An LGBT+ community and “allies” that support it
What does “LGBT+” stand for?
The acronym refers to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender people, while the “+” includes all those who do not recognize themselves in these categories.
At ENGIE, the LGBT+ Friends network brings together approximately 350 members across the world, who share the same objective: to take concrete steps toward inclusion and quality of life at work for everyone. Five regional divisions help the Friends by ENGIE collective to adapt its approach to local realities so as to resonate with demands on the ground, which can differ from one region to the next.
From creating an e-learning module to organizing events, their scope is broad. Management relies on the LGBT+ Friends network to co-create tools and actions that are both relevant and adapted to various target audiences: HR, managers, employees, etc. Its aim? For the approach to be part of a “traditional” HR process, and no longer an unanticipated case-by-case topic in the usual processes.
| “When I joined in March 2020, our community had been around for three years. The network meant that the Group welcomed a range of profiles and free speech; it cultivated a trusting environment, with better quality of life at work. For many years, the consensus in France was that these issues should remain private. But not being oneself, or not being encouraged to talk about life outside the workplace weighs heavily on many lesbians, gay, bi, or transgender people.And this impacts their professional motivation and performance.” Alicia Gallard, consultant at ENGIE Consulting and member of the “Friends by ENGIE” community. |
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The FRIENDS network includes the LGBT+ population, along with its “allies.” These allies are all the people who are committed to the LGBT+ cause without being or asserting themselves as LGBT+ and who have been recognized by its community members as defending their rights.
All actions which are encouraged and supported by the Group.
Giving everyone the opportunity to be themselves is a right and a belief that is back at every Group level. In October 2021, ENGIE’s CEO, Catherine MacGregor, proved this by launching the inaugural “Friends by ENGIE” conference. In June 2022, Didier Holleaux, Executive Vice-President—renewed his support during a French webinar devoted to the LGBT+ topic. But our first actions on these issues go back even further than that.
Since 2012, various ENGIE efforts for inclusion have been recognized and rewarded with the “Label Diversité” in France. This national label is the best evidence of our commitment regarding discrimination and promoting diversity in how we manage human resources.
Five years later, ENGIE also signed the Autre Cercle LGBT+ Charter. It commits us to participating in a nationwide barometer that is published every two years, and to contribute our thoughts to an overall action plan In 2022, the charter was reconfirmed by Elise Maury, the Group’s HR Deputy Executive Vice President, to extend a partnership that benefits everyone.
Since 2020, the Group has also become a partner of the Têtu Connect think tank. It offers opportunities for shaping a more inclusive workplace for tomorrow alongside other companies.
Finally, to support all victims of discrimination, whether related to their sexual orientation, gender, social origin, or anything else, the Group has implemented a whistleblowing system called “Allodiscrim” to report any behavior that undermines the dignity of individuals and offers a legal advice service.
… and on a wider scale
None of these actions, which contribute to providing a more inclusive work environment, are exclusive to France. Our commitment to diversity, and more specifically in service of our LGBT+ employees, extend beyond what is required by law.
In January 2022, signing a new international social agreement gave a global dimension to our convictions. The agreement extends our actions in terms of inclusion and combating discrimination to all our employees worldwide. Today, 100,000 people are invited to wear their sexual orientation and gender identity with pride at ENGIE, without fear or shame.
Together, let us change mentalities and ensure fulfilling working conditions for all employees.