
On-site solar and energy storage

Consume your own renewable energy at an optimised cost


How to decarbonise one’s activities, optimise energy costs and increase energy independence with a single solution? Solar photovoltaic installations on the sites of ENGIE’s customers, local authorities and businesses, are the response to such challenges. 

The Group designs, builds, operates, maintains and finances these solutions in more than 18 countries, supplying its customers with renewable energy produced on their sites, in the form of long-term electricity purchase contracts.


visuel solaire sur site


Solar self-consumption: a competitive energy lever for companies and local authorities

The cost of solar photovoltaic electricity has been divided by 10 in the last 12 years, making it one of the most competitive energy sources in the world today.

It is now possible to dispose one’s own autonomous energy ecosystems that can continuously meet up to 100% of one’s own electricity needs. This solution can make significant savings on energy costs, while sharply reducing CO2 emissions at the same time. It also gives much clearer long-term visibility of energy supply.


Tailored and flexible solutions

ENGIE adapts to the characteristics of its customers’ sites by proposing solutions that make the best possible use of all available spaces: on roofs, on car parks or on the ground.

Thanks to its position all along the value chain, ENGIE is able to propose financed solutions that can be completed by the supply of decarbonised energy from the grid.


Solar map


Flexisun®: an integrated offer that combines solar potential and energy storage

ENGIE developed Flexisun® so that solar energy generated on-site can also be consumed when the sun is not shining. This solution:

  • Maximises self-consumption of decarbonised energy, on average 20% higher than a photovoltaic installation alone
  • Further reduces CO2 emissions and electricity bills
  • Increases energy self-sufficiency and resilience with regard to the grid

Thanks to Flexisun®, it is also possible to:

  • Take advantage of other local renewable sources, or install charging stations for electric vehicles
  • Improve the quality and reliability of electricity supply
  • Benefit from the additional advantages offered by the battery: optimised prices, reduced consumption peaks, etc.

Finally, the Energy Management System (EMS) allows to control the installation in real time and to optimise the different components.

ENGIE is helping its customers to make the transition to carbon-neutral energy with a combination of local, renewable energy, with storage and energy management system.

Discover in images our integrated solution: