 


All our positions are open to people with disabilities, please let your recruiter know if you need reasonable accommodations to be able to participate in the recruitment process, they will be happy to assist you. 


About ENGIE:

Our group is a global reference in low-carbon energy and services. Our purpose (“raison d’être”) is to act to accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral world, through reduced energy consumption and more environmentally-friendly solutions, reconciling economic performance with a positive impact on people and the planet. We rely on our key businesses (gas, power, renewable energy, services) to offer competitive solutions to our customers. With our 96,000 employees, our customers, partners and stakeholders, we are a community of Imaginative Builders, committed every day to more harmonious progress.


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Electrical expert

Posting date : 07/10/2024

Requisition ID : 31283

Electrical expert













ENGIE Building Solutions, companie din grupul ENGIE Romania, este specializată în servicii de facility management și soluții de eficiență energetică pentru clienți B2B.


În prezent, căutăm o persoană tehnică care să aibă cunoștinte avansate în domeniul electric, pentru a se alătura departamentului Green Solutions în calitate de  ELECTRICAL EXPERT. 


Dacă îți dorești să faci următorul pas în carieră, alături de o echipă competitivă și profesionistă, trimite-ne CV-ul tău. Ne poți ajuta să construim un viitor mai bun. Totul începe cu angajati remarcabili. Totul începe cu tine.


Ce vei face:

  • Vei elabora studii, soluții și proiecte de instalații electrice de joasă și medie tensiune pentru clădiri de birouri, clădiri rezidențiale, comerciale și industriale.
  • Vei întocmi și verifica documentația tehnică aferentă.
  • Vei oferta execuția instalațiilor electrice.
  • Vei elabora rapoarte de evaluare a stării tehnice a sistemelor existente.
  • Vei oferi asistență și consiliere tehnică  în implementarea proiectelor.
  • Vei executa lucrări de relevee cu respectarea procedurilor de calitate, a instrucțiunilor de lucru specifice și a termenelor stabilite.
  • Vei stabili soluții tehnice competitive (din punct de vedere tehnico-financiar).
  • Vei întocmi antemăsuratori și liste de cantități.
  • Vei oferi consultanță în faza de ofertare și de proiectare a unui sistem.
  • Vei efectua analize de echivalență pentru componente înlocuitoare ale celor instalate inițial în sisteme.
  • Vei elabora documentația tehnică de tip breviare de calcul, proceduri, specificații tehnice, foi de date, instrucțiuni, rapoarte, evaluări și alte documente prevăzute în proceduri.
  • Vei dimensiona circuitele primare pentru stații de încărcare.
  • Vei realiza planuri pentru traseele de cabluri și jurnale de cabluri.
  • Vei realiza și centraliza documentația necesară avizării și verificării proiectelor.
  • Vei stabili, prin proiect, fazele de execuție determinate pentru lucrările aferente cerințelor și participarea pe șantier la verificările de calitate legate de acestea.
  • Vei elabora caiete de sarcini, instrucțiuni tehnice privind execuția lucrărilor, exploatarea, întreținerea și reparațiile.
  • Te vei deplasa la sediul clientului sau pe șantier pentru urmărirea proiectului din punct de vedere tehnic.
  • Vei asigura asistență tehnică profesională la montaj, la execuție și la PIF responsabililor tehnici cu execuția, personalului tehnic de specialitate.
  • Vei participa la întocmirea cărții tehnice a construcției și la recepția lucrărilor executate.
  • Vei stabili etapele de derulare ale proiectelor și le vei prezinta colaboratorilor, urmărind continuu realizarea acestora pentru a putea interveni în cazul unor abateri.


Experiență, calificări, cunoștințe și abilități:

  • Studii superioare cu profil electric - electrotehnică/ electroenergetică
  • Autorizație ANRE: IIIA +IIIB;
  • Experiență minimum 5 ani în proiectarea/ execuția/ mentenanța sistemelor electrice;
  • Cunoștințe avansate de AutoCAD (2D/3D);
  • Bună cunoaștere a standardelor, normelor și legislației din domeniu;
  • Cunoștinte limba engleză nivel mediu;
  • Cunoștințe de utilizare Microsoft Office și programe specifice de proiectare asistată de calculator;
  • Permis de conducere categoria B;
  • Responsabilitate în luarea deciziilor;
  • Capacitate de inovare și integrare soluții existente;
  • Atitudine proactivă în rezolvarea problemelor;
  • Prioritizarea în planificarea activităților;
  • Capacitatea de gestionare echipa multidiscilinară.

Reprezintă avantaj:

  •  Atestat Responsabil Tehnic cu Execuție, Verificator Proiecte.
  •  Cunoștințe Eplan Electric, NEPLAN și softuri simulare sisteme fotovoltaice (ex. PvSyst).



  • Asigurare medicală privată pentru tine și familie;
  • Acces la un program de dezvoltare personală și profesională;
  • Tichete de masă;
  • Concediu de odihnă extins, în funcție de vechimea în muncă.

Doar persoanele selectate vor fi invitate la interviu.


În cazul în care optezi să ne transmiți datele tale cu scopul de a candida pentru poziția menționată în prezentul anunț, te rugăm să iei cunoștință despre prevederile Notei de informare cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal ale candidaților:



Despre ENGIE

Grupul ENGIE este prezent în România în trei sectoare de activitate: gaze naturale, energie electrică şi servicii energetice. ENGIE Romania este principala filială a Grupului în România şi deţine companiile Distrigaz Sud Reţele, ENGIE Servicii, ENGIE Building Solutions, Alizeu Eolian şi Brăila Winds. Compania activează în următoarele domenii de activitate: distribuţie şi furnizare de gaze naturale, furnizare de energie electrică, servicii tehnice pentru instalaţiile de gaze naturale şi centrale termice şi producţie de energie electrică. ENGIE Romania şi filialele sale deservesc un portofoliu de 1,9 milioane de clienţi, operează o reţea de distribuţie de circa 20.000 km, deţin două parcuri eoliene cu o capacitate totală de 100 MW şi au peste 4.000 de angajaţi.


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Posting date : 30/09/2024

Requisition ID : 24354





INGINER – 4 posturi




Distrigaz Sud Rețele, filială a ENGIE Romania, este liderul distribuției de gaze naturale în România. Cu o expertiză de peste 47 de ani în acest domeniu, compania deține contracte de concesiune pentru distribuția de gaze naturale în 1.358 de localități, pe raza a 20 de județe din sudul și centrul României și a municipiului București, gestionând o rețea de distribuție de peste 22.500 de km.


La Distrigaz Sud Retele, dorim să venim în întâmpinarea nevoilor clienților noștri și să îi ajutăm să își atingă obiectivele, într-un mod eficient. Căutăm oameni talentați, care să pună clienții în centrul a tot ceea ce facem.


În prezent, căutăm o persoană care își dorește o carieră de Diriginte de Șantier, pentru a se alătura departamentului Inginerie rețea, în calitate de Inginer.


Dacă îți dorești să faci următorul pas în carieră, alături de o echipă competitivă și profesionistă, trimite-ne CV-ul tău. Ne poți ajuta să construim un viitor mai bun. Totul începe cu angajati remarcabili. Totul începe cu tine.


Ce vei face:

  • Vei oferi suport dirigintelui de șantier în urmărirea realizării lucrărilor de racordare (pregătirea, executarea, recepția lucrării) cu respectarea cerințelor de calitate;
  • Te vei asigura de încadrarea în termenele și bugetul stabilit în planul de investiții;
  • Vei urmări aplicarea tuturor prevederilor legislative din domeniul construcțiilor și gazelor naturale;
  • Vei oferi suport în gestionarea documentațiilor aferente activității;
  • Te vei implica în deblocarea întârzierilor apărute în diferite faze ale lucrărilor;
  • Vei face raportări periodice și/sau ocazionale solicitate;
  • Vei identifica și raporta problemele apărute în derularea lucrărilor de investiții;
  • Vei asigura suportul dirigintelui de șantier în toate fazele privind realizarea lucrărilor, după cum urmează:
    • În perioada de pregătire a executării lucrărilor, împreună cu dirigintele de șantier, studiezi proiectul, caietele de sarcini, tehnologiile și procedurile prevăzute pentru realizarea construcțiilor;
    • Însoțești dirigintele de șantier pe teren pentru a participa la anumite faze ale execuției;
    • În perioada de executare a lucrărilor asiguri suportul la verificarea în teren a execuției lucrărilor furnizând informații și dovezi, întocmind rapoarte pe lucrare;
    • Oferi suportul pentru a asigura realizarea lucrărilor în conformitate cu prevederile contractului, a proiectelor, a caietelor de sarcini si a reglementărilor tehnice în vigoare;
    • Asiguri suportul în urmărirea rezolvării problemelor constatate în teren în ceea ce privește execuția lucrărilor.


Experiență, calificări, cunoștințe și abilități:

  • Studii superioare tehnice finalizate cu diplomă de licență, cu specializările: Instalații pentru construcții sau Inginerie de petrol și gaze;
  • Instalator autorizat ANRE: EGIU sau PGIU si EGD sau PGD, cu experiență în autorizații de minimum 3 ani;
  • Permis de conducere categoria B;
  • Experiență profesională de minimum 3 ani în activități de proiectare si execuție si/sau consultanță în construcții, în rețele și instalații de gaze naturale;
  • Cunoașterea activităților sistemului de distribuție a gazelor naturale;
  • Cunoașterea modulelor SAP specifice activității (PS-IM, MM, ISU) – reprezintă avantaj;
  • Bune cunoștințe de operare MS Office;
  • Cunoștințe de legislație specifică;
  • Abilități de comunicare scrisă și verbală;
  • Demonstrează responsabilitate pentru activitățile desfășurate;
  • Capacitate de a respecta termenele limită;
  • Capacitate de planificare, organizare, analiză și sinteză;
  • Atitudine activă în soluționarea problemelor.



  • Asigurare medicală privată pentru tine și familie;
  • Acces la un program de dezvoltare personală și profesională;
  • Tichete de masă;
  • Concediu de odihnă extins, în funcție de vechimea în muncă;
  • Primă de vacanță.

Doar persoanele selectate vor fi invitate la interviu.


În cazul în care optezi să ne transmiți datele tale cu scopul de a candida pentru poziția menționată în prezentul anunț, te rugăm să iei cunoștință despre prevederile Notei de informare cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal ale candidaților:

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Job Posting Date

Country Director

Posting date : 01/07/2024

Requisition ID : 31246

Country Director

Job Title: Country Director

Department: Country Team

Reporting Line: Regional Country Director

Location: Cotonou, Benin

Job Grade: 20


About ENGIE Energy Access

ENGIE Energy Access is the leading Pay-As-You-Go (PAYGo) and mini-grids solutions provider in Africa. The company develops innovative, off-grid solar solutions for homes, public services and businesses, enabling customers and distribution partners access to clean, affordable energy. The PAYGO solar home systems are financed through affordable instalments from $0.19 per day and the mini-grids foster economic development by enabling electrical productive use and triggering business opportunities for entrepreneurs in rural communities. With over 1,800 employees, operations in nine countries across Africa (Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Benin), over 1.9 million customers and more than 9 million lives impacted so far, ENGIE Energy Access aims to impact 20 million lives across Africa by 2025.  


Job  Purpose/Mission 

ENGIE Energy Access (EEA) is looking for an experienced and mission-driven leader to for our operations in Benin. You should be hungry to make an ambitious pitch for a scaled and sustainable model for our successful solar home system (SHS) and nascent mini-grid products in the Benin market. You have the skills and passion to take an already high-performing team to new heights, and to solidify our market-leader status as we break into new verticals and optimize our business model over the coming years.

As the Country Director in Benin, you are ultimately accountable in country for all aspects of EEA Benin’s work including SHS and mini-grids. You will own the opportunity of leading and growing a high-performing team of over 200 (including a young and vibrant leadership team) and further scaling and diversifying our business by building out the operations for optimal geographical coverage of Benin, consolidating and leading our mini-grid business, developing government relationships, and ensuring the business’s long-term strategic and financial sustainability.


Strategy Development and Implementation

  • Develop and implement the multi-year strategic vision and annual country business plan, aligned to the overall EEA strategic plan for both Solar Home Systems and Mini-grids.
  • Drive business model innovations/evolutions that result in improved customer engagement, better repayment, and reduced bad debt for both SHS and mini-grid businesses.
  • Iterate and create a country-centric business model that has the ability to acquire hundreds of thousands of customers on an annual basis while driving to YoY profitability growth.
  • Gather insights to inform scalable, profitable, and sustainable commercialization strategies in subsequent years.
  • Participate in business development projects by contributing all necessary data and validating assumptions.
  • Continuously monitor company performance, product fit and pricing, marketing, sales, distribution, portfolio health, technical integration, and service with potential partners, as well as customer experience and country-specific customer insights.

Leadership and Management

  • Provide strong, visible, and inspirational leadership to Benin’s management team including SHS and mini-grid leaders thereby delivering bottom line business results.
  • Build a world class team that loves what they do and embodies our culture.
  • Build a culture of performance and accountability to execute against goals.
  • Lead management team in the resolution of operational challenges and contribute towards the creation of new and innovative solutions.
  • Lead the development of a sustainable team structure to support the operational requirements of the business.
  • Oversee the recruitment, development, retention, and engagement of all team members in Benin in collaboration with the HR department.
  • Act as custodian of succession plan development and implementation to support the growth of people within the organization.
  • Lead, coach, and mentor direct reports to foster personal growth and teamwork.
  • Manage the administration of direct reports through the approval of leave, subsistence, and travel expenses.


Finance Management and Operations Oversight

  • Manage the country P&L for Solar Home System and mini-grid businesses, drive performance, challenge spend, and lead changes to deliver higher value.
  • Own and manage Country performance management dashboard and financial model for both SHS and mini-grid.
  • Provide oversight in financial management matters of the country operations, ensuring compliance with the overall company’s procedures and external best practice as well as donor and regulatory requirements.
  • Develop and effectively execute the country resource allocation plan, using insights and a focus on opportunities, priorities, and capabilities for business growth.
  • Monitor cash flow to ensure effective cash management.
  • Oversee all operations in Benin including construction of mini-grid sites, development of SHS distribution networks, inventory management, etc. to ensure successful completion of projects, protect health and safety, and reduce loss.   
  • Monitor operational risks through the management of a comprehensive risk framework to assess risks and devise risk mitigation plans.


Health, Safety, and Security

  • Responsible for Health, Safety, and Security for all activities in the country.
  • Champion and maintain a culture of Health, Safety, and Security compliance, ensuring accountability throughout the organization for the safety of our staff and contractors.
  • Accountable for ensuring compliance by all teams in Benin to all EEA and ENGIE Group Health, Safety, and Security requirements.
  • Accountable for ensuring compliance by all teams in Benin to EEA and ENGIE Group Cyber Security requirements.



  • Adhere strictly to Engie's Ethics Charter, encompassing ethical conduct, conflict resolution, compliance with laws and regulations, and anti-wrongdoing standards.
  • Demonstrate ethical leadership by upholding the highest standards of integrity, corporate responsibility, and ethics, ensuring compliance with internal policies and external regulations.
  • Oversee the implementation and enforcement of ethics policies, report any violations promptly to the CEO and Head of Ethics, actively engage in ethics training, advocate a zero-tolerance stance against unethical behavior, and foster a culture promoting ethical conduct within the organization.
  • Ensure accurate financial and audit reporting and that all potential contractors complete an ethics due diligence.


Stakeholder Management

  • Locate, initiate, develop, and execute on key partnerships initiatives that can assist in distribution, branding, customer acquisition, and scale.
  • Own and ensure that EEA Benin maintains productive relations with all external stakeholders and partnerships (i.e., telcos, government, tax authorities, industry organizations, banks, multilaterals, donors, etc.)
  • Represent the country programs to authorities, donors, partners, and other relevant forums.
  • Engage with Group Executives on country operational matters and in the provision of input into high level strategy.
  • Participate in Country Board meetings and engage with shareholders and local chairpersons.
  • Strengthen EEA’s position nationally and regionally.
  • Leverage and collaborate with global team and other country leads for insight and support.


At EEA, we have high expectations for our managers. Each manager plays a key role in creating an exceptional experience not only for our customers but for every person on our team. Our managers help EEA realize our ambitious goals while developing their own leadership skills and facilitating growth for their direct reports. 

We believe that great managers:

  • Deliver ambitious results: As a high-performing and accountable leader, you create an enabling environment for effective action and bold decision which contribute to successful delivery of results.
  • Act with integrity: As an ethical leader you are honest, respectful, objective, and transparent. You create and build upon a foundation of trust and openness.
  • Inspire and mentor the team: As an inspirational leader you walk the talk. You empower and coach your team with trust and humility.
  • Are accessible: as an accessible leader, you develop and maintain deep connections with stakeholders through approachability and active listening.
  • Ensure diversity and inclusion: as an inclusive leader, you ensure diversity and foster a sense of belonging.


Knowledge and skills 


  • 12-15 years in a senior leadership role in a growing business of a reasonable size in B2B and B2C contexts
  • Strong GM experience, P&L responsibility, and orientation
  • Sales, Marketing and Consumer-oriented
  • Multi-channel sales distribution experience e.g., door to door, in-house retail, third party retail, partnerships, Telesales)
  • Experience representing a large and leading commercial multinational entity to both internal and external partners and authorities
  • Government and Labor stakeholder engagement experience
  • Experience of managing budgets and multiple stakeholder’s contracts
  • Proven commitment to accountability practices and knowledge of quality assurance systems
  • Experience with rural African Markets and financial services highly beneficial
  • Experience with sales oriented integrated operations in renewable energies sectors is preferred
  • Outstanding analytical skills and ability to synthesize analysis into practical strategy recommendations.
  • Understanding of asset & non-asset based business models and economics.
  • Experience with multi-entity governance.



  • A holder of a minimum master’s degree in Business Administration or equivalent in a relevant field



  • English
  • French


  • Experience in technology required for the role.


We thank all applicants for their interest, however due to the large volume of applications we receive, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


ENGIE is an equal opportunity employer, promoting diversity and committed to creating an inclusive environment for all. All applications are screened based on business needs, job requirements and individual qualifications, without any regard to origin, age, name, sexual identity, orientation or preference, religion, marital status, health, disability, political opinions, union involvement or citizenship. Our differences are our strengths! 



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High Voltage Program Manager

Posting date : 28/06/2024

Requisition ID : 31195

High Voltage Program Manager

What You Can Expect

As the High Voltage (HV) Program Manager within ENGIE North America’s Flexible Generation (FlexGen) Business Unit, your role involves managing the High Voltage equipment within the company’s Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) assets across the USA. To complete this, you'll be tasked with planning, coordination, and execution of maintenance plans across various high voltage equipment.


Reporting to the Asset Operations and Management Director, your primary duties encompass:


  • Serve as the Subject Matter Expert (SME) on High Voltage equipment health throughout the BESS project lifecycle, focusing on the operational stage but supporting commissioning and design groups as needed
  • Develop and implement planned maintenance programs, policies, and procedures ensuring alignment with various operational best practices and regulatory standards
  • Coordinate internal and external maintenance technicians for reactive maintenance
  • Prepare and submit reports to internal teams, documenting findings and areas for concern
  • Provide training and guidance to operational staff on requirements and best practices
  • Assess pre-operational project documents, designs, and plans for HV best practices
  • Collaborate with stakeholders industry partners to address compliance issues and ensure alignment with regulatory standards



What You’ll Bring

  • Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, Engineering, or a closely related technical discipline; In lieu of the educational requirement, we will accept a minimum of 7 years of experience working with High Voltage electrical equipment
  • Minimum seven (7) years’ experience in power industry; experience with BESS or renewables projects is preferred
  • Previous experience managing a team is preferred. Particular attention to previous field team management
  • Strong analytical skills and attention to detail
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to work collaboratively while managing individual priorities effectively


Additional Details

  • This role is eligible for our hybrid work policy
  • Must be available to travel domestically up to 30% of the time and with the need for some overnight trips
  • Must possess a valid U.S. driver’s license/clean driving record Must be willing and able to comply with all ENGIE ethics and safety policies



Salary Range: $112,000 – $172,500 USD annually

This represents the average expected pay range for a qualified candidate.


Actual offered salary may depend on geography, experience, industry knowledge, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors.


ENGIE complies with all federal, state, and local minimum wage laws. Actual salary offered may vary depending on geography, experience, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors.


In addition to base pay, this position is eligible for a competitive bonus / incentive plan.


Your Talent Acquisition Partner can share more specific information regarding the benefits or the salary for the position based on the work location.


At ENGIE, we take your well-being seriously. Our comprehensive benefits package includes options for medical, dental, vision, life insurance, employer-paid short-term and long-term disability insurance, ESPP, generous paid time off including wellness days, holidays and leave programs. We also help you plan for retirement by offering a 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan with a company match. But that's not all – we're dedicated to the health and happiness of your entire family, offering supplemental benefits for full time employees that enhance emotional and physical well-being through all stages of life from family forming to caregiver benefits. Explore our benefits package to see how we can support you. Learn more.




ENGIE North America isn’t just participating in the Zero-Carbon Transition, we’re leading it! Join us as we develop energy that is renewable, efficient, and accessible to everyone.


At ENGIE, our goal is to support, promote, and thrive on diversity, equity, and inclusion. We do so for the benefit of our employees, customers, products and services, and community. ENGIE is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace, and we are firmly committed to creating an equitable and inclusive environment for all employees.


We are committed to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, or other legally protected status.


If you need assistance with this application or a reasonable accommodation due to a disability, you may contact us at This email address is reserved for individuals with disabilities in need of assistance and is not a means of inquiry regarding positions or application status.


This role is eligible for sponsorship.


The safety of our employees is our number one priority. All employees at ENGIE have both a duty and the authority to STOP WORK if unsafe acts are observed.

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Real Time Optimization I

Posting date : 28/06/2024

Requisition ID : 29656

Real Time Optimization I

What You Can Expect

As a Real Time Optimization I, you will support the delivery of financial results of the region versus budget within the values and ethics of the company. You will support the implementation of real-time dispatch strategies for optimizing a portfolio of ENGIE and third party owned generation assets.


  • Responsible for implementation of asset dispatch strategies for optimizing ENGIE’s portfolio of generating assets
  • Responsible for submission of bids and offers into Independent System Operator’s (ISO’s) systems, ensuring timeliness and correctness
  • Maintain a continuous operation picture of fleet performance, position, and risks
  • Act as primary communication point between plants, Independent System Operators (ISOs), Transmission Operators (TOs), asset managers
  • Responsible for maintaining up-to-the minute status and for keeping documentation of important information (unit availability, generation level, dispatch base points, generation cost, fuel inventory, market prices, etc.)
  • Understands and conveys important pass down information at each shift-change
  • Communicate relevant information to stakeholders as appropriate in a timely manner
  • Act as a team member with all employees of ENGIE Energy Marketing North America staff
  • Comply with all ENGIE North America policies and procedures
  • Carry out other duties as assigned




What You’ll Bring

  • Bachelor’s degree in which you completed courses in business, finance, economics, engineering or equivalent combination of technical training
  • Ability to communicate effectively, both written and verbally
  • Ability to handle multiple assignments on a timely basis with a high degree of accuracy
  • Ability to meet highest attendance requirements
  • Ability to work 12-hour day shifts and 12-hour night shifts which routinely include working some weekends and holidays.  This position will start as a rotating shift position
  • High degree of proficiency in Microsoft Office, Excel and Word
  • Willingness and ability to obtain Pennsylvania New Jersey Maryland Interconnection (PJM) or North America Reliability Corporation (NERC) certification
  • Ability to learn power markets and ISO rules is required
  • Must possess strong analytical and decision-making skills
  • Adapt to working in a constantly changing environment, bidding strategies, unit commitment strategies



Additional Details

  • Must be willing and able to comply with ENGIE’s policy with respect to COVID vaccination and testing 
  • Must be willing and able to comply with all ENGIE ethics and safety policies 




Salary Range: $62,400 – $95,450 USD annually


This represents the average expected pay range for a qualified candidate.

Actual offered salary may depend on geography, experience, industry knowledge, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors.


ENGIE complies with all federal, state, and local minimum wage laws. Actual salary offered may vary depending on geography, experience, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors. 


In addition to base pay, this position is eligible for a competitive bonus / incentive plan.


Your Talent Acquisition Partner can share more specific information regarding the benefits or the salary for the position based on the work location.


At ENGIE, we take your well-being seriously. Our comprehensive benefits package includes options for medical, dental, vision, life insurance, employer-paid short-term and long-term disability insurance, ESPP, generous paid time off including wellness days, holidays and leave programs. We also help you plan for retirement by offering a 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan with a company match.  But that's not all – we're dedicated to the health and happiness of your entire family, offering supplemental benefits for full time employees that enhance emotional and physical well-being through all stages of life from family forming to caregiver benefits. Explore our benefits package to see how we can support you. Learn more.




ENGIE North America isn’t just participating in the Zero-Carbon Transition, we’re leading it!  Join us as we develop energy that is renewable, efficient, and accessible to everyone.  


At ENGIE, our goal is to support, promote, and thrive on diversity, equity, and inclusion.  We do so for the benefit of our employees, customers, products and services, and community.  ENGIE is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace, and we are firmly committed to creating an equitable and inclusive environment for all employees.


We are committed to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment.  All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, or other legally protected status.


If you need assistance with this application or a reasonable accommodation due to a disability, you may contact us at This email address is reserved for individuals with disabilities in need of assistance and is not a means of inquiry regarding positions or application status.


We are unable to sponsor or take over sponsorship of an employment visa for this role at any time.


The safety of our employees is our number one priority. All employees at ENGIE have both a duty and the authority to STOP WORK if unsafe acts are observed. 

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Senior Data Scientist, Performance Analytics

Posting date : 28/06/2024

Requisition ID : 31103

Senior Data Scientist, Performance Analytics

What You Can Expect

The Senior Data Scientist, Performance Analytics will be responsible for using statistical programs, developing internal analytical solutions, and using tools to conduct intensive analysis of project operations data.


Every day in this role the Senior Data Scientist will assist with maintaining data pipelines by collecting, cleaning, standardizing, and analyzing data from various internal and external sources.


  • Use effective communication skills to interpret data analysis results and articulate insights through clear written reports and persuasive oral presentations
  • Collaborate in the creation and ongoing enhancement of products that provide intuitive data visualizations and reports. These tools are designed to assist all users in comprehending complex concepts, discerning trends, and informing sound business judgments
  • Write ad hoc Python, SQL, scripts for development and analytics for the lost energy quantification
  • Contribute to the development and enhancement of routines that enhance business efficiency and analytical methodologies
  • Utilize parallelized programming (Databricks etc.) for batch processing across large datasets
  • Improve and recommend data collection, cleaning, and quality control specifications and data sampling techniques
  • Apply missing data treatments as needed for reporting
  • Collaborate with other data scientists and analysts to develop and refine best practices for analytics teams



What You’ll Bring

  • Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Finance, Engineering, Math, Physics, Data Science, Business Analytics, or similar field of quantitative study

  • Minimum of five (5) years of relevant work experience in the Renewable energy industry, such as trading, portfolio management, asset management, investment advisory, quantitative analytics, or risk analytics
  • Knowledge of Renewable and BESS asset revenue streams and their valuation
  • Proficiency in at least one programming language (e.g., Python, R, MATLAB, C/C++)
  • Familiarity with optimization models and linear optimization
  • Advanced Excel skills, working knowledge of VBA/SQL/Python
  • Previous experience building production level models for power markets
  • Demonstrated robust quantitative and analytical abilities, coupled with a meticulous approach to ensure precision and clarity in all tasks
  • Software/Database experience with SQL, Python, and Jupyter notebook
  • Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills



Additional Details

  • This role is eligible for our hybrid work policy
  • Ability to manage multiple assignments on a timely basis, tight deadlines, and with a high degree of accuracy
  • Must be willing and able to comply with all ENGIE ethics and safety policies




Salary Range: $84,000 – $128,800 USD annually


This represents the average expected pay range for a qualified candidate.

Actual offered salary may depend on geography, experience, industry knowledge, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors.


ENGIE complies with all federal, state, and local minimum wage laws. Actual salary offered may vary depending on geography, experience, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors.


In addition to base pay, this position is eligible for a competitive bonus / incentive plan.


Your Talent Acquisition Partner can share more specific information regarding the benefits or the salary for the position based on the work location.


At ENGIE, we take your well-being seriously. Our comprehensive benefits package includes options for medical, dental, vision, life insurance, employer-paid short-term and long-term disability insurance, ESPP, generous paid time off including wellness days, holidays and leave programs. We also help you plan for retirement by offering a 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan with a company match. But that's not all – we're dedicated to the health and happiness of your entire family, offering supplemental benefits for full time employees that enhance emotional and physical well-being through all stages of life from family forming to caregiver benefits. Explore our benefits package to see how we can support you. Learn more.




ENGIE North America isn’t just participating in the Zero-Carbon Transition, we’re leading it!  Join us as we develop energy that is renewable, efficient, and accessible to everyone.


At ENGIE, our goal is to support, promote, and thrive on diversity, equity, and inclusion. We do so for the benefit of our employees, customers, products and services, and community. ENGIE is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace, and we are firmly committed to creating an equitable and inclusive environment for all employees.


We are committed to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, or other legally protected status.


If you need assistance with this application or a reasonable accommodation due to a disability, you may contact us at This email address is reserved for individuals with disabilities in need of assistance and is not a means of inquiry regarding positions or application status.


We are unable to sponsor or take over sponsorship of an employment visa for this role at any time.


The safety of our employees is our number one priority. All employees at ENGIE have both a duty and the authority to STOP WORK if unsafe acts are observed. 


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Health & Safety Advisor

Posting date : 25/06/2024

Requisition ID : 30672

Health & Safety Advisor

What You Can Expect

As our Health and Safety Advisor in Houston, TX, you will be responsible for developing, implementing, and monitoring Health and Safety programs for the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) team, partnering with other Business Entities and Operating Companies’ and Health and Safety (H&S) staff to influence an organizational culture that leads to an injury free working environment. Every day you will support safety excellence through engaging with plant staff and leadership, incident review, safety trend tracking, and providing training and guidance. You will report to the Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) & IPOS Director and assist in development and implementation of a H&S Management System that encompasses standards of excellence, programs, policies, procedures and processes for ENGIE Energy Solutions (ES) North America.



What You’ll Bring

  • Associates Degree in Safety Management, Engineering, or Business, certifications in OSHA Safety and Certified Safety Professional
  • A minimum seven (7) years’ Safety Management; with three (3) of those years’ experience in thermal power generation and energy distribution preferred
  • Subject matter expert in OSHA (US) CFR 29 Parts 1910 / 1926
  • You have experience with root cause failure analysis (RCFA) tools and their application for recordable events. You are adept at leading serious incident investigations into High Potential (HiPo) incidents, including those resulting in a lost time accident
  • Experience with behavioral science and the psychology behind influencing change
  • Experience in commercial and industrial construction environments
  • You have experience working in environments with  thermal power generation and energy distribution plants, new construction solar and battery storage sites, facility O&M management, and the HVAC mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) contractors in the Commercial and Industrial (C&I) construction fields
  • You feel confident in supporting H&S database management and provides required monthly statistical reports to ES NorAm Business Unit (BU) corporate and Business Entity (BE) executives
  • As our Health and Safety Advisor you will conduct regular onsite training, supervision, compliance audits, incident investigations, and safety cultural assessments
  • You can identify countermeasures to prevent recurrence and eliminate deviations from the standard
  • Worked in an environment you have experience reviewing contractor safety plans and procedures to assure their standard is equal or more stringent than ES NorAm’s safety criteria as stipulated in the procurement Terms & Conditions



Additional Details

  • This is a field position requiring regular travel to operational  sites
  • This role requires daily attendance at a worksite
  • Must be available to travel domestically up to 50% of the time and with the need for some overnight trips
  • Must possess a valid U.S. driver’s license/clean driving record rental cars through ENGIE
  • Must be willing and able to comply with ENGIE’s policy with respect to COVID vaccination and testing
  • Must be willing and able to comply with all ENGIE ethics and safety policies
  • While performing the duties of this job, the employee can be exposed to weather conditions
  • The position consists of 75% work indoors and 25% work outdoors; outdoor work may expose the employee to weather conditions
  • Could involve some lifting / up to 50 lbs




Salary Range: $96,100 – $147,660 USD annually


This represents the average expected pay range for a qualified candidate.


