
ENGIE’s Ethics code of conduct

ONE ENGIE, ONE ETHICS: all role models


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ENGIE’s code of ethical conduct applies to all Group employees worldwide as well as anyone assigned to a Group entity by an external company. It outlines the ethics principles that each employee must follow in their professional practices and behaviors.


A Code of Conduct for zero-tolerance

Because ethics and compliance are of utmost importance at ENGIE and because no compromise in this matter can be tolerated, an ethics code of conduct has been created for all of us, regardless of hierarchical level, function, or location. It is based on 5 founding principles.

1. Corruption and fraud are strictly prohibited. 

No form of corruption or influence peddling, no matter how minor, will be tolerated. 
This includes : payments made to a public authority to expedite an action, involvement in political financing, issuing unjustified invoices, professional opportunities (including internships) outside HR procedures.


2. Human rights must be respected. 

In line with our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy, the Group condemns all forms of discrimination. 
Forced or child labor is prohibited. Freedom of association is respected. Local communities must be systematically taken into consideration.


3. Environmental protection is a commitment that binds us. 

Environmental protection is at the core of the Group’s concerns and of its CSR commitments. Failing to conduct an impact assessment, whether environmental or societal, only doing so partially, or accepting suppliers’ practices that compromise our sustainability commitments, all breach our commitments. 


4. Laws and regulations apply to each of us. 

Respecting international sanctions and export control rules, fairness in our business practices and respecting competition are fundamental principles, regardless where we operate. 
Any agreement that restricts, favors, or penalizes competition (with or without resorting to defamation) is prohibited. Protecting the company, its employees, and its assets (personal data, sensitive information, or intellectual property, etc.) is imperative. 


5. Integrity and loyalty guide our relationships with third parties. 

In continuous interaction with public and semi-public authorities, ENGIE’s standards towards the quality of the projects it supports, the beneficiaries of its actions and the honest and transparent relationships it has with its stakeholders are very high. Any unethical attempt to influence a third party, any sponsorship activity undertaken in the context of a competitive bidding process or contract renewal, is a violation of the transparency rules that bind us. 



Our Daily Roadmap

For everyone to become familiar with this ethics code of conduct and implement it, we identified four action priorities: 

1. Commit at all levels 

ENGIE’s ethical commitment and its exemplarity principle apply to all employees without exception. Executives and managers have a key role to play, through their own conduct and by ensuring that their teams comply with ENGIE’s ethics code of conduct. 


2. Inform, educate and prevent

To combat corruption, all employees, especially those particularly exposed to this risk, must be aware of and trained on the overall «due diligence» policy (knowledge and assessment of third parties) to prevent unethical situations. The use of business consultants, service providers and suppliers is governed by strict rules and is subject to verifications prior to any involvement. 


3. Report and seek support 

All employees facing an unethical situation should not stay isolated and should report the incident to their hierarchy. If it is not possible to report such incident to the hierarchy or to the entity’s Ethics & Compliance Officer, a whistleblowing system is available at Group level. 


4. Sanction 

Our zero-tolerance principle requires that any violation of our ethics code of conduct results in sanctions. These sanctions will be applied by the manager of the concerned employee’s entity. Any act of corruption will result in dismissal



Any question? Any doubt? Need more information?
The Ethics, Compliance & Privacy Department can help you:
Whistleblowing system:


The ethical principles of our Group are based on the highest international standards that we promote in all our projects: 

  • The United Nations Convention against Corruption. 
  • The Convention of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions. 
  • The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
  • The International Bill of Human Rights, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. 
  • The Conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO).