The vigilance plan
You will find on this page the elements relating to ENGIE SA’s vigilance plan and its implementation, taken in accordance with the French law on the duty of vigilance of parent companies and ordering companies.
Control system
The monitoring of the implementation of the Group’s Ethics, Compliance & Privacy policies is based on an annual compliance procedure and a dashboard of some 15 indicators (including the distribution of ethics documentation, training, implementation of ethics policies, etc.).
ENGIE Whistleblowing System
ENGIE has put in place a whistleblowing System that is open to all employees and stakeholders (suppliers, sub-contractors, unions, NGOs, etc.).This System supplements existing channels and strengthens the Group's Ethics and Compliance efforts.
Learn more
The Group's integrity approach: fight against fraud and corruption
The principle of integrity is one of the five fundamental principles on which ENGIE founds its ethics and compliance policy. This policy is implemented through all of ENGIE's procedures dedicated to the prevention of and fight against fraud, corruption and influence peddling. More broadly, the Group's integrity approach is reflected in the observance by everyone of the principle “behaving honestly and promoting a culture of integrity”.