Actual offered salary may depend on geography, experience, industry knowledge, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors.


ENGIE complies with all federal, state, and local minimum wage laws. Actual salary offered may vary depending on geography, experience, education, internal pay alignment, or other bona fide factors.


In addition to base pay, this position is eligible for a competitive bonus / incentive plan.


Your Talent Acquisition Partner can share more specific information regarding the benefits or the salary for the position based on the work location


At ENGIE, we take your well-being seriously. Our comprehensive benefits package includes options for medical, dental, vision, life insurance, employer-paid short-term and long-term disability insurance, ESPP, generous paid time off including wellness days, holidays and leave programs. We also help you plan for retirement by offering a 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan with a company match.  But that's not all – we're dedicated to the health and happiness of your entire family, offering supplemental benefits for full time employees that enhance emotional and physical well-being through all stages of life from family forming to caregiver benefits. Explore our benefits package to see how we can support you. Learn more.




ENGIE North America isn’t just participating in the Zero-Carbon Transition, we’re leading it!  Join us as we develop energy that is renewable, efficient, and accessible to everyone.  


At ENGIE, our goal is to support, promote, and thrive on diversity, equity, and inclusion.  We do so for the benefit of our employees, customers, products and services, and community.  ENGIE is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace, and we are firmly committed to creating an equitable and inclusive environment for all employees.


We are committed to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment.  All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, or other legally protected status.


If you need assistance with this application or a reasonable accommodation due to a disability, you may contact us at This email address is reserved for individuals with disabilities in need of assistance and is not a means of inquiry regarding positions or application status.


We are unable to sponsor or take over sponsorship of an employment visa for this role at any time.


The safety of our employees is our number one priority. All employees at ENGIE have both a duty and the authority to STOP WORK if unsafe acts are observed. 


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Thermal Design Engineer

Posting date : 25/06/2024

Requisition ID : 30906

Thermal Design Engineer

About us

Tractebel is a global engineering and consulting company delivering integrated solutions for sustainable energy and built environment projects. Our expertise is trusted worldwide across multiple markets like nuclear, renewables, power & heat, electrical grids, hydropower & dams, water resources & supply, desalination, complex & high-tech buildings, transport infrastructures, and ports & waterways.

By connecting strategy, design, engineering, social & environmental studies, project management and in-house digital application, we partner with companies and public authorities to create a positive impact on people and planet. 

Backed by more than 150 years of experience, today Tractebel is a community of over 6,000 passionate experts across the globe, committed to ethical business and the fight against climate change. Tractebel is part of the ENGIE Group, a global reference in low-carbon energy and services. 



  • You will design and consult on thermal power plants and related installations, ensuring control, efficiency, and safety standards are met or exceeded.
  • You will engage in projects focused on thermal energy, contributing to the transition towards sustainable power solutions.
  • You will produce Design Notes, Drafts, Specifications, Technical Specifications, and Briefs, as well as Progress Reports.
  • You will contribute to the quality assurance plan of your projects.
  • You will adhere to technical regulations and laws pertinent to your projects.
  • You will uphold and advocate for the Health/Safety guidelines outlined in the Project Safety Plan.
  • You will exchange expertise with project teams, fostering a collaborative environment.


  • Engineering degree (Bachelor / Master) specialized in the thermal field (Power engineering/Mechanical Engineering).
  • Solid understanding of thermal engineering principles.
  • Familiarity with design standards and regulations for thermal systems.
  • Experience with thermal power plants or networks is highly regarded.
  • Proficiency in design and software tools for thermal system design is mandatory.
  • Fluent in English; additional language skills are advantageous.
  • Proficient in the MS Office suite.
  • Willingness to travel, both domestically and internationally.
  • Possession of a driving license.
  • A proactive individual thriving in a dynamic setting.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal abilities.
  • Efficient, adaptable, and driven by results.

Our Offer:

We grow together with our employees. We offer the right conditions for this framework conditions: 

  • Future-proof workplace that combines medium-sized businesses with global perspectives and sustainability.
  • Varied and exciting work in which you can develop professionally and personally. No two days are the same!
  • Challenging and exciting international projects in a dynamic team of high-level experts.
  • Integrative working environment, characterized by the diversity of our employees and a working atmosphere in which working is a pleasure.
  • A culture of appreciation, equal opportunities and long-term international development opportunities.
  • A comprehensive induction as well as a range of further training measures and language courses in a company that always supports you.
  • An attractive compensation package.


Please note - roles and responsibilities may vary or can be tailored around your expertise.

Tractebel welcomes candidates from all backgrounds, and actively promotes Diversity in the workforce.

